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Live Blogs Badfic Fetish has a thing for Stand My Ground (No, not that way!)
BadficFetish2010-12-13 22:45:31

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The Goffik Carnival meets its true enemy

Chapter 4: Evil Self

One dae, the Grifindor comon room exploded in a violent, explosive way. It was the characters from the Real Hogwarts escaping! Many people were hurt. They want VENGANCE! Luckily, everyone got out in time. Boo! That was when the evil side of Vampir Potter appeared. It was Corrupted Self, and he was pissed Vampir had done so much good 4 mankind. More than VashBlade, you mean? That's not difficult. They fought and Vampir did a crucio on corupted self. It laughed, it liked pain. Vampire should take lessons in Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors.

Corupted self used hyper beam. Vampir dodged and did abra kadaver, but the spell merely burnt the corrupted self's clothes like Yamamoto's fire did to Aizen the Captain of Broken. This is surprising how?

It went away for a while to torment the innocent. Corupted Self kicked a baby in a stroller down a big road, and it eventually hit a car, making the car explode very violently and distroying the entier block in a massive fire ball. Dumbelldoor was too busy being with his alzheimers to do anything about it.

"Should we do something? I do not remember how to do something." Yawn.

His alzheimers got mad and gave him a headache. It also manifested as a Gurren and killed him in order to liberate the Real Hogwarts.

Dumbledore then floods the block with a fan-made spell, causing a huge storm of the waters witch put out the fires of the explosions. Gee, that didn't cause more damage than the explosions, didn't it?

Meanwhile, Linda Darkness Demented beutiful Taraway was rapped And the music made her explode! by som gangster types doin da solja boy crank dance. Don't want to know. And den a pale dude saved her and looked at teh gangster types, who exploded into fire...lots of fire. Then he set her on fire as well.

The pale duud was Eduard Culin. He came to kill her either because Even Evil Has Standards or he doesn't want any rivals. He dazzled and was not the chagrined. Or not.

They sexed in the Gyrfindor. As expected. He put his thingy in her you know what and they did it. Then a pile of Flaming Steaks fell on them.

He was liek a vampire , I could make a joke about how Twilight Vampires are not real vampires but that would be an aged joke by now. but she was ok with it, cuz fangs make a guy hawt.

And den corupted self apeared and telepoted them into teh past. OH NOES!11111!11!

Not quite a bad tactic, actually. Now, have the real Hogwarts students escape murderously and we'll call it a day.

((OOC: Finished! Also, Corrupted Self originally came from the So Bad, It's Good fanfic Christian Humber Reloaded. Please check it out.))

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