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Live Blogs Let's Read John Carter of Mars
DrRockopolis2010-12-09 10:38:24

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The way the audiobooks open up, they make it sound like a Radio, that would be an interesting Troper Covens project.


Yeah, first published in 1912...I wonder how much Science Marches On I might find, although it's more of a Planetary Romance than Sci-Fi, despite being "of Mars".

Whew, three hours to go. I think I'll go back to reading.


Also, whoa; There's a John Carter of Texas Congressional District Thirty One.


Whew, I am exhausted. Another half hour before I can get on the train. I think I'll be in El Paso by the time I wake up. I might read a few chapters before sleeping, and blog them in the morning.

I like the way Burroughs writes, he's very descriptive and his words seem to flow right, but his tendency for Exposition is a bit jarring; was it the style back then?

  • On the other hand, it's probably natural for the memoirs these are supposed to be.

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