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Archived Discussion Main / KudzuPlot

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Licky Lindsay: As for the name of this trope, do people outside of the Deep South actually know what Kudzu is? As a southerner I'd always thought that was our thing. You know, like sweet tea and grits.

Dark Sasami: I know about it because it was actually in some textbook of mine somewhere in my youth as an example illustrating...something. No idea what the context was. But it was there.

I also know of grits — "Hominy grits?" "I think I can eat six if they're small" — and sweet tea, whose proponents were brought up on a forum somewhere as an example of common delusions in the same vein as audiophiles and wine connoisseurs. I wouldn't know, myself.

Incidentally, the Pacific Northwest analog for kudzu is blackberry bramble. Only ours has thorns.

Licky Lindsay: I was raised to think of sweet tea (iced of course) as the default mode of tea consumption. I didn't drink tea served hot until my teens when I picked up an Earl Grey habit from (I Am Not Making This Up) a certain bald, British-sounding-even-though-he's-got-a-French-name starship captain.

Oh, and we got blackberries down here too. A friend of mine told me that her mother was actually unaware that you could buy blackberries commercially until fairly late in life. She thought the way to get them was to just pick them off the roadside or an abandoned field somewhere.

Morgan Wick: Kudzu is fairly well known outside the South if only for the phrase "grows like kudzu". The origin of that reputation, however... not so well known.

Malicious Illusion: It'd be hard for me NOT to know what kudzu is, considering it's trying to eat my house. But then again, I am from the south, so yeah.

Filby: Given that this article is explicitly the same as The Chris Carter Effect in a specific media, and that several examples from this page are on that one already, is there any reason not to merge the two? (For what it's worth I think "Kudzu Plot" is a better title just 'cause it's more general, but we can cross that bridge if we come to it...)

Ninjacrat: It seems to overlap with Claremont Coefficient moreso. I'd merge those two. Or all three.

I agree about keeping the Kudzu Plot title, if only because I named it. :)

Filby: *facepalm* I meant Claremont Coefficient, not The Chris Carter Effect. Sorry. My bad. Though there does seem to be a lot of overlap between all three.

Clarabell: Does The Big Lebowski apply? It just strings the viewer along until it's discovered that each plot point only connects to the one preceding and the one following it — one giant chain reaction that doesn't draw all the pieces together elegantly. It seems to be really hard to describe, actually ...

Ethereal Mutation: Not really. This is more for things that at least have a pretense of a strong continuity. The Big Lebowski was almost Negative Continuity in a single film.

i8246i: removed Kingdom Hearts entry; You were supposed to take anything the game threw at you with a grain bucketfull of salt. The story, characters....everything related to the plot wasn't thought through very well, but it made sense in its own way, if you just stopped caring and played the game. The moment you start to critique the story, the game becomes So Bad Its Horrible.

Its like watching an action movie...doesn't matter how many crates of Fridge Logic they've decided to open up...THERE'S ACTION AND EXPLOSIONS GOING ON! HIS AXE IS ON FIRE! HE KILLED YOUR PARENTS! GET UP ON THE HYDRA'S BACK!

ccoa Merged with Claremont Coefficient by unanimous vote. Forum thread for posterity.

  • Since this has been done, could someone explain just what the hell the Claremont Coefficient actually refers to for those of us who are late to the party and how are MASSIVELY confused by the examples on this page now?
  • Never mind. Found it half way down the examples list in the Comic Books section. I suggest moving it up to above the split.

Joshi: "Specifically, The Imprisoning War, a major event in the back story of A Link to the Past, the first prequel to the original game, has two possible candidates to explain it." What? I am pretty sure Link to the Past has long, long since been confirmed as being chronologically near the end of whatever timeline they had. In particular I am pretty sure that, after Ocarina of Time, Miyamoto confirmed the order of the four 'main' games at the time, with Oo T at the beginning and Ltt P at the end.

Freezer: Zapped this:
  • Jean Auel's Earth's Children Series refuses to end. It limped on after The Plains of Passage.
If there's some over-arching plot threads between books that need pruning Please Elaborate. Otherwise, this belongs under Cash-Cow Franchise or Franchise Zombie.

Moogi: I'm removing this piece of bile from the article. Reading it over, it's nothing but sour grapes from some fan who didn't like the direction the series was going in. I would kindly point out that not every fan thinks this, and putting it up here implies that all of TV Tropes agrees with it.
  • The Star Wars Expanded Universe is becoming this and a rapidly decaying adaptation. People try to play at being George Lucas, but it results in Epic Fail. Character Derailment abounds, especially with Luke Skywalker and, most notoriously, Jacen Solo. The authors who developed much of his original character in the first place allowed him to go out with a heroic sacrifice when they killed him off to prevent further abuse. And that's only the tip of the iceberg. Just look at Wookieepedia. It's going to take one HELL of an Author's Saving Throw to rescue this.
