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Tropers / Cube GET

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CubeGET,note  is a Live-Action Web Video series taking place in the suburban town of Potato, which is much like any Eagleland town, but 20 Minutes into the Future. The series features a middle-aged woman named Candace (played by Halle Berry), who has been tasked by the CEO of her workplace John John (Joel McHale) to babysit his two sons, Joe (himself) and Xilkrixlb (Larry King). Trouble soon follows however, when a stray solar flare from the sun knocks out the power in town and causes the economy to collapse while instantaneously giving everyone goofy hair. This immediately results in the hair stylists of all neighboring towns coming into Potato to invade everyone's homes and assault them for their crimes against the fashion world. Candace and the kids must flee the Earth with the help of a local astronaut and pasta connoisseur named Iroi (Vincent Vinesauce). They succeed at escaping Earth and find themselves on planet Geolyte, where they learn that Xilkrixlb was born there and was never human all along. The four of them rally the planet to fight against the ghost of a dream of a memory of a cyborg warrior (Ryan Gosling), who was hired by John John, and is revealed to be the cause of all their problems up to that point. Also, i just made this all up. I dont know what to put here.

This series has examples of:

  • Old Master: Xilkrixlb's father, Xddcc, acts as a mentor to him. He is eight thousand eight hundred and eighty eight years old.
  • Blessed Are The Cheesemakers: what even was this "trope"? seriously...
  • Shadowed Face, Glowing Eyes: The manic hair stylists all have hairstyles which cover their entire faces. The bits which are visible are pitch black, except for their glowing eyes.
  • Multi-Character Title: CubeGET is two names mashed together, which refer to Candace's pet cat and dog respectively. Neither of them have any role in the series.
  • The Slug: I bet you cant guess what this one was about from it's name. Go ahead, try.
  • Torso with a View: The CEO is eventually defeated by being shot by a bully gun, leaving a huge hole directly through his chest.
  • its too much work to alphabetize these, and i dont even wanna try
  • Widget Series: Averted. This show is so very cool and good.
  • Heroic Comedic Sociopath: Most characters in the show are obsessed with guns, swearing, drugs, violence in movies, and sex on tv. Despite this, they ultimately end up saving the world.
  • Product Placement: Halfway through boarding Iroi's rocket, the group halts in their tracks to talk about their favorite videogames and why they're so amazing, including Puyo Puyo, The Binding of Isaac, Starbound, Fortnite (yes really), Roblox, Terraria, punching orphans, and Patapon. Unlike most examples of this trope, they're completely right and you should go play them right now.
  • Big Eater: i usually kill the doordash guy after he brings me my food. he served his purpose in life.
  • Pun: candace nuts fit in your mouth lmao gotteem
    • joe mama lol
  • Your Mom: See above
  • Deadly Gaze: Iroi is a homosexual, and his martial arts are indeed quite deadly.
  • Spell My Name With An S: I meant to spell Iroi's name as Iori when i first started writing this stupid page. Oh well, too late to fix it now. Also wtf was this trope even
  • Anthropomorphic Food: Joe bites a slice of space pizza, which then proceeds to scream and punch him in retaliation. Both end up fine, but Joe gets sued by the pizza slice's estate.
  • Critical Dissonance: i got taken to this page from the random trope button even though it's not a trope. Someone's lying.....
  • H-Game: 😳
  • Eternal September: Back when this Useful Notes page was a trope page, there was a really long example about Roblox. If anyone knows how i could find it again pls pm me
  • Idiosyncrazy: A rare heroic example from Iori. He's fixated on treating everything he does like its a Twitch stream, such as constantly wearing headphones and referring to other people as "chat" or "someone in chat". Thankfully, he doesn't call out donations.
  • Clapper Gag: Candace's house lights operate by the sound of clapping. She laments that it prevents her from getting past 3rd base with hot guys she invites over.
  • Thundering Herd: The rabid hair stylists appear this way when chasing our heroes.
  • Black Box: Played straight, except the box is purple and transparent.
  • Confessional:
    • ngl i kinda don't like the mods of this site. Not maliciously or outwardly, or anything like that. i just feel like if i ever spent time hanging out with them irl, I'd hate every moment of it. If youre a mod and youre reading this, lighten up, man. Have fun every once in a while.
    • I used to browse this site on the school computers when i was like 16. I tried to make an account back then, but account creation was less straightforward than it is now, so i never ended up logging in after reserving that other username. oops lol
    • i unironically think shadow the hedgehog is cool
    • pretty sure this one aint a trope either
  • "Everyone Dies" Ending: Played straight. In the end, everyone dies.
  • Bittersweet Ending: As stated above, in the end, everyone dies. Thankfully, the deaths are all due to old age/natural causes. They also aren't shown on-screen, as they occur decades after the final episode of the series. Meaning everyone lived full, normal lives.
  • Old Shame: how did Cutaway Gag EVER get greenlit with the name Manatee Gag? I dont hate South Park or anything, but that's such a terrible name for the trope that i get secondhand embarrassment just from reading it. someone should be fired.
  • Author Tract: This page. Yes, even the parts which may piss you off.
  • You Cannot Grasp the True Form: it's weird how whenever someone encounters an opinion/belief that's extremely different from their own, they leap to the conclusion that the other person is trolling. Its super pathetic to outright deny that something/someone exists just because it doesn't fit into your narrow worldview. The online world would be far better if we all collectively kicked that habit. With that said...
  • Artistic License – Religion: In one episode, a character has a near-death experience. He then says that he briefly saw God in a Fluffy Cloud Heaven in front of gates to a Sugar Bowl. Despite popular belief, the Christian God is not benevolent.Click Me Thus, the character's description of the afterlife is wholly inaccurate. It would be more like a Crapsack World ruled by a manchild tyrant, assuming religion is real in the first place. which they probably arent, lmao.
  • Truth in Television: In one episode, Candace casually reveals that she's a Satanist, which shocks Iroi. She proceeds to explain that Satanism isn't at all like the way it's portrayed in media, and that it's merely a form of agnosticism. This is completely true in real life: Satanists do not perform ritualistic sacrifices while worshipping Satan, or even believe in the existence of him at all. They're just science-believing agnostics who embrace the aesthetics of Fire and Brimstone Hell while advocating against religious persecution. Most that you'll meet in the real world are functional well-adjusted individuals, if a bit abrasive.
  • Artistic License – Paleontology: One of Xilkrixlb's hobbies is collecting dinosaur figurines. Among his collection of real world dinos is a made-up one called Dracorex Hogwartsia. While this makes for a neat little shout-out to Harry Potter, there is no actual dinosaur named this in real life. Obviously, we have safeguards in place to prevent the people who discover new species from naming them utterly ridiculous, cringe-inducing names that are based on that one person's personal interests. Especially when those interests have an obnoxious fanbase, and the creator of the work is a transphobic queer baiter. Either way, no reasonable person would study for years to become a paleontologist and then make something like THAT their legacy. Can you imagine? Harry potter?? really??
  • Deconstruction: Candace's job has all the traits of a typical Soul-Crushing Desk Job. When Iroi (who works as a waiter) learns about this, he expresses pity for her, which Candace quickly points out is unneeded.
Candace: Are you kidding? I get paid money for sitting down, pushing buttons at a computer, and occasionally making a phone call. At worst it's kinda boring, but that's still heaven compared to retail and food service. If i had to stand on my feet all day while kissing customer's asses to pay bills I'd probably just kill myself. Anyone else in my position who doesn't see it this way is a spoiled baby. [turns directly towards the viewer]
