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Shout Out / InCryptid

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  • The Incredibles: Verity specifically calls out the villain for monologuing.
  • The two cuckoos in the family are Angela Baker and Sarah Zellaby, referencing Angela Zellaby from The Midwich Cuckoos. This, like their psi-etiquette, chosen from Babylon 5, is an in-universe character choice. Sarah's IM username is also "Midwich_Girl".
  • An obscure reference to another filker: "Emerald Green" is a Pegasus-winning song. The writer of "Emerald Green" also has a song about a Siren making a living as a singer.
  • Dire Straits: Verity invokes "Money for Nothing" when having to talk to Candy about something (and the titles of Magic for Nothing and Tricks for Free are also references to the song).
  • Because Antimony reads a lot of comics, she refers to one of Verity's moves as "pulling a Gwen Stacy".
    • Sam invokes Gwen Stacynote  to put Timpani at ease when they're on the trapeze to assure her he won't death drop her.
  • Super Chicken: "you knew the job was dangerous when you took it" is paraphrased here as it was in Newsflesh, although attributed to Darkwing Duck; making it double as Creator In-Joke.
  • Kim Possible: Antimony uses Kim's Catchphrase, "What's the sitch?"
  • Antimony also peppers her internal monologue with references to shows and animation:
  • The field guide mentions that the Angler Tortoise may have inspired the Graboids of Tremors.
  • In an interviewnote , Seanan mentions that Evelyn is "basically Marilyn Munster, and that makes me happy."
  • In a Tumblr post, Seanan confirmed that Verity was named after Verity Lambert.

Discount Armageddon

  • Verity is thankful that her grandmother took shots at The Boob Fairynote , resulting in the girls of the family being modestly endowed.
  • Land of the Lost (1974): Verity refers to an unknown creature as a Sleestak until she finds out what it really is.

Midnight Blue-Light Special

  • Kitty is a fan of Sesame Street and owns both Elmo slippers and Grover pajamas.

Verity Shorts

Waking Up in Vegas
  • The title may be from the Katy Perry song of the same name.
  • Dominic pulls apart the lyrics of "Folsom Prison Blues":
    Dominic: Why would you shoot a man just to watch him die? If you shoot a man, it should be because you want that man dead. Shooting him simply to see what happens is a waste of both bullets and a good opponent. It makes no sense.
  • The Aeslin mice watch the VH1 Video Countdown and try to match Taylor Swift's dance moves. Later on, they watch a Law & Order marathon.

My Last Name

  • Verity compares her mom's appearance to Carol Brady.
  • The Aeslin mice's "yay, we're almost home" song includes several verses from "The Wheels on the Bus".

Half-Off Ragnarok

  • Sarah likes watching mathematical television shows like NUMB3RS and Square One TV.
  • When discussing her scrambled brain, Sarah references classic children's stories through the Queen of Hearts and Humpty Dumpty.
  • Chandi is a fan of LazyTown, while a gorgon child likes Pokémon. Many child visitors to the zoo must be convinced that Slytherin doesn't make all snakes evil.
  • Alex describes Sarah giving the Covenant agents Laser-Guided Amnesia in the previous book as convincing them that the inhabitants of New York were not the droids they were looking for.

Magic for Nothing

  • The person who trained Antimony on the flying trapeze was Grayson Campbell, which makes it a meta and in character Meaningful Name since Nightwing was circus born trapeze artist Dick Grayson in the comics, who grows up to use I Shall Taunt You as a combat technique, much like Verity, Timpani and Sam do.
  • Antimony has a female Aeslin Mouse she calls Mindy. When a male Aeslin shows up and joins them, she informs him she can't pronounce his real name and asks if it's all right to address him as Mork.
  • Antimony calls for her Aunt Mary by reciting, "Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse," much to Mary's dismay.
  • The Covenant uses Men in Black as a reference point and a method of making their goals accessible to modern day recruits.
  • Antimony complains that the Covenant, being the dark side, should have offered her cookies.
  • Timpani mentions the Stalk from Saga after meeting a cryptid who looks an awful lot like the character.
  • Antimony ends up hitchhiking on a lonely stretch of road, like the end scene of every episode of The Incredible Hulk (1977).

Calculated Risks

Spelunking Through Hell

Backpacking Through Bedlam

Antimony shorts

Singing the Comic-Con Blues
  • "I am what happens when nerds are allowed to marry nerds and thus produce even more nerds, like nerdiness squared, like what happens when Seymour from Little Shop is allowed to hook up with Jordan from Real Genius. And if you got both those references, odds are good that you're a nerd, too."
  • Artie jokingly suggests Aquaman as a solution to the siren problem.
  • Antimony talks about Alex's membership in the Society for Creative Anachronism in the exposition.
  • "As if reading comics were anything unusual in a world where Iron Man is still breaking merchandising and box office records."
  • "Age of the geek, baby."
  • The Aeslin mice completely clear any leftover food from plates, described as one of their more Cinderella-esque attributes.
  • Once they get to Seattle, Sarah points out a cosplayer dressed as Marvel Girl, another telepath.
  • Antimony cosplays as Lara Croft (or at least a generic tomb-raiding female Adventurer Archaeologist). Sarah cosplays as a Jedi, appropriate for someone using Jedi Mind Tricks to get into the convention.
  • Annie likens the show floor opening up to Wonka's chocolate factory.


Fran and Jonathan shorts

Stingers and Strangers

Alice and Thomas shorts

Take the Shot


Other shorts

  • After waking from sedation, Elsie Harrington acknowledges she's getting her faculties back by wiggling her big toe.
