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Roleplay / Permaneo Spes

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When the darkness invades, their powers shall awaken.

Permaneo Spes is an Hetalia: Axis Powers Role Play.

In the beginning, everyone's favorite nations were going about their business ... until the shadows started to move. Some turned into mighty beasts that ravaged the cities; some turned into hands that strangled all they touched; some others still turned out to be real people with real agendas for harming our nations.

To counter the new menace, the nations will receive gifts of incredible powers, from clairvoyance to fire manipulation to phasing through tangible objects.

This page will be divided into two sections; tropes that occur with in the RP itself, and things that aren't in the RP but still have to do with the characters/being in-character.

One thing: please use the Nation's country name if you are referring to the player and the Nation's human name if you're talking specifically about that nation. It's just for the sake of organization/avoiding confusion. However, Nations without a canon human name will still have their country name put beside the made-up name.

In-Universe Role Play Tropes:

  • Energy Absorption: Mathias (Denmark). He absorbs kinetic energy from the hits he takes and uses it for his own strength.
  • Glass Cannon: Mathias (Denmark). Even though his power requires him to get hit in order to send his "attack power" to insanely high levels, it's not like he's (almost) invincible like Ludwig is. Thus, the more he gets hit, the more he gets wounded, and he becomes a case of one of those "one hit-point wonders" who are absolutely DESTRUCTIVE when close to death (although that's looking at it from a video game-like standpoint).
  • Master of Illusion: Raivis, although he's far from a master. He typically sticks to making images of things that aren't actually there, and they tend to shake/flicker if he's too nervous. His favorite illusion so far seems to be hiding inside a giant matryoshka/Russian stacking doll. Which, as stated earlier, gives him away by shaking like he does. (It also doesn't help that said Russian stacking dolls don't blend in well with any environment.
  • Power Incontinence: Norway's telepathy allows him to hear the thoughts of EVERYONE, ALL THE TIME, with no way to turn the voices off or down.
  • Touch of Death: Technically, Sindri's (Iceland) power is to manipulate body temperature, but he can touch someone and kill them with either hyperthermia or hypothermia.

Not RP, but IC tropes:

  • Big Eater: Gilbert, if the Oregon Trail escapades are anything to go by. (ie. "It's YOUR fault that we go through 25 lbs of food a day!" or "Why did we go through X lbs of food in Y amount of days? ... GILBERRRRRTTTT!")
  • Denied Food as Punishment: As a general rule, during an Oregon Trail run, Gilbert is tied down so that he doesn't eat everything. There was also an instance of denied BEER as punishment, when Ludwig tried to keep beer completely out of the house for a full week. He failed.
  • Fantastic Arousal: Aside from the canon Italy-curls, other nation-tans seemed to have been assigned special ... spots.
    • Denmark would really like it if you would stop touching his cat ears
    • China would also appreciate it if you would not touch his long hair, no matter how tempting it may be.
    • Hong Kong glares at you to not touch his cursed eyebrows or be blown up with his firecrackers ...
    • Korea dislikes having Seoul molested, too.
    • England prefers you leave HIS eyebrows alone, as well, lest you want a kick to the face.
  • "Freaky Friday" Flip: One of the side rps where every nation wakes up in another's body. Leading to interesting reactions by the guys who got girl's bodies.
