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Recap / Transformers: Animated, S2E8: SUV: Society of Ultimate Villainy

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Aided by a mysterious benefactor, the B-level villains team up to take down the Autobots— and Detroit —once and for all.


  • Actually Pretty Funny: Nanosec laughs at Slow-Mo's "big time" pun.
  • Aesop Amnesia: This isn't the first time that Bumblebee's ego got in the way of a mission and he had to learn a lesson in teamwork and humility.
  • And I Must Scream:
    • The characters temporarily frozen by Slo-Mo's timepiece are not able to move or talk, but they are aware of their surroundings.
    • At the end of the episode, Swindle is frozen in time and stuck in his vehicle mode. He gets out later, though.
  • Big "NO!": Swindle when Sari turns off the device.
  • Call-Back: Without naming names, Swindle says he got the comlink frequency from a mutual bounty-hunting friend who was recently in contact with Megatron.
  • Double Meaning: The episode description mentions a "mysterious benefactor", which one could either take to mean Slo-Mo... or Swindle.
  • Enemy Mine: The Society of Ultimate Villainy temporarily team up with Sari and Bumblebee after they are betrayed by Swindle to get back at him. Subverted as, the second Swindle is defeated, they backstab the two and try to escape.
  • Failed a Spot Check: Despite the fact that living robots who can turn into vehicles have been in the city for close to a year by that point (not to mention the fact that they've all fought Autobots at least once), none of the SUV suspect that the self-driving car that magically appeared when they needed it and who's radio gives them their big job is a Cybertronian.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Slo-Mo says she spent her days slaving away at a dull job in a clock factory before she obtained the means to slow down time.
  • Fun with Acronyms: Society of Ultimate Villainy is obviously an anagram for SUV, which is what Swindle's vehicle mode is.
  • Funny Background Event: As Angry Archer drones on about Slo-Mo's offer, Professor Princess can be seen expressing irritation with his Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe dialogue.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Professor Princess disarmed Angry Archer's exploding arrows.
    Professor Princess: Explosions aren't nice. EXCEPT WHEN THEY LOOK LIKE BEAUTIFUL RAINBOWS!
  • Ignored Aesop: After repeatedly struggling because he prioritized his ego over teamwork, Bumblebee says he did learn a lesson in all this.
    Bumblebee: Oh, yeah. Even a star player needs back-up sometimes.
    [beat, as the other Autobots just stare at him indignantly]
  • Meaningful Echo: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
  • Minion with an F in Evil: Since Professor Princess focused on stealing dolls instead of more valuable goods, Slo-Mo questions if she gets the point of all this.
  • Motor Mouth: In contrast to her name and gimmick, Slo-Mo speaks rapidly.
  • Mythology Gag: Swindle mentions having deals with the Vok on Nexus Zero.
  • No-Sell: Slo-Mo's blast is useless against Swindle, thanks to the negatronic force field he got from the Vok.
  • Only in It for the Money: Swindle knows war is about to erupt between Autobots and Decepticons. He's certain his invention will make him a fortune.
  • Pet the Dog: Slo-Mo used her power to restore Nanosec to his original age.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: The human villains agree to help Bumblebee and Sari to get back at Swindle. Of course, once they do that, they pull a double cross.
  • Put on a Prison Bus: All the human villains that make up "The Society" are sent to prison at the end of the episode and do not make any reappearances after that.
  • Ship Tease: Nanosec and Slo-Mo mutually flirt with each other during the episode.
  • Title Drop: Nanosec suggests the Society of Ultimate Villainy to be the name of their syndicate.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Swindle uses the human villains to acquire the parts needed for his ultimate weapon. Once he gets what he wants, he betrays them and claims the AllSpark fragment to complete the device.
  • Villain Team-Up: Angry Archer, Nanosec, Professor Princess and Slo-Mo all team up to form a crime syndicate together. Though Professor Princess claims she isn't a criminal, she still agrees to it.
  • Wham Shot: The villains' ride transforming into Swindle.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Once Slo-Mo refuses to hand over her timepiece, Swindle takes it for himself and shoots the ground below the villains.
