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Recap / The Gifted S2E8 "the dreaM"

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Season 2, Episode 08:

the dreaM
"I'd rather have her grow up hating me, than not grow up at all."
Written by Carly Soteras
Directed by Robert Duncan McNeill

"Well, if the world's a tinderbox and the Inner Circle's out there lighting matches, we have to do something."
Marcos Diaz / Eclipse

After the attack on Creed Financial, violence spikes as the Underground attempts to figure out the Inner Circle's next move.


  • All the Other Reindeer: Lorna was a social outcast even before her powers became known to the public, due to her bipolar disorder and her green hair.
  • Body Horror: Rebecca twists a man so his limbs are reversed and his face is horribly distorted.
  • Daddy Had a Good Reason for Abandoning You: Lorna realizes that Magneto left her with a relative not because he didn't want her, but to protect her from the consequences of his actions. She's forced to do the same with Dawn.
  • Flashback: Several, which focus on Lorna's past.
  • From Bad to Worse: Rebecca's actions caused the hatred for mutants to intensify, to the point where people on the street attack and burn down mutant foster care facilities.
  • Green Thumb: Shawna's mutant power allows her to make plants rapidly grow. Garber keeps her on staff as a gardener.
  • I Am Not My Father: What Lorna initially wants to do. Sadly, she ends up making the exact same decision he made regarding to her later towards Dawn.
  • Important Haircut: After giving up her daughter, Lorna cuts her hair short and stretches Magneto's medallion into a headband.
  • My Significance Sense Is Tingling: Blink can sense where Rebecca used her powers because she can feel an abject wrongness from the twisted dimensions.
  • Mythology Gag: The piece of metal Lorna makes her iconic head gear out of has some markings on it that resemble Magneto's helmet.
  • Old Friend: Madeline Garber, an old colleague of Otto von Strucker who helped him suppress Reed's X-Gene and is now working on a cure for it.
  • Parents as People: While Reed is still angry at his dad for keeping his powers and heritage a secret, Madeline speaks in favour of his descision, as he felt horrible about being brought up by a pair of horrible terrorists.
  • Power Nullifier: Reed is given another dose of serum to suppress his powers, though it's only a temporary solution. Garber hopes to use his and Lauren's DNA to formulate a serum that will completely suppress the X-gene.
  • Rebellious Spirit: Lorna, who got arrested as a teen several times.
  • Resignations Not Accepted: Rebecca tries to run from the Inner Circle, but Reeva won't leave her as a loose end and Fade eventually catches her.
  • The Reveal: Madeline's brother, Matthew Risman, founded the Purifiers.
  • Revenge by Proxy: The people on the streets are attacking random mutants for what Rebecca did.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Rebecca runs when it's made clear her rash decision to murder the bank employees won't go over well with the rest of the Inner Circle.
  • Ship Tease: Lauren gets some with Noah, Madeline's medical assistant.
  • Tantrum Throwing: Marcos, after saying goodbye to Dawn.
  • Twofer Token Minority: Shawna, one of the mutants at Madeline's facility, also has Down Syndrome.
  • What the Hell, Hero?:
    • Lorna doesn't mince words towards Rebecca, outright calling her a psycho.
    • Later, Marcos chews out Lorna, blaming her and the Inner Circle for the current civilian unrest on the streets.
      Marcos: You and Reeva and all of your new friends... you set the world on fire and now you're worried that your daughter might get burned. Damn. You're a real piece of work, you know that?
  • Would Hurt a Child:
    • The Underground and the Inner Circle hear about a mutant foster care facility being burned down by the angry mob.
    • When Fade finds Rebecca, he threatens to cut her throat should she attempt to use her powers.

"You're picking a fight we can't win because you think you can't die."
