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This is so Nineties!
Kimberly doesn't know how right she is, Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers

"Buck has a cell phone, but Ken Ritz doesn't. It's apparently possible, but not easy, to find an airport's phone number "on the Internet or something." And the expense of long-distance phone rates are significant enough to consider even in a "life or death" situation. You don't need to check the publication date in this book. That right there is all you need to conclude that it was published in 1997."
Fred Clark on Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist, a sequel of Left Behind

"Kids, take a trip back to The '80s when handguns were allowed on planes, smoking was allowed in airports, pregnant women were advised to drink by their female bosses, 14-year-old teenagers were allowed to work as limo drivers, and gas was f*cking 74 cents a gallon!"

"Zardoz is probably the most 70's of all the 70's movies I've recapped. Really. It's more 70's than Impulse, Night of the Lepus, and Parts: The Clonus Horror combined. Hell, it's more 70's than That '70s Show.
From the flowing unisex garments, to all the half-naked waifish chicks, to the pointless quoting of Nietzsche, to all the big perms (on men!), to the cornucopia of half-assed stoner ideals, I can't think of a movie more dated in every aspect of its visual design and philosophy."

"Right before Scream, there was a real push to make movies 'evergreen', meaning don't date them and stay away from popular references so that if I turn it on in twenty years, I could think it was today. One of the things that [screenwriter] Kevin [Williamson] did was to throw out this idea of 'let it be forevermore', and let's fucking tag it for right now and lean into the moment of right now."

There's something oddly disposable about the first season, and it comes from exactly this: the first season exists to successfully launch Doctor Who on British television in the spring of 2005. In another year, or even in another country it comes off oddly. It was absolutely necessary to Doctor Who returning; in many ways it's the single most important season of Doctor Who since Pertwee's first season. But now that Doctor Who is a thing it feels oddly distant. It's not that it’s flawed on its own merits, so much as that it feels slightly unapproachable.
El Sandifer, Eruditorum Press

Shadow Raiders is a purportedly multi-million dollar sci-fi series that 'utilizes state of the art CGI animation.' That's all well and good, but from an adult's perspective, it looks pretty clunky. I don't mean jerky - the animation is smooth and fluid and colorful - but it just looks like the kind of animation we have on game consoles now: chunky and clunky - and the reason for that is because it is about eight years old. In CGI terms, eight years is forever. Whilst 'classic' animations tend to remain watchable for years if not decades after their first broadcast, CGI has progressed so far that older productions become dated in a much shorter time. Shadow Raiders is a prime example - and without the heritage of something like Transformers (although it does employ the same toy range concept) - I find it difficult to see the market for this.

And holy cow is this movie set in the eighties. I mean, it was made in the eighties, but it almost looks like what future generations would imagine the eighties to be.

Y'know, is it possible to make something so dated it's actually timeless? This movie is REALLY trying to say yes!

Vizzini, the inconceivably unctuous criminal in Rob Reiner’s The Princess Bride, suggests there are two things you should never do: get involved in a land war in Asia, and have a battle of wits with an Italian. He might have added another clause: never make an album so utterly time-specific it will date almost before the vinyl is lathed. The Final Cut, scattered as it is with references to the Falklands, Sefton, General Galtieri and, above all, Thatcher, might be seen as the very acme of the ‘historical-specific’. Beginning with the question, "Maggie, what have we done to England?" and ending with the nukes falling, The Final Cut is the essence of 1980s Cold War paranoia.
Rev. Rachel Mann, in The Quietus, on Pink Floyd's The Final Cut

I... I never got... her email address...

Epic Voice Guy: So grab your gordita, and come with Puff Daddy, to relive one of the most dated Nineties movies of all time! Featuring, awkward technology references, busy signals, Siskel & Ebert jokes, Kodak disposable cameras, Josta cola, Blockbuster Video, Sony Beta tapes, Matt from Melrose Place, uncomfortable... Twin Towers... references.
Charlie Caiman: [...] the worst act of destruction since the World Trade Centre bombing.
Epic Voice Guy: Uhhh... um... [Beat] le- let's just get to starring.

Kira: [looking at the photo of the original Power Rangers] Nice hair!
Tommy: Hey, it was in style back then!
Power Rangers: Dino Thunder, "Bully for Ethan"

When Corey said this was "a sound for the ages", I think he meant a sound for 2009.

Once they're in the air, the steward takes the little kids to the cockpit to chat up the pilots and get their wings [pins]. Yeah, good luck with that now. Now they beat you over the head and fist you up to the back of your teeth if you even look at the cockpit.
road_baby on The Babysitters Club Super Special #1: Baby-Sitters on Board!

"Instead of spoofing movies that came out two weeks ago, they decided to spoof movies that hadn't even come out yet. This becomes painfully obvious when the "jokes" amount to simply recreating moments from the trailers and TV spots. Ultimately, this movie should have been called 2008 Movie, because it seems the main requirement for being spoofed here was being released in 2008."

"Season 11 does feel more dated than in previous years. Yeah, we had stuff like Clinton vs. Dole and the Homerpalooza lineup that very distinctly live in a certain time period, but rewatching season 11 constantly reminds you what a different world Y2K was compared to today. It's a world where Mel Gibson's problem is that he's just too loved, where Robert Downey Jr.'s having police shootouts, they put Oscar winner Spike Lee on the rocket to the sun, here's fresh-faced pop superstar Britney Spears handing out an award with Kent Brockman. Maybe this dynamic was the exact same way in 1992, and the show was always a peek into pop culture bizarro world. It's possible I don't remember these Boomer celebrities well enough to think about it."

What a nice rap battle! I'm sure none of the figures in this video will become some of the most controversial people in the world in the future!
YouTube comment by @therealwattambor8347 on Epic Rap Battles of History's Donald Trump vs Ebenezer Scrooge (also featuring Kanye West) made in 2013.

In an interesting development, Bond arrives and the casino is all very standard, but then it's revealed that there's a separate room where all the patrons are playing arcade machines. This is clearly the filmmakers attempting to do something a bit different with this typical Bond setting, and I guess it thought it was being forward-thinking; like all of these swanky-dressed people would be playing Atari as well as Baccarat. But... oh boy does it date this film massively.

'The Springfield Files' is one of the most relentlessly 90s episodes The Simpsons has ever done. It's chock full of references to Waterworld, Speed, Steve Urkel, the Budweiser frogs, and, of course, The X-Files."
