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Quotes / Dethroning Moment of Suck

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Is this what you wanted? Sammy Hagar?
Sammy Hagar. Is this what you wanted?
Dave lost his hairline, but you lost your cool, buddy
Can't drive fifty-five. I'll never buy your stupid records again

Web Original

Every now and again every element of a story comes together perfectly and stories like "Genesis of the Daleks" and "Caves of Androzani" are created for posterity. To keep the universe in balance there are also times when everything that can possibly go wrong does so and the end result looks a lot like "The Mutants."

What this story does is doom Colin Baker’s tenure as the Doctor and, in doing so, ensure the show’s cancellation. In this regard it is the single story most destructive to Doctor Who. Never mind Michael Foot. At 100 minutes, this is the longest suicide note in history.
Dr. El Sandifer on "The Twin Dilemma"

If you love Star Wars and comedy, then this is like watching scientists saw your wife in half. A part of you dies with her, and that magic trick is ruined forever.

Remember that scene in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace when Qui-Gon sat Anakin down and told him about the intelligent midi-chlorian symbionts that live in everybody’s cells and were the physiological basis for the Force? And remember the strange heavy, cold feeling in your gut as the movie layered all that unnecessary pseudo-biological nonsense on top of something that had once seemed mysterious, magical, and fun? Well, that feeling was your enteric nervous system.

What more can be said about this shambles? It is categorically and undeniably the worst episode of Red Dwarf – rooted to the bottom of the list, and miles away from its nearest rival...In a year where we’re supposed to be celebrating everything good about Red Dwarf, let’s just be thankful that when there’s an episode as bad as this, it sticks out so much that the decision to put it in last place was shared by sixty-seven people – by far the highest amount, by a factor of 39.
Ganymede and Titan's round-up of "Pete, Part 2" in the Silver Survey Poll. note 

I can say with no exaggeration that the sixteenth Goosebumps book ruined the series. There were bad novels before it, and there would be good ones after it, but nothing prior to One Day At HorrorLand exhibits what would steadily become a trademark of the series: complete and utter contempt for the audience.

This was the last episode of season two. Can you imagine if this was the last episode of The Transformers ever? Good God, I need a stiff drink.

Web Video

"The following three sequences are so bad and/or badly executed that they effectively negate any chance the film may otherwise have ever had to be even passably good."
Moviebob on Batman v. Superman. "Really That Bad Part II"

"Goddammit! I have pinpointed the moment I gave up on modern Star Wars movies, and it was the fuel. It was the f*cking fuel."

"It's amazing how, in five entirely different ways, a panel can so utterly fail."
Linkara, on Donna Troy calling Jason Todd a "Re-Todd", The Top 15 Worst Moments of Countdown

"Okay, okay. Let me make one thing perfectly clear. This is not jumping the shark. I'm gonna repeat that again: this is not jumping the shark. No-no-no-no-no. This is jumping the shark, coming back, shooting it the balls, raping it, eating it's flesh, consuming it's soul, mounting it's head on the wall... and then doing the same thing to twelve more fucking sharks just to be safe!"
The Nostalgia Critic, on the Rockbiter singing Born To Be Wild while riding his bike, The NeverEnding Story III: Escape from Fantasia.
