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Nightmare Fuel / Puppy in My Pocket: Adventures in Pocketville

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She seeks the Heart...

Although Puppy in My Pocket: Adventures in Pocketville may be a Sugar Bowl, that doesn't excuse the fact that it includes some distressing moments.

As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked. You Have Been Warned.

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    In general 

    Evershell the Wise 

  • Durillia's guttural roars that echo out of the cave. Even Zull, Gort, and Krakia are frightened by them. Hell Is That Noise indeed.

    Kate’s Birthday 

    The Puppybuster 
  • At the end, Ava watches the Pet Buster train his pets… while he uses a whip. That's right. A damn whip used on dogs and cats. At the same time he taunts her for being too "precious" for the training he's using on the pets.

    White as a Ghost 
  • The Old Red House. It's your typical Haunted House setting, but it is pretty eerie by itself.
    • The two ghosts who apparently reside in the house. They are both shadow-like in appearance and make loud moaning noises. Though it's eventually revealed that they are just performing artists Brad and George wearing black sheets to give Kate and her friends a spook.
      • Every time Magic and Danny encounter them and get pursued by them.

    Sweet Dreams 
  • Flipper is a goldfish who appears with teeth. Not piranha fish teeth, but human-like teeth a la Shark Tale. It doesn't help that she looks cross-eyed in occasional scenes, even though most Real Life fish do not have eyes that look ahead.
  • And the humanoid-faced octopus that appears after Magic jumps in one of the thermal baths. Good God, that octopus.

    Finally Free! 
  • One of the trials in Kate and Magic’s training includes crossing the river, which requires teamwork. However, simply swimming across won’t do any good as the current will take all those who fall in away. The fact that Steel Wool seemed to not consider the fact he’s telling a child and a likely young puppy to go to a dangerous place that could potentially drown both of them if they fail is just disturbing to say the least.
    • Magic gets scarily close to being carried away when stepping on one of the rocks and ending up slipping, with Kate rescuing him from certain doom.
    • The suspense of Kate crossing the river by holding on to a suspended rope just makes it worse, with one scene showing how close Kate is to the river by her hair touching the water’s surface.
  • When the Pet Buster breaks into Kate's house. The night setting, ominous music, and creeping doesn't help at all, and he even sedates Kate's father with the help of a spray. He ends up getting himself stuck in Kate and Magic’s "Home Alone" Antics, thanks to Steel Wool’s training. Apparently somebody liked Home Alone.

    A Gift for Ava 
  • The Bottomless Cave. It's an incredibly large cave, and just like what its name indicates, nobody knows how far or deep it goes. Kate and Magic slip down a long ramp thanks to Zull and Gort, ending in the duo getting lost inside the dark cavern. They would've lost their lives down there, but thankfully an underground pool of water broke their fall.
    • Not even this comment from Eva helps:
    Eva: They say that whoever falls in that pit has no hope of ever seeing the light again!

    The Last Piece 
  • Sketch is shoved into the wishing well by Zull and Gort. Mela describing the well as "practically bottomless" sure does not help. While keeping in mind that it took approximately over six hours for Kate to rescue him (depending on how long a day in the Pocket Kingdom lasts), it makes sense for her to be so worried about Sketch as there’s always the chance that he drowned down there, even if the well is unique.

    Together Forever! 
  • The Pet Buster grabbing Wallace and throwing him on the ground can be pretty disturbing, especially with Wallace's wide-eyed expression right when the Pet Buster places his hands on him. It's possible that he may have knocked him out cold a second time, and just like the first instance, this scene is also quite brutal for a children's series.
