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Manga / Seikesshou Albatross

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Seikesshou Albatross ("Holy Crystal Albatross") is a shonen manga by Tamiki Wakaki, which ran in Weekly Shonen Sunday from 2005 to 2006. Wakaki would later go on to create The World God Only Knows; several characters from this series make cameos there.

One day, junior high-schooler Yuki helps a girl from another class, a weird girl known throughout the school as the "Trash Girl." Because of this selfless act, Yuki's life undergoes a dramatic change!


  • Abandoned Hospital: The Monobile Hospital where Goose, Ibis, and Toki lives in was once a human hospital. Ibis did not even know what an elevator was.
  • Alien Among Us: The Monobiles are sent to Earth when Albatross caused the Great Ignition.
  • And the Adventure Continues: The last chapter has Yuki have the Flame and Earth Isotopes embedded in both of his hands, the Wind Isotope in the possession of Crane, and the Water and Light Isotopes are at unknown locations.
  • Animal Theme Naming: Some of the Monobiles have names of birds.
    • Albatross, Kagu, Nodynote , Yuhina, Crane, Pigeon, Shrike, Plover, Goose, Ibis, Tokinote , Cuckoo, Drakenote , Sibia, Finch, Vanga and Snipe.
  • An Ice Person: Snipe the Sodium Monobile. It kinda make sense since sodium is sometimes use as a coolant for certain reactors.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: All Monobiles have a reactor/furnace which they use to burn their respective Periodic Elements in order to live, some have them integrated with their bodies while others are seen more like accessories they wear.
    • Vanga the Chlorine Monobile is a gas-type and the only solid part of him is his reactor.
  • Cool Sword: Albatross' sword which she later gives to Yuki, the Protection Sword Filament/Ferminode. It also acts as an Amplifier Artifact with the Flame Isotope. It is said its flames can split a mountain and water apart.
  • Cut Short: The manga was cut short after only 47 chapters due to low popularity.
  • Dance Battler: Silver Monobiles like Pigeon used to be entertainers in Albatross' court. Pigeon utilizes her dancing skills with her control over her silver ribbons to restrict someone's movements.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Yuki does this a lot. One example is when he jumped down into an elevator shaft to catch the Iron Monobile's head and launch it out of the hospital, unfortunately his plan only goes that far and did not plan how to stop falling and what to do afterwards. Good thing that Albatross flew up and catches him.
  • Disappeared Dad: Yuki's father, Takao Shinohara, died two years before the start of the story.
  • Elemental Powers: The Monobiles have them, depending on their Periodic Element.
  • Everything's Sparkly with Jewelry: Most of the elements the Monobiles burn is in jewel form. Albatross's element is diamondsnote .
  • Extra Eyes: Iron Monobiles have four eyes surrounding their reactor on their heads and four more on the back of their heads.
  • Eyepatch of Power: The placement of Yuhina's reactor makes it look like an eyepatch.
  • Heroes Fight Barehanded: Yuki, being trained in martial arts by his mother, fights this way against Monobiles. It also helps that he got power from a sacred stone, the Flame Isotope.
    • He later receives a sword from Albatross which he can channel the power through and fights with it; he becomes more of a Heroes Prefer Swords person.
  • Homeless Hero: Asakura, she sleeps on the school grounds.
  • Human Aliens: With the exception of a reactor, some Monobiles look indistinguishable from humans.
    • Ibis mistakes Yuki for a Monobile at first until he clarified that he is human.
  • Kagu controlled one of his arrows he fire and impaled Yuki. He then proceeds to turn Yuki into a Human Pincushion.
  • Albatross got sliced in the back trying to protect Ibis from the Chrome Monobile.
  • Kick the Dog: Shrike kicks around Lebaio just because he is a common.
    • The Dog Bites Back: Lebaio was the one who delivered the finishing blow to Shrike after Yuki cracked Shrike's reactor.
  • Kill and Replace: Kagu the Titanium Monobile killed Fujimura-sensei before the start of the story and used his body as a disguise.
  • Limited Wardrobe: Asakura/Albatross, her only clothing she owns is a dirty school and P.E. uniforms. As Albatross she can create her own clothing but she must take off her school uniform first, as in being nude, then form the clothes or else she destroys it.
  • Losing Your Head: The Iron Monobiles can do this willfully and control their body as long as their head is not too far.
  • Magic Staff: Goose, Ibis, and Toki wield staves that they can channel their powers through.
  • The Pig-Pen: Asakura, she is called "Trash Girl" because she does not clean her uniform.
  • Power Levels: The Jewel Index, the Periodic Table of Elements upside-down.
    • Monobiles are separated into Common, Elite, and Rare depending on the Periodic table period and group they are in.
  • Pulling Themselves Together: The Iron Monobiles can do this as long as the head that holds their reactor is near and intact.
  • Remote Body: The Iron Monobiles can detach their heads and control their body from not too far away.
  • Ring of Fire: Shrike made one when fighting Yuki.
  • Sand Worm: The Silicon Monobiles. A bit of Fridge Brilliance since sand is made of Silicon and Silicon is the second most common element in Earth's crust.
  • Spell My Name With An S: A lot of this for the Monobails/Monobairus/Monobiles?.
    • Is it Yuki or Yuuki?
    • Is it Crane or Kurein?
    • Is it Miu or Myuu?
    • Is it Lebaio, Lepaio, or Levio?
    • Is it Pigeon or Vision?
    • Is it Shrike, Syuraku, Shraik, Shurak, or Shriech?
    • Is it Filament or Ferminode?
  • Ursine Aliens: Lebaio the Magnesium Monobile, looks a bit bear like.
  • Winged Humanoid: Albatross of the butterfly wing type sometimes has them, but she must remove her uniform first before she makes them or the uniform is destroyed.
  • The Worf Effect: Yuki with the power of the Flame Isotope in his left hand, having already defeated the Titanium, Silicon, and Zinc Monobiles with a clean hit, was unable to harm Crane the Antimony Monobile.
    • Then again trying to fire punch someone whose element is Antimony, which is used as a fire retardant, is justifiable why it did not affect him. That and Crane, according to the Jewel Index, is the strongest Elite Class Monobile Yuki ever fought (not counting Ibis, an Iodine Monobile).
  • Wreathed in Flames: The Flame Isotope that is embedded in Yuki gave him the power to cover his left arm in flames to power-up his punch. He later applies it to a sword he received from Albatross turning it into a Flaming Sword.
  • You Have Out Lived Your Usefulness: Crane the Antimony Monobile ordered Yuhina to kill Nody the Zinc Monobile because he was heavily injured when Yuki defeated him.
    • Sibia killed Cuckoo an Iron Monobile when the latter failed to bring back Toki.
  • Your Days Are Numbered: Monobiles lives are limited by how much of their element the have to burn.
