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Just For Fun / Trope Grid

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Sometimes, a trope has more than one Opposite Trope. This usually happens when a trope is about outside appearances vs. inside actualities or gender roles.

For this purpose, we can create a Trope Grid for covering the bases. Here are a few.

Settings and Worldbuilding

A setting, at large... has outright heroes lacks outright heroes
has outright villains Black-and-White Morality, Morality Kitchen Sink Black-and-Gray Morality, Evil Versus Evil
lacks outright villains White-and-Grey Morality, Good Versus Good Grey-and-Gray Morality

A creature... is a predator is an herbivore
is inherently friendly Predation Is Natural Herbivores Are Friendly
is inherently unfriendly Predators Are Mean Xenophobic Herbivore

A setting... looks idyllic looks cruel
is actually idyllic Sugar Bowl A World Half Fullnote 
is actually cruel Crapsaccharine World Crapsack World

Individual Characters

A character... lives by rules is ethically neutral or ambiguous lives outside rules
puts others above themself Lawful Good Neutral Good Chaotic Good
is morally neutral or ambiguous Lawful Neutral True Neutral Chaotic Neutral
puts others below themself Lawful Evil Neutral Evil Chaotic Evil

A person... acts nice acts mean
is secretly nice Sheep in Sheep's Clothing Jerk with a Heart of Gold
is secretly a jerk Bitch in Sheep's Clothing Jerk with a Heart of Jerk

A woman... has small breasts has large breasts
is proud of her breast size Petite Pride Big-Breast Pride
is ashamed of her breast size A-Cup Angst D-Cup Distress

A homosexual... is male is female
is masculine Manly Gay Butch Lesbian
is feminine Camp Gay Lipstick Lesbian

A relationship... is initially platonic is initially romantic
becomes platonic Platonic Life-Partners Better as Friends
becomes romantic Just Friends Official Couple

A party member... is physically strong is physically weak
is skilled with magic Magic Knight Squishy Wizard
is unskilled with or lacking in magic Magically Inept Fighter Utility Party Membernote 

Someone attracted to the opposite gender... is attracted to meek people is attracted to strong people
is male No Guy Wants an Amazon Amazon Chaser
is female Weakness Turns Her On Women Prefer Strong Men

A person... does something good does something bad
gets rewarded for their deed Karmic Jackpot Karma Houdini
gets punished for their deed No Good Deed Goes Unpunished Laser-Guided Karma

A character... is nice is a jerk
is smart Gentleman and a Scholar Insufferable Genius
is a ditz Kindhearted Simpleton Insufferable Imbecile

A major character... is a hero is a villain
is a protagonist Hero Protagonist Villain Protagonist
is an antagonist Hero Antagonist Villain Antagonist

Someone... is good is evil
likes their moral alignment Good Feels Good Evil Feels Good
hates their moral alignment Being Good Sucks Being Evil Sucks

A character... has a kindly-sounding name has a dangerous-sounding name
is kindly Names to Trust Immediately Deathbringer the Adorable
is dangerous Fluffy the Terrible Names to Run Away from Really Fast

Moments and Motifs

Someone or something... has light aesthetic or abilities has dark aesthetic or abilities
is good Light Is Good Dark Is Not Evil
is bad Light Is Not Good Dark Is Evil

Someone's angry expression... is traditionally energetic is traditionally unenergetic
is obviously negatively emotional Unstoppable Rage Berserker Tears
is normally associated with positive emotions Grin of Rage Tranquil Fury


A disproportionately tough part of a game... is a level or region is a boss
is a mandatory brick wall in the playthrough That One Level That One Boss
is intended to be an out-of-story challenge Brutal Bonus Level Superboss

An enemy... is a supposed run-of-the-mill mook is a boss
is more annoying than dangerous Goddamned Bats Goddamned Boss
is disproportionately powerful and dangerous Demonic Spiders That One Boss

A game... involves kind choices involves cruel choices
allows choices of variable morality Video Game Caring Potential Video Game Cruelty Potential
karmically responds to player choices Mercy Rewarded Video Game Cruelty Punishment
