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Headscratchers / Don't Starve

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     William Carter. 
  • Did he turn into Maxwell? Was being part of the train crash giving him a second personality? Is Maxwell a different entity from the human William?
    • Well, my child...exactly 'what' happened to me is up for debate. Perhaps the crash gave me a nasty bump on the head that I do not recall, rendering me a truly different man...but then why would "I" have signed my letters as William after that? No, I hold that 'They' twisted me long before I ever held the throne - dare I say as soon as I touched that accursed tome! Bit by bit they twisted me from a gutless, fearful young wastrel into a man truly worthy of taking the stage and captivating the audience with sheer terror and awful wonder. But with that came the madness, the scrawlings...Somewhere I began to lose 'that' man. William Carter. And I began to invest myself fully into the persona that I am today. And upon the catastrophe that was the Grand Finale...the beginning of the agony I now suffer...I believe that that man well and truly died. With the death of William Carter, only I was left. Little more than a dapper husk, I suppose...Does that answer your question?
    • While I barely dare say anything going against our dearest Maxy... My personal theory is that Maxwell was really only a stage persona, nothing more. The Codex Umbra may have warped Maxwell's mind a bit, but not much, until he ended up in the world of Don't Starve. He says that time moves differently there, so the roughly 14-20 years that passed in the original world might've been centuries to him. And a hundred years, all alone, with only the same music on the gramophone and the all-surrounding darkness as company... I'd say that'd drive most people insane, and probably desperate to do anything to get out.

  • what is wormwood? by that I mean is he related to "Them" or are they something else? since his gem fell from the moon which seems to be a member of "Them" is he related to "Them" or is he just a unique moon related entity?
