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Funny / Shadow of Israphel

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  • Any time a Creeper is found following someone. Especially when it explodes.
  • Simon: (as Peculier): Oh here have some milk! :D Welcome to Terrorvale!
  • In one of their early confrontations with Israphel:
    Simon: PAX!
    Lewis: Pax? What's that mean?
    Simon: LET'S BE FRIENDS!
    Lewis: Okay. That's a good idea.
    Simon: [whispering] I don't want us to be friends. I want to trick him and kill him.
    • Even funnier when your online universal name happens to be "Pax." It's a pleasant surprise.
  • When Simon is burning down the Yogcave, Lewis finds a random hole in the ground. When Lewis shows it to Simon, he promptly pushes him in.
    • Funnier in hindsight, as in later videos it's nearly always Lewis being pushed down into holes or dangerous areas.
    • What happens later is just as funny. Simon walks out his back door while Lewis cooks some pork, and walks right into a booby trap. One Big "OMG!" later and...
    Simon: Did the house blow up? What happened?
    Lewis: Uh...I don't know. I was just cooking some pork, when I heard a scream. So I came running and now there is a big hole where our back door used to be.
    Simon: Oh no... hang on, I'm nearly there. Now this is not my fucking fault. I may have set off the trap, but—
    Lewis: What do you mean it's not your fault?!
    Simon: How is it my fault?! How is it my fault? I— (finally gets back to the house and sees the enormous chasm that used to be their back door) OH MY FUCKING GOD! (cracks up)
  • Simon asking Israphel for A/S/L. Actually, any time Simon talks to Israphel in general.
    • Just Israphel? Try at least 50% of the time he talks to any of the NPCs!
    "[The body in the coffin] must have spontaneously combusted!"
  • Simon's first interaction with Skylord_Jasper:
    Skylord_Jasper: GET OUT SIMPLETON
  • Four words when Simon attempts to type at the same time as he mines the Nether Portal outside the Yogcave with a diamond pickaxe: "worry not olod manfcgxn".
    • "i shall destrotyr the op3erl", he says next after that remark, heavily butchering the words as he types and mines simultaneously.
      • The slurred remarks get acknowledged in-story by being mistaken for alcoholism. "Are you drunk?", Peculier remarked as Simon talked.
      • "Should we trust him with the pick if he is?", even Lysander thought it was off.
  • Early in their Let's Play arc, Lewis notices a cow placed precariously on a ledge. Lewis later pushes the cow off and it dies. Simon then bursts into tears.
  • Simon attempts to deliver An Aesop during Minecraft Part 27: The Tunnel Run:
    Simon: There's a lesson to be learned here, ladies and gents: if you love someone... if you love someone, just let them know, because you don't know when they might get kidnapped by an undead, demon-man, whatever he is, and taken away to his deep underground castle.
  • Old_Peculier: "The signal tower doesn't need to be that bright.", when Xephos accidentally burns the tower during the Battle of the Breach
  • Simon relishing in his pyromania and burning down Grimjaw's pirate ship as Lewis watches from shore, enraging the rogue pirate as the fire ends up causing his doom.
  • Sometimes, when the two try to cheat at a puzzle, Lewis will mess up and give Simon a wooden door instead of TNT.
  • "OLD WOMAN I DEMAND YOUR FINEST BACON!", Simon's first words to Granny upon meeting her.
  • Pirate_Tinman playing the record implicating Jock as the thief of the map piece in his butt cheeks in Grimjaw's treasure hold is an odd but funny sight.
  • The "Read note" signpost appearing in the main Shadow of Israphel series, even when there aren't any notes.
  • While searching for a map piece in Grimmjaw_Slugface's treasure vault with Pirate_Tinman, they have to cross a small bridge armed with an arrow trap. Simon, purely for laughs, set the trap off as Tinman was crossing. On the other side, he wordlessly walks up to Simon and punches him in the face. Simon remarked childishly about him, which Lewis told him to "Man it up!".
  • About any time Fumblemore is around and tries to use his magic. The first meeting in episode 4 of season 3 is utterly hilarious.
    • "The mightiest of wizards in all of Minecraftia... Is he on the loo?" Lewis and Simon discover Fumblemore using the toilet when they finally reach him.
    • That same meeting: Skylord_Lysander had given both heroes "temporary Skylord licenses" so they could access the wizard's tower. In less than three minutes, they both offer theirs to Fumblemore so he can wipe his ass with them.
    • Young!Fumblemore in The Legend of Verigan is just as inept with his magic as his younger self, only a bit more destructive, as shown when his attempt to harvest wood accidentally blows up Verigan (played by Simon) in an Establishing Character Moment. As this takes place in a flashback story and was unscripted, this doesn't actually kill off Verigan, especially since his death had already been shown in another flashback story set presumably years after the events of the story depicted in the livestream, so they lampshade this accidental early death.
    Simon: Looks good - *explosion occurs, reads death message saying "Bits of Verigan soared across the sky"* - blimey!
    Lewis: Fumblemore! *begins running back to the camp site*
    Simon: FUMBLEMORE!
    Lewis: *laughs* God! Has he already blown you up? This is a terrible start!
    Simon: I can't believe that! At least we know he's the Fumblemore now, without a doubt!
    Lewis: Have we lost the main hero of the story already?
  • Lewis and Simon finding the sheep in the Crumbling Ruin, the base of operations of the Cult of Israphel.
    Simon: Oh my god, it's an evil cultist!
  • Episode 23, while Simon and Lewis are preparing to enter Jock's "underwater ship".
    Lewis: "Lets just head down the normal way."
    Simon: "HUAAAAA—" *Cue Simon lunging off the top of the bay* "Guess what I just did."
  • In Episode 24 while Simon and Lewis are trying to escape from Jock_Fireblast's cave:
    Simon: Good news is I've dug our way out. Bad news is we're going to drown.
  • In episode 26 of Shadow of Israphel, Simon ends up in Skylord_Jasper's bedroom, who had been established as a man of uncommon tastes.
    • All of 26 was a big stream of CMoFs, but this moment in particular:
      Lewis: You know what's gonna have to happen Simon... You're gonna—
      Simon: I'm gonna have to murder him with this axe?
  • In part 27 of Shadow of Israphel, Simon attempts to fly a plane in the lower decks of a boat. He destroys the plane and immediately ends up phasing through the wall AND the ceiling onto the next floor up.
    Skylord_Lysander: I'll... be on the deck... don't break the laws of physics any more than you already have.
  • In the ending of part 27 and the beginning of part 28 of Shadow of Israphel, Lysander's grandfather ends up blowing up when Israphel's curse kills him. Simon's and Lewis's reaction is hilarious!
    Simon: AHHH! That's disgusting! What happened!? Oh, Jesus! Ohhhhh... I'm going to be sick!
  • In episode 29 of Shadow of Israphel, the trio meets Um_Bongo again, and they free him from a hanging cage. He offers to go back with them across the series of Floating Platforms, claiming that he is "good jump". He immediately falls short of the first gap and plummets into the ocean.
    • "I good jump! AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!"
    • Shortly before, Simon fell into the ocean as well. There's just something about that loud scream, combined with him climbing out of Nubescu's pot.
  • In the Israphel special for Granny_Bacon's funeral, the corpse jumps up as a zombie right in the middle of the service, and attacks the mourners. After being stabbed to death again, the service continues as normal.
    Father_Braeburn: Ashes to as- IN THE NAME OF NOTCH!
  • At the end of Shadow of Israphel Episode 31: Heroes! Take-a me with you!
  • Shadow of Israphel episode 32: Diggy Diggy Hole is banned in Stoneholm. Lewis reacts by throwing the record in the jukebox into the lava.
    Knight_Peculier: "I like that song".
    • Even funnier if you had watched their 1.9 Prerelease Part 6 video about the new music discs beforehand, and Lewis sheepishly remarks that he regrets throwing away the record after hearing how good the new music was. (The video was released before Shadow of Israphel episode 32 despite being recorded later).
  • Mr. Astley is somehow back from the dead and imprisoned in Stoneholm, but he's hissing "Never Gonna Give You Up" lyrics enhanced by creeper hissing.
    Mr_AsSsstley: "Never gonna givesSsSss you up! I'm no sssssSstranger to love! You know the rulessssSs and sSssso do I!"
  • During episode 33 of Shadow of Israphel, Lewis, Simon, and Knight_Peculier first come across loads of Silverfish, then encounter a giant zombie dwarf, and finally go on a giant minecart ride outside while getting shot at by Finbar's fireballs.
    Knight_Peculier: "I'm too old for this!"
    • The capper: at the end of the ride the server crashes and both Lewis and Simon get stuck in their minecarts.
      Simon: I'm stuck! Oh, the humanity!
  • In episode 11 of Survival Island, Old_Peculier mentions that the airship needs more wind to move. What follows is perhaps the best fart joke ever. The epic music playing only adds to it.
    Simon: Fortunately I have been eating nothing but Jaffa Cakes for the last week! *brrrrrrrap*
    Skylord_Lysander: I would appreciate it if you did not do that on my fair Celaeno.
  • The lowercase "help!" sign in the Survival Island map.
  • "I don't know, I don't think we should be here. Israphel's taint has been rubbed all over it."
  • In Episode 37, their repeated attempts to fly hot air balloons and climb a tower while placing ladders as they go.
  • Episode 38. Finding a dead body surrounded by blood? Scary. Picking up the "zombie arms" and legs and proceeding to hit each other with them and laugh at the noises? Funny.
    • Also, the epic return of Grizwald.
  • Our heroes' attempts to steal Skylord_Jasper's record from his house in Episodes 6 and 7.
  • Episode 39's Evil Honeydew clones. One is dispatched by Jaffa Cakes.
    Simon, as Yoda: Always two there are! An Evil Honeydew and Another Evil Honeydew!
    • Earlier on, the duo must solve a puzzle involving redstone torches in order to unlock an iron door blocking their way. After several failed attempts, Simon gets tired of it and blows the door up. Old habits die hard.
  • In Episode 40, Prof_Webley tells the heroes they have to quickly escape. They respond by slowly pushing the minecart at about 1 mile per hour.
  • Episode 41, when the duo build a shelter but have no beds:
    Webley: Do you have a place for me to lay down?
  • At the end of episode 42, Shiplord_Hubert leaves the group to stay in Swampy's plant sanctuary. Simon's response? "See you later, shiplord!"
  • The entirety of the Shadow of Israphel movie trailer.
  • A reference to the series shows up in the unlikeliest of places, in a Stellaris stream with Door Monster. Specifically, the empire played by Door Monster and Stefan (the Xumans) plan to Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence, where time doesn't exist. This means that any future and past event have happened and will happened, including SOI episode 43.
  • The fact that one of the Yognau(gh)ts at Granny Bacon's Funeral farted. Honeydew calls the Yognau(gh)t disrespectful and then punches him. Xephos laughs a little bit himself at this, before telling off Honeydew.
    XICONZAIX: *lets out a small fart*
    Honeydew: *looks at XICONZAIX* That's, very disrespectful, come on...
    Xephos: *laughs while looking at him* X- XICONZAIX... *Honeydew punches XICONZAIX*
    Xephos: Careful there!
