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Fanfic / The Dimensional War

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A Massive Multiplayer Crossover where many worlds collide. The plot consists of Kylo Ren trying to obtain more power by opening a tomb. However, he ends up releasing a Sealed Evil in a Can instead! Now many characters from many dimensions have to stop him.

It contains two big stories. The first is Dimensional Chaos, the second is Finn's Inferno.

Contains examples of:

  • Action Girl: Rey, Zelda, Anna, and Jessika can hold their own and fight just as hard as their male allies do.
  • Adaptational Badass: Granted, Finn does blow up a planet-busting mothership, crippling a fleet of planet-busters, in canon, but he was still in the shadow of Rey and Kylo. Here, he kills a demigod who is far more powerful than these two.
  • Adaptational Villainy:
    • Kylo never gets redeemed, he instead becomes more of a monster over the course of the fics. Plus, he exploits now his victim facade. He was an asshole in canon, but never blew up his own troops for being there in the name of the Dark Side.
    • Ganondorf has sold his soul (and redeeming traits) to become the strongest of all demigods. He also rules Hell, corrupts Kylo successfully and is not above murdering innocents out of spite. Just ask Lando.
  • A Lighter Shade of Black: Snoke's followers, as well as Revan and Traya, are no saints, but certainly aren't the demons either.
  • Ascended Extra:
    • Zig-zagged, as Finn had a big role in canon, but here he is outright the protagonist.
    • Played straight with the Master Codebreaker. In TLJ, he only appears for two seconds as a Red Herring. In this fic, he saves a planet from the enemy superweapon, plus Finn and Lyra from a gas chamber. He also gets a name: Allan.
    • The Knights of Ren get names, backstories and special equipment, plus hold their own against the heroes multiple times.
    • Suralinda Javos is not even mentioned in the movies, she is known from the expanded universe. Here, she has a lot of fights and even is the one to uncover the demonic return in Finn's Inferno.
  • Author Avatar: Pan Hancock. The author actually asks for criticism about this character.
  • Battle Cry: For the good guys it's "Rise! Resist! REVOLUTION!!", while for the bad guys it's "Blood! Honor! SOULS FOR THE PRINCE!"
  • Badass in Distress: Almost the entire team is captured when they step foot on Dis.
  • Big Bad Wannabe:
    • Supreme Leader Snoke. It's revealed he knew the real Big Bad and had a rivalry. Too bad Kylo Ren killed him.
    • Also Graduon. A legitimate threat on his own, too bad he gets curbstomped by Revan and one-shotted by the real Big Bad.
  • Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu:
    • Poe Dameron loses his mech, but still manages to kill Bruton, the strongest Knight of Ren.
    • Rose Tico sacrifices herself, but still takes out a Dreadnought and an ace pilot.
    • It takes Mario an extra life and wasting all his transformations to beat Zant.
    • Finn is put through hell , but still kills the demigod that is the Big Bad. But he has to use the Dark Side, dies from his injuries and struggles a lot to do so. He temporarily lost his unborn children, but it was what pissed him enough to kill his enemy for good.
  • Cerebus Syndrome: Starts off as a mix of action and comedy, with many cartoon elements. That starts changing when Zant and then Thrawn enter the fray, Leia is murdered by Kylo and more. Chapter 18, "Despair", shows how deep the heroes are in.
  • Chew Bubblegum: When Finn crashes the wedding between Rey and Kylo he tells Kylo that "I am here to chew bubblegum and crash this wedding. And I am all out of bubblegum".
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Ganondorf dishes a lot of them out. On the heroic side, Luke fights the Knights of Ren and easily beats all of them.
  • Darker and Edgier: Finn's Inferno has a lot of Cold-Blooded Torture, Succubi and Incubi and more violence than Dimensional Chaos.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: When Pan fights Lilith, the entire duel is suggestive.
  • Elite Mooks: The Kylotroopers, later Malebranche, the Praetorians, the Darknuts and the Hell Knights.
  • Even Evil Has Standards:
  • Eviler than Thou: The demons to Kylo and the First Order. They gain control quickly.
  • Foreshadowing: The first Archdemon Kylo meets is Zant. He says that he is only a King and his master is a god. Zelda fans WILL guess who the main villain is.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Rose Tico has the most notable one, after taking out her sister's killer. She bombs and then rams a Dreadnought, blowing up both it, which was a valuable ship of Thrawn, and her bad reputation.
  • Heroic Second Wind: Finn has one in the Battle of Naboo.
    Ganondorf: GAME OVER!
    Fierce Finn: Wrong. The game has just begun. (Punches him in the face)
  • Hope Spot: In the "Dark Victory" spinoff, Fierce Deity Link performs very well and almost saves the Resistance. Almost.
  • Gone Horribly Right: In the good ending, Ganondorf attempts to corrupt Finn by taunting. He succeeds at turning him into a powerful, bloodthirsty monster... that still knows right and wrong and is able and willing to kill him. Serves him right.
  • Gut Punch: The Siege of Coruscant. Rey has trusted Kylo to fight the Big Bad together because of a prophecy... only to learn that said Big Bad wrote the prophecy to corrupt her and Kylo is loyal to him. When Rey attacks the Demon King, he humiliates her. Finn has exposed part of the First Order, but lost and nearly died to Onox and is now on the run. Thrawn leads an attack against the New Republic and the heroes lose many, including Rose Tico and Mon Mothma, while Poe fails to destroy the Chimera. In the end, Coruscant falls to the First Order.
  • Laser-Guided Karma:
    • Finn is more than willing to take any hit for Rey, allowing her to win her battles and take the credit. She repays the favor in the final battle, allowing Finn to beat the Big Bad.
    • The reason Finn got his massive power boost is that the Daughter of Mortis saw that despite the hate and injuries he got he never stopped putting others before himself, so she rewarded him by awakening his full potential. For extra karma points, if Finn decides not to save Rey in the Battle of Naboo, he never taps into said potential and holds himself responsible for the triumph of the demons in the bad ending.
    • On the negative side, Hell is entirely made of this. Example: Poacher Hunting.
    • The Big Bad's power is unintentionally this: To make sure nobody takes his place, he developed a technique that can damage the target with their own evil. The worse person the target is, the more powerful the strike.
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: Two words: Fierce Finn.
  • Never Found the Body: The reason Onox didn't believe he actually killed Finn. He is right.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: Kylo Ren. He does get a lot of punishment, but if he catches you off-guard, you are dead. Or if you fight either of his One-Winged Angel forms alone.
    • Snoke manages to be a threat even when being inside two different pots.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • In Chapter 13 of Dimensional Chaos, the Resistance has freed Rose and nearly beat the First Order. Then they hear Ganondorf's roar which means he enters the battle. What they do? RUN.
    • In the good ending of the battle of Naboo, Finn has one when Ganondorf turns into his boar form. He proceeds to get the beating of his life until he gets pissed and accidentally taps into his full power... when he blocks the finishing blow with one hand, Ganon's grin turns to this trope.
    • Fierce Finn has a subtle one, even at this point, when Red Demon Ganondorf stops holding back and loses what sanity he had left.
  • One-Hit Kill:
    • Rey vs Rosechu. The latter never stood a chance.
    • Ganondorf vs Graudon. Graduon was simply impaled by a tentacle.
    • The Black Hole. Not even Fierce Finn could live through this without a Golden Apple that gave him another life.
  • Only the Pure of Heart: Inverted. The Chosen Ones maintain balance. As such, they can't be pure of heart.
  • Pay Evil unto Evil: Kylo makes many characters suffer, but everyone overlooks his former abuser, Snoke, and the even viler Ian, because both deserve it.
  • Pregnant Badass: Rey in Finn's Inferno. Her pregnancy does inhibit her, but she still saves the entire Resistance from the Prison Ship, unarmed and during torture, and she also manages to kill Malacoda, who was a stronger and viler Kylo.
  • Pummel Duel: The final battle has three.
  • Quirky Miniboss Squad: The Knights of Ren from the first story, the Demon Enforcers from the second story.
  • Revenge Fic:
    • Inverted. The author believes that the abuse Finn gets in canon and the little payoff in return is condoning abuse on good and selfless people. His response was to write Finn as a protagonist with much power who gets love from the people who helps and even sidelines Rey, who becomes a Deuteragonist. That said, Finn doesn't have everything handed to him.
    • Also, Kylo Ren is called out for his crimes and brutally killed. The author hates people who are treated as heroes despite doing violent crimes.
  • Slave Mooks: The Stormtroopers. Their rebellion turns the tide in the good ending of Dimensional Chaos.
  • Shotgun Wedding: Or Blaster Wedding in the story. Rey is forced to marry Kylo after her failed attempt to end the war. Thankfully, Finn shows up on time and crashes it.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: Not truly evil, but very violent and Darker than the original, Fierce Finn is a very powerful side that can demolish a horde of elite demons with no effort, but has plenty of drawbacks.
  • Take That!!:
    • DarkSydeRasen is represented by PB-0000, who is a guy who constantly dies and nothing is ever his fault. His stupidity leads to Neo Cortex escaping Hell and being a threat.
    • Also there is a prophecy which says that the bond between Rey and Kylo will bring the Balance and save the Galaxy. It's written by Ganondorf.
    • Sonichu is a torture device, and Ian Brandon Anderson is also a villain even Kylo despises.
    • Jenna Silverblade of My Inner Life is working for Ganondorf and Link cuts her down to size.
  • Taking You with Me: Kylo does this to Rey in their final duel of Dimensional Chaos. It almost works.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: Only in the "Dark Victory" spinoff.
  • Theme Music Power-Up: The final chapter of the final battle plays the theme "Border Of Life" to contrast with the ominous theme of the previous chapter.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Everyone, especially Finn.
  • Unskilled, but Strong:
    • Fierce Finn is this, and both traits are very important.
    • Also Bruton. The strongest Knight of Ren there is, stronger than even Kylo and Kreia. The only reason he isn't above them is that he can't match their skills.
  • Unstoppable Rage:
    • Rey in Chapter 22, when Finn gets severely wounded. She obliterates whole squads by herself.
    • When Finn's eyes turn blue, he goes berserk. Woe to anyone who might have pissed him off. Except...
    • The Big Bad's final form, which is powered by pure hate and wrath.
  • Villainous Breakdown: The moment the Resistance reaches Cocytus, Ganondorf starts losing it completely. His breakdown started beforehand, but here it shows how cornered he is. The taunts are replaced with death threats. When he starts losing the final fight, he loses all his sanity and becomes as angry as Fierce Finn, if not more.
  • You Have Failed Me: Two cases. First, the runaway soldiers of the First Order are put in a lottery forced to kill each other. In the sequel, Maul and the Bruiser Brothers get struck by the Cyberdemon, but are struck only once. A mild punishment.

"It doesn't matter what you are, but what you do. Your actions. Your choices. You can easily resist temptation and evil with enough willpower. And you are responsible for your own actions."
