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Fanfic / All The Difference In The Worlds

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"The right man in the wrong places can make all the difference in the worlds". Unfortunately for Jaune Arc, he finds himself in the wrong place when he pushes Pyrrha into that rocket locker and takes her place at the top of Beacon's tower during the Fall. Even worse, that isn't the only wrong place that awaits him!
FanFiction.Net summary

The story starts off during the Fall in Volume 3, Beacon is in ruins, Ozpin is dead, Cinder is the Fall Maiden, and Pyrrha is about to go fight her. Except this time, it is Jaune that pushes her into the rocket locker and takes her place in confronting Cinder at the top of Beacon Tower. By some miracle he manages to last against her until help arrives in the form of Pyrrha, Ruby and Weiss, though unfortunately Cinder has the Grimm Dragon on her side. At the climax of the fight, Cinder throws glass shards towards Ruby, that Jaune steps in front of to take them instead. With a satisfied smile on his face as he bleed out, Jaune Arc was dead and Ruby unleashed the power of her silver eyes. That is just the first chapter.

All The Difference In The Worlds is a RWBY story by Some Random Shitty Rambler where Jaune Arc is isekai’ed into other worlds after he seemingly dies. Originally started as a short story of 6 chapters called, Two Worlds, One Arc-nomaly, the author decided to expand the story to include new worlds and flesh out Jaune’s adventures and the characters he meets along the way in those worlds, as opposed to seeing the beginnings and endings of his times in those worlds in the original short story. The story is completed at 100 chapters, though a Spiritual Sequel named For It Is In Passing That We Achieve Immortality has an alternate take, where Jaune is taken to Camelot and meets Fate!Mordred right after the fight at Beacon.

It can also be read at here for Archive of Our Own.

All The Difference In The Tropes:

  • Achievements in Ignorance: Every technique Jaune eventually works out with his Aura and Semblance. Particularly, he thought everyone could use his Healing Hands ability.
    • Dovahkiin!Yang casually killing off Salem, the Big Bad of RWBY and not knowing the significance of it.
    • Jaune actually drew the Sword of Selection Caliburn out of the stone before Artoria and just hands it to her when he finished using it.
  • Adapted Out: Lancelot doesn’t appear at all in the Camelot arc, probably due to Jaune effectively being his replacement, with the author mentioning that he basically has Lancelot’s skill "For Someone's Glory: Not For One's Own Glory" with a few modifications. The story also doesn’t explain who took his place as the Berserker class of the Fourth Holy Grail War (though since Artoria was summoned as a Lancer class at that time, changes were obviously made).
    • Rider (Medusa) doesn’t appear in the Fuyuki arc due to Artoria taking her class spot in the Grail War while Fate!Velvet takes the Saber class spot.
    • The whole Matou family was killed off (except Shiro) in this version of the Fuyuki arc, mostly because the author didn’t want to get into the Squick that are the Crest Worms, meaning True Assassin doesn’t show up either.
    • Archer Emiya doesn’t appear either since he technically doesn’t exist since Shiro Emiya is a version of Weiss and Tohsaka Rin successfully summoned a Saber class servant in Fate!Velvet instead. Jaune takes his place as the Archer of the Fifth Holy Grail War (because we all know the Archer-class is really made up of Archers) since he was summoned as Artoria’s servant and still had access to her Od.
  • All-Loving Hero: Jaune gets viewed as this thoughout the story. Especially in the Fallout world and the Camelot arc.
  • Ascended Extra: Sir Kay gets a greatly expanded role in the Camelot arc when he was only mentioned in flashbacks and cameos in Fate Series (until Lord El-Melloi II Case Files that is).
  • Bait-and-Switch: Chapter 67 has Jaune get sent to the world of Bleach, seemingly setting up for an adventure in that world, even showing the world’s version of Ruby and Weiss, only for the end of chapter to reveal he got snatched up again to another world.
  • Beyond the Impossible: Jaune gains the ability to do Dragon Shouts during his fight with Gilgamesh, despite not being a Dovahkiin.
  • Bodyguarding a Badass: In the Avalon What If Scenario, Velvet unofficially doubles as Jaune's bodyguard while helping him as Steward. Given that this version of Artoria has the memories of Jaune being banished by Morgan from the main story, it's somewhat understandable, though Jaune mentally remarks that she'd have had "half the Round Table chained to him at all times" if she could.
  • The Bus Came Back: After one appearance and almost thirty chapters of never being mentioned again, Tier Harribel of all people shows up at the end of the Fuyuki arc.
  • The Cavalry: Invoked numerous times throughout the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, as an unintentional result of Jaune's and the Courier's adventures.
    • The Kings prevent Camp McCarran from being overrun by the Fiends after Legion spies sabotage the base as a result of Jaune and the Courier coordinating relief efforts between the NCR and Freeside and stopping a shootout between the two groups.
    • An NCR Lieutenant vouches for Jaune when he arrives at Hoover Dam to provide assistance, having met him when he resolved a hostage situation in Boulder City and thus saved his men from the Khans.
    • The Bright Brotherhood return to rescue Novac from the Legion because they sent the Courier and Jaune to them in their hour of need, and took in Chris Haversam.
    • The Antlerites manage to show up stealthed at Primm and wipe out a similar Legion force because the Courier pointed them towards a batch of Stealth Boys.
    • And of course, last but not least, the East Coast Brotherhood of Steel are only intervening in the NCR-Legion War (and only in a position to intervene) because of Jaune's actions throughout the Fallout 3 arc.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Jaune in spades. His inner monologues imply that, after dying in Remnant and waking up in a different world, he's clinging on to the idea of being a hero who helps others simply because he just has nothing left and would break if he stopped and let the weight of his circumstances sink in. It's also hinted that keeping it up across the worlds he visits is slowly taking a toll on him.
    • Even after he finally returns to Remnant, most endings make it clear he'll end up travelling back to the FATE world after being asked for help in the penultimate chapter.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: Courier!Pyrrha does this consistently.
  • Compressed Adaptation: The Fuyuki arc cut through a lot of the story of Fate/stay night, most notably taking out at least four Servants in a single chapter, and most of them happened offscreen.
  • Cool Airship: The Prydwen in the Fallout: New Vegas arc. Carrying tesla cannons, gatling lasers, Vertibirds, power-armored Brotherhood of Steel soldiers, and Liberty Prime, any encounter between it and Caesar's Legion tend to end in a Curb-Stomp Battle.
  • Cool Sword: Jaune has Crocea Mors of course, at least until it was broken by Cinder in Chapter 1 which leaves him with the shield/sheath part. He later gets another sword made out of dragon bone with additional enchantments by Serana that allow it to spawn fire, ice and electricity when he pumps his aura into it. While he never gives it a name, people in the Brotherhood of Steel start calling it Excalibur due to many of them believing that Jaune is King Arthur, while people in the Fate Series start calling it The Nameless Blade.
    • To emphasize just how unique the dragonbone sword was, to quote the author, "(d)ragons are essentially demi-gods, children of Akatosh. The supposed best blacksmith in all of Skyrim took the bones of a demi-god, molded in the heat of the Skyforge, which is said to predate even the Dragons and the Elves, which is used by the Companions as the funeral pyre for Harbingers, cooled by Stalhrim, the divine ice, and imbued with primordial chaos, before being wielded by an interdimensional interloper capable of overcharging it to ludicrous levels and controlling and forming the chaos with his soul and will. It is a blade that has drank the blood of ancient vampires and the manifestation of the apocalypse, which tears through the hide of the World-Eater and Hellfire power armor with little difficulty." Keep in mind this description is before Jaune gets nuked in the Divide or goes to the DOOM and FATE dimensions. It finally breaks when matched up with Gilgamesh’s Ea.
    • Jaune also got to use other swords when his dragonbone sword was not available at the time or when it got destroyed. He used a Crucible on the Spider Mastermind after it got knocked out of the Doom Slayer’s hands and he actually drew the Sword of Selection Caliburn out of the stone when summoned by Artoria to finish off Edrad Liones and drew it for a second time to cleanse the evil of Aŋra Mainiiu.
    • Ruby Ironwood crafted her own sword out of Deathclaw parts in an attempt to emulate Jaune, she calls it Arondight (since the guys in the Brotherhood of Steel kept calling Jaune’s sword Excalibur). She was able to make it cover itself in fire and electricity and an epilogue has her mentioning that she had been hanging out with Ruby Rose and Nora to hopefully make an Arondight 2.0 to add ice powers and a Tesla cannon with mecha-shift properties.
    • The Camelot arc aside from Caliburn mentioned above had the Excalibur wielded by Artoria and the golden Roman gladius Crocea Mors (Julius Caesar’s sword) that Fate!Velvet claimed after slaying King Aelle of Sussex and is what allows her to be summoned as a Saber class servant in the Fuyuki arc.
  • Curb Stomp Cushion: In Jaune’s fight against Cinder Fall, knowing that he had no feasible chance of actually beating Cinder, he instead stalled for time by blocking and dodging her attacks until help arrived in the form of Pyrrha, Ruby and Weiss.
  • Dehumanizing Insult: The Sword of Selection Caliburn calls Jaune an "uncultured lowly swine" when he tries to pull it out of the stone and remarked that his Nameless Blade was probably better. It sort of becomes an Insult of Endearment, when it deems Jaune worthy of wielding it when he got to use it for a second time.
  • Demoted to Extra: Several characters are given less screen time than their canon selves, the most notable example is Salem, as she only appears in one chapter (and doesn’t even have an other world doppelgänger) before being killed by Dovahkiin!Yang.
  • Dimensional Traveler: Jaune, of course. It's eventually revealed that the first jump was caused by Merlin's attempt at giving Artoria a familiar, and though it succeeded in getting him out of Remnant, it couldn't get him to Camelot, so it waited until he passed by another realm where it could exert its influence. Dovahkiin!Yang bargained with Hermaeus Mora to reach Remnant, where she kills Salem and encounters Teams RWBY and NPR, who she later takes to Nirn to help deal with the Dark Brotherhood Crisis. At the end of the Doom arc, the Slayer and Jaune's destinations are accidentally switched, sending her to Remnant and him to Hueco Mundo, where the spell once again kicked in, drawing him to Camelot. In the end, he manages to return to Remnant, where everyone ends up joining him for a while to at least say a proper farewell before returning to their own worlds.
  • Doppelgänger: Throughout his journeys, Jaune regularly runs into doppelgangers of people he knew from Remnant, replacing characters from those worlds Canon to fit the story. He does however consider them separate persons from their counterparts and never confuses them for his old friends.
    • The Dovahkiin from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a version of Yang Xiao Long with mentions of her father Taiyang Xiao Long (who later appears in an epilogue) and her mother Raven Branwen existing as well. The protagonist of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion who later became Sheogorath is later revealed to be a version of Ozpin.
    • The Lone Wanderer and his father James from Fallout 3 are versions of Ruby Rose and James Ironwood respectively (here she is referred to as Ruby Ironwood since James is her father here). The Courier from Fallout: New Vegas is a version of Pyrrha Nikos. A version of Nora Valkyrie appears in one of the epilogues, while mentioning she is married to a version of Lie Ren and has a son with him they named Jaune. If they are the same characters from the original short story, then Nora is the Sole Survivor of Vault 111 while Ren and Jaune are Nate and Shaun from Fallout 4
    • The Doom Slayer from Doom is a version of Coco Adel. Her inner monologue reveals she had Yatsuhashi and Fox as her teammates... and Velvet was her pet bunny.
    • Versions of Ruby and Weiss Schnee appear in Bleach, but we never really find out who they replace since that world was only featured in one chapter.
    • The Fate Series, has quite a few to go through; that world's version of Velvet Scarlatina being a combination of Gareth and Mordred (and the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog of all things), Jeanne d'Arc being a version of Blake Belladonna (Jaune however suspects that this version is actually a composite of Blake and himself), and Shirou Emiya and Sakura Matou had their roles combined into a version of Weiss Schnee. Aŋra Mainiiu is later revealed to be a version of Cinder Fall.
    • One of the epilogues features Chaldea from Fate/Grand Order where several of the Fate characters meet their doppelgängers. Everyone considers the situation confusing.
  • Downer Beginning: The story begins with the Fall of Beacon and the supposed death of our main character.
  • Due to the Dead: On Remnant, the families of Jaune, Pyrrha, and surprisingly Cardin commissioned a statue of Jaune in Argus after the events of The Fall due to believing he died there. He also has a memorial park that bears his name.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: Quite a few changes were made from the original short story.
    • The short story explained that it was Ruby’s Silver Eyes powers that sent Jaune to Skyrim… somehow. ATDITW changed it to a more complicated process that is listed in Dimensional Traveler above.
    • In the short story, Jaune’s last moments in Skyrim was making a Last Stand against scores of draugr and dragons to keep them from entering the portal to Sovngarde where Dovahkiin!Yang was confronting Alduin, with no explanation on how he got sent to the Wasteland of Fallout 3. ATDITW had Jaune use an untested teleportation spell on himself and Alduin that brought them to Remnant for half a chapter, before he used it again to send Alduin back to Skyrim while accidentally sending himself to the Wasteland.
    • In the short story, Salem was actually killed by Remnant!Teams RWBY and JNPR before she used her last moments to send them to Skyrim hoping they die there, where they meet up with Dovahkiin!Yang. ATDITW instead had Dovahkiin!Yang get sent to Remnant and casually off Salem just before Remnant!Team RWBY and JNPR entered the room.
    • Ruby Rose’s, Ruby Ironwood’s, and Courier Pyrrha’s feelings towards Jaune are confirmed to be romantic in nature in the short story, while ATDITW had their feelings portrayed as potentially romantic but unconfirmed.
    • The Doom Slayer in the short story was a version of Weiss Schnee, mostly mentioned as a joke to the absurdity of the petite Weiss being the muscle-bound badass of the Doom series.
    • There were also mentions of other worlds that Jaune was sent to that never got any treatment in ATDITW. One world had a version of Blake Belladonna as his companion against an evil cult version of the White Fang probably inspired by the Cthulhu Mythos. The other one mentioned was a Superhero world mostly based on The Avengers and the HuntsMan segments of RWBY Chibi.
  • Exact Words: After Jaune is returned to Remnant, Merlin sends Artoria after him by sending her to the Prydwen, after which her countrymen will send her to Jaune. He sends her to the Prydwen in the Wasteland, just as the East Coast Brotherhood of Steel (who now call themselves the Knights of Camelot) are about to send Sarah Lyons, Ruby Ironwood, and the Courier to Remnant.
  • Face Death with Dignity: When Dovahkiin!Yang uses her Dragonrend Shout to neutralize Salem's immortality, the ancient woman doesn't even try to fight back and simply urges her to finish it. Yang complies by crushing her skull. Considering that Canon revealed Salem to be a Death Seeker, this is not unexpected.
  • Fan Boy: An implied example, according to historians in the Fuyuki arc, Beowulf was one to Jaune. It is often said that he was actually inspired to hunt down Grendel by watching the battle between King Vortigern against Artoria and Jaune. He was also at the Battle of Camlann to prevent Jaune (who he and many others believed to be Siegfried Reborn) from being summoned back from “Valhalla” and was the one who slew Fate!Velvet and Artoria.
  • Fictional Document: The Wasteland Survival Guide, written and published by Ruby Ironwood and Moira Brown (with Jaune listed as a co-author) at the epilogue of the Fallout 3 arc, is Exactly What It Says on the Tin. It also doubles as Ruby's way of honoring Jaune's memory, after his supposed death at Adams Air Force Base.
    • It's successful enough that by the time of the Fallout: New Vegas arc, four years later, copies have reached the West Coast. Being shown a copy of it is what finally clues Jaune in that he's still in the Fallout world and causes him to try and send a message to Ruby, which has... unintended consequences for the entire Mojave.
    • Jaune also unintentionally brings a copy to the Fate Series, and ends up using the tips for rebuilding post-apocalyptic civilization to build up Dark Ages Camelot, before leaving it behind when he gets banished by Morgan. The same copy makes a reappearance at the beginning of the Fuyuki arc, some 1500 years later chronologically, where it's treated as an almost-sacred relic by the English.
    • Jaune also off-handedly references reading a Japanese comic about a guy fighting demons and dragons, and only being able to think "been there, done that". When he later discusses his exploits with Shiro, it's revealed that the manga is called "Knight of Love", and just so happens to involve Huntsmen, dragons, demons, and a flaming, frozen, and electrified dragonbone sword. Jaune even lampshades it by jokingly wondering if he should ask for royalties. Considering just who the author turned out to be and who it's based on, he'd have definitely gotten them. In the epilogues, it is apparently accurate enough (aside from some Artistic License according to Merlin) that whoever needs filling in of Jaune’s adventures are recommended to read them and it even got an anime adaptation.
  • The Ghost: Skyrim!Raven Branwen. She is the reason Dovahkiin!Yang was in Skyrim, in order to find her and find out why she left the family. After the craziness of her adventure with Jaune and later his friends, the epilogues reveal Dovahkiin!Yang forgot about her and concluded she was not worth it, so she never makes a proper appearance in the story. Interestingly, the author hinted at the possibility that she somehow got sent to the Fallout universe, which is why there is a Branwen Tribe in that world and was where Courier!Pyrrha was raised.
  • Gone Horribly Right: Morgan's plan to hurt Artoria and ultimately dethrone her, which began with banishing Jaune. Sure, Morgan succeeded, but her actions also caused a civil war that shook Camelot apart and saw the deaths of her entire family save Gawain (who blames her and flew into a murderous rage upon seeing her) while leaving her completely unable to intervene even when she wanted to. In the end, all that she can do is flee to Avalon with Artoria's mortally-wounded body and the knowledge that everything that happened is her fault, and despite all of her power and ambition she can't fix it. When she appears at the end the Fuyuki arc, some 1500 years after Camelot fell, she's clearly become The Atoner, and has been working all this time to make amends and reunite her sister with Jaune.
  • Good Old Fisticuffs: Dovahkiin!Yang‘s forte, just like Remnant!Yang.
    • Edrad Liones from Bleach since he is in his One-Winged Angel form.
    • Despite not using it much, Jaune gets pointers from the Doom Slayer to add to his offense. He first practices on demons from hell, punched out one of Vortigern’s eyes (in his dragon form no less), and killed Gilgamesh with one that broke his neck.
  • The Greatest Story Never Told: Despite his role in helping her save Tamriel numerous times, Jaune is only remembered as a footnote in Dovahkiin!Yang's saga, much to her chagrin. The author's notes mention that, while Jaune's Aura and swordsmanship may make him one in a million, the tale of the Last Dragonborn and the World-Eater is just that rare and significant of an event.
    • Only the East Coast Brotherhood of Steel knows about Jaune's actions in the Brotherhood-Enclave War, and even then most of the newer recruits find it hard to believe that the Lone Wanderer had a mentor who could tank plasma bolts without armor, carve through Enclave Power Armor with a flaming, frozen, and electrified sword, and racked up a kill count higher than a forty-foot robot with laser eyes and a backpack full of nukes. Justified, as it's revealed that Sarah Lyons has been restricting any footage of Jaune in combat in order to stop the spread of the Pendragon Cult.
    • In the Fuyuki arc, Jaune’s role in the Camelot arc as the Knight of Compassion is generally agreed by historians to be apocryphal and/or metaphorical and due to him suddenly disappearing from the 100 Year War arc, Blake d’Arc is remembered as Jeanne d’Arc and credited with his feats as well as her own after he disappeared.
  • Healing Hands: Jaune's main use of his Semblance, which he uses to heal, among many others, King Pellinore and Joshua Graham.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: While the other aspects of his Semblance help, one of Jaune's greatest skills is his ability to form bonds between others.
  • Hero of Another Story: Remnant!Team RWBY and JNPR had their own adventure similar to Canon, just with Jaune replaced by Pyrrha. They later joined Dovahkiin!Yang to go to Skyrim and help out there while also looking for Jaune.
    • In general, this happens to most of the doppelgangers Jaune meets after their arcs end and the story moves on. Of note:
      • Ruby Ironwood is known across the continent as the legendary Lone Wanderer by the time Fallout: New Vegas occurs.
      • The East Coast Brotherhood has also been expanding and exploring during the same time period, and has made contact with lost chapters as far away as Texas and Florida.
      • Doom Slayer Coco after getting sent to Remnant, went on to go kill any remaining Grimm that was left after “The Triumph”, raid abandoned military facilities on Solitas to bring VEGA back online and look for Jaune’s family afterwards to tell them what happened to him while figuring out a way to travel back to hell to continue her crusade and get Jaune out if he was sent there.
      • Blake d'Arc successfully leads the French to victory and retires back to Domremy three years after Compiegne, before being contacted by Merlin, Vivian, Morgan, and Tier Harribel.
      • Merlin, Vivian, Morgan, and Tier Harribel have also been busy since Camelot fell, and it's mentioned that Tier Harribel and Saber Lion were involved in something at Trafalgar.
      • Dovahkiin!Yang, Serana, and Remnant!Teams RWBY and JNPR end the Skyrim Civil War, put down a Dragon Rebellion, and drive the Thalmor out of Cyrodiil in three weeks.
      • The events of Old World Blues DLC are experienced by Ruby Ironwood, Ulysses, and Courier Pyrrha while the Lyons' Pride and Veronica Santangelo fight their way through the Sierra Madre to take down a rogue Brotherhood Of Steel Elder.
  • Heroic BSoD: Artoria and Jaune both suffer one after Morgan successfully curses Jaune to be banished from England.
    • In Artoria's case, she'd finally decided to be honest with herself and Jaune, and had been planning on telling Jaune about both her true sex and her feelings for him, when she'd found out he'd been banished from the realm simply to hurt her.
    • In Jaune's case, he'd spent 18 months in Camelot and was finally settling down and working through the pain of what he'd lost. After Morgan's curse, he finds himself once again alone in an unfamiliar land, unable to process what had just happened.
    • Jaune and Artoria both have another one in the Fuyuki arc, with Jaune suffering one when he learns that Camelot fell in part due to him and Artoria suffering her own when she thinks that Jaune has been killed in the Grail War.
  • Hidden Depths: Blake d’Arc is a surprisingly good artist. Good enough that despite being illiterate, she created the Knight of Love manga series based on Jaune’s adventures and even won an award for it.
  • History Repeats: The first thing Jaune does when he meets Dovahkiin!Yang is to vomit on her boots. Just like Remnant!Yang, she refers to him as Vomit Boy for that.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Morgan cursed Jaune to be banished from English lands. The first time, he was sent from the Arthurian England to the 100 Years' War. By then, Morgan had come to see even she needed him, and engineered his capture by the English forces so he could be brought back to England. Unfortunately, the curse kicked in at that moment, sending him to Fuyuki just in time for the Fifth Holy Grail War and ruining Morgan's plans. Merlin sadly lampshades that even she couldn't stop the curse.
  • Humongous Mecha: From the Video Game/Falloutthree world, we of course have Liberty Prime.
  • Hyperspace Arsenal: The Doom Slayer naturally, though the author notes explain that she actually uses a version of Velvet's Anesidora to make it look like this trope.
  • Ideal Hero: Jaune is considered this by Ruby Ironwood, Artoria Pendragon, Fate!Velvet, and Blake d'Arc. They all try to emulate him, abit in their own ways and to different degrees.
  • Ironic Echo: After Fallout!Ruby vomits on his boots, Jaune can't resist nicknaming her Vomit Girl.
  • Irony: When Aŋra Mainiiu wakes up in Remnant next to Jaune, she introduces herself as Cinder, which makes him think that while it should mean something to him, he concludes that if he had known a Cinder in one of the worlds he'd been in, she probably hadn't really made too much of an impact on him. So while he does remember the flying fire witch that attacked Beacon with a Grimm Dragon, broke the sword part of Crocea Mors in half, and effectively killed him with glass shards that began his journey in the first place, he apparently never learned her name.
  • King of Beasts / Panthera Awesome: Artoria was gifted a male lion cub by King Pellinore. She names him Saber after Jaune remarked that he looked similar to a Grimm Sabyr. They both raise him in Camelot, where he grows into the size of a horse (due to being a distant descendant of the Nemean Lion) and he is Artoria’s mount when she is summoned as a Rider class over her Cool Horse Llamrei.
  • Kryptonite Factor: Salem barely deigns to fight against Dovahkiin!Yang... until she uses the Dragonrend Shout, ending her regeneration and killing her for good.
  • Love Dodecahedron: One exists with Jaune at its center. Remnant!Pyrrha, Dovahkiin!Yang, and Artoria are confirmed to have strong feelings for Jaune, with hints that Ruby Rose, Ruby Ironwood, Serana, Sarah Lyons, Courier Pyrrha, Fate!Velvet, Jeanne d'Arc, and Shiro Emiya (and maybe Remnant!Velvet as well if the rest of her team’s teasing is taken at face value) have feelings that go beyond merely platonic. Unfortunately for them, Jaune is completely Oblivious to Love.
    • Things come to a head in the penultimate chapter "The Reunion", where they all come to Remnant within minutes of each other, and Remnant!Pyrrha, Dovahkiin!Yang, Ruby Rose, and Artoria confess to him. It is exactly as chaotic as you'd expect.
      • Eventually, rather than choosing an Official Couple, the final chapter consists of Multiple Endings, with most girls or worlds getting an ending dedicated to them and the author saying that readers are free to decide which ending (or combination of endings) are canon to them. There's even a What If scenario that has the potential to lead to a Marry Them All ending (read: all the romantic endings occuring within the same timeline).
  • Mistaken Identity: A few stray comments from Jaune to Courier!Pyrrha lead her to believe he's a literal archangel, and pretty much everything he does seems to confirm it for her. And she is not alone in this belief. She eventually gets over it come the epilogues, but unfortunately, nobody else seems to have gotten the message.
    • According to the author, in a reply to a comment on Chapter 54 about which characters would believe which archangel they believe him to be based on Michael the warrior, Gabriel the messenger, and Raphael the healer.
    “Out of Joshua, Daniel, and Pyrrha (though she doesn't see him as an angel yet)... the warrior sees him as a healer, the healer sees him as a messenger, and the messenger sees him as a warrior (of sword and words). The Antlerites would probably see him as a warrior, if they didn't worship Antler instead, the Followers of the Apocalypse see him as a healer, and the Bright Brotherhood would see him as a messenger.”
    • Most of the Brotherhood of Steel for their part believe Jaune to be King Arthur of Arthurian Legend, much to Sarah Lyons’ frustration. It gets more frustrating for her and hilarious for us when Artoria arrives on the Prydwen looking for Jaune.
    • Caesar's Legion believe him to be a weapon to defeat the NCR due to the nickname the Enclave gave him, Crocea Mors, which was the name of Julius Caesar’s gladius.
    • Jaune never actually figures out that the Doom Slayer is a version Coco Adel, he just assumes that she is a version of either Yang or Glynda Goodwitch as a guess.
    • The Saxons in the Camelot arc believe Jaune to be a reincarnation of Siegfried of the Nibelungenlied. Morgan convinced King Aelle of Sussex into believing he really is him, brought back to life through necromancy and in servitude to Artoria, which made him hire mercenaries to distract Artoria while she was away from Camelot and to kill Jaune with Julius Caesar’s Crocea Mors in a misguided attempt to free him. This and a few poorly worded comments by Jaune led Fate!Velvet to also believe this (while also thinking he was either a Roman or a Roman enemy that lived during Julius Caesar’s time in a past life) and convinced her brother Agravain and Horsa the Saxon into leading a Saxon army with mercenaries (including Beowulf who stuck Artoria and Velvet down in the battle) into making sure that Jaune couldn’t be summoned again from his “eternal reward”.
    • Gilgamesh believed Jaune was a Foreigner class servant and referred to him as The King in Yellow. Lancer (Cu Chulainn) also briefly mistakes Jaune for an Assassin class servant, Fate!Velvet does as well, but that was because she was quite a distance away when she sensed him fighting with Lancer.
  • Monster Is a Mommy: Oddly, Cinder Fall referred to the Grimm Dragon as a her.
  • Mook Horror Show: The Battle of Raven Rock and the Liberation of the Jefferson Memorial, with the Enclave on the receiving end.
    • The Enclave's interrogation of Sarah Lyons show that Jaune inflicted another one on the Enclave while rescuing the scientists of Project Purity and getting them to safety, earning him the nickname the "Yellow Death". Notably, when Jaune arrives to rescue Sarah, the Enclave's first reaction is to immediately evacuate Raven Rock rather than stay and fight.
  • Mythology Gag: At one point Gilgamesh calls Jaune "The King in Yellow", in the original short story Jaune mentioned that he got sent to a world with an evil cult version of the White Fang who also called him that.
  • Narnia Time: Time seems to work differently in the worlds outside of Remnant. According to Jaune’s family in the last chapters he had been missing for around 5 years since his presumed death at Beacon, while Jaune estimates he was gone for around 3 years (he also forgot to add in the 4 years he spent in suspended animation on the alien mothership in the Fallout world and the time skips in the Fate Series), which would make him physically younger than all of Remnant!Team RWBY and JNPR, even Ruby who is the youngest among them by 2 years.
    • When meeting up with Jaune and his family in the last chapters, Remnant!Team RWBY and JNPR claim they were in Skyrim for less than a month, while on Remnant 4 months had passed before they got back.
    • Further confusing Jaune’s time displacement is his fight with Alduin. Not only did Jaune accidentally send himself and Alduin to Remnant for half a chapter, the spell also threw them forward in time to 3 months after Salem was slain and according to Jaune’s dad, their fight had happened just a month before Jaune came home in the last chapters while to Jaune it was at around 2 years ago for him. Also according to Dovahkiin!Yang, the event was 7 months ago for her, and the spell she used to get to Remnant sent her earlier than when Jaune and Alduin went there, which was when she killed Salem.
  • No One Could Survive That!: Jaune is left behind when the Adams Air Force Base is nuked, and his allies in the Brotherhood of Steel reluctantly leave him for dead. While his Aura definitely helped, he was actually spirited away by an alien mothership on orbit and kept in cryostasis for four years before a revolt killed the overseers and allowed him to escape.
    • The aftermath of Jaune’s battle with Gilgamesh understandably has Artoria in despair of not getting to aid him in time as an entire section of the forest the fight took place in had become a crater with the remains of Jaune’s dragonbone sword and shield left without him in sight. Thankfully Jaune managed to kill Gilgamesh and fell unconscious afterwards, with Tier Harribel finding him and putting him in a hotel to rest.
  • Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond: Jaune's lack of experience and formal training makes him one of the weakest students in Beacon, and he knows it. In Skyrim, however, the swordsmanship lessons and physical training he'd received from Pyrrha and Nora respectively set him very far apart from the average person, and that's not even taking into account his Aura, which can deflect basically any blow, heal just about any wound, and overcharge any enchanted weapon thanks to his Semblance. The next dimension he gets sent to, the Fallout universe, turns out to be an even smaller pond to Jaune.
    • As it turns out, however, Jaune's knowledge of just how weak he was at the start ends up causing him to attribute basically all of his successes to his Aura or his Cool Sword, preventing him from realizing just how much he's ended up growing over the course of his adventures (much to the frustration of the people who care about him).
  • No-Sell: Downplayed in that his aura helped, but Jaune resisted being corrupted by direct contact with the Spider Mastermind in the Doom universe and being thrown in the mud of Aŋra Mainiiu in the Fuyuki arc.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Once Pyrrha got out of the rocket locker Jaune pushed her into in front of Ruby and Weiss, she begins to rant in fury, which involves a novel string of Mistralian curse words (with Ruby noting that she has never heard her swear before, while Weiss comments that she owes Yang 20 lien) and promises of pain to her partner while crumpling the remains of the rocket locker like tissue paper. All of which had Ruby and Weiss nervously backing up before Pyrrha calms back down to worry over Jaune.
  • Poor Communication Kills: In the Camelot section, Morgan sends a group of mercenaries armed with Julius Caesar's Crocea Mors to kill Jaune. While the attempt fails, Velvet asks why the mercenaries agreed, and the answer is that they believe Jaune is Siegfried called from death to serve Artoria. This, combined with fragments of Jaune's stories and the artifacts he carries and Artoria's revelation of her gender makes Velvet believe Artoria is a witch and necromancer who bound Jaune to serve her beyond death, convincing Agravain and kickstarting the ultimate downfall of Camelot.
  • Right Man in the Wrong Place: Aside from referencing the Trope Namer in the story’s title, this is basically Jaune’s role in the story as a below average huntsman-in-training that gets sent to other worlds and helps solve their problems.
  • Sadistic Choice: As an end to Jaune's stay in Camelot, Morgan sneaks in, incapacitates Merlin and makes Jaune an offer - if he agrees to be banished from the realm to another place and time, she'll restore Merlin and never interfere with Camelot again. If he refuses, Merlin will never awaken. Weighing his options, he decides Merlin and the promise to leave Camelot alone is worth him and gives into Morgan's terms. Unfortunately, Velvet, acting on incomplete information Jaune now no longer has the chance to correct, is poised to break Artoria and Camelot.
    • In addition, Morgan also placed him under a suggestion spell that influenced his choice by drawing on the negative emotions he was feeling, mostly his boredom and desire to go home. When he arrives in the 100 Years War arc, his first thoughts are basically My God, What Have I Done?.
  • Self-Deprecation: For a good portion of the story, Jaune refuses to see himself as the hero he eventually grows into. This grows to a climax in the 100 Years War section, where he meets Blake d'Arc, who he painfully recognizes as a mirror of the idiot teen he was at the very beginning. He gets progressively more and more mortified as he recognizes his own traits in Blake's optimism, and wilts when Blake mentions the "strangers are friends you haven't met yet" phrase.
  • Shout-Out: To Monty Python in some of the epilogues (and the Camelot arc of course), mostly from Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Monty Python's Life of Brian.
  • So Crazy, It Must Be True: Kind of Jaune’s reputation among his friends in the Fallout world. No matter how unbelievable a story is, once Jaune’s name is brought up it almost automatically becomes accepted as true.
  • Something Only They Would Say: Invoked by Jaune when he tries to get a message to Ruby Ironwood to let her know he's okay, once he finds out that he's still in the Fallout world.
  • Supreme Chef: Jaune is apparently a great chef, so much so that his cooking by a camp fire is superior to a feast prepared by King Pellinore’s cooks.
  • Survivor Guilt: Remnant!Ruby suffers from this since Jaune’s Taking the Bullet Heroic Sacrifice in the first chapter as the glass shards from Cinder were aimed at her.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Jaune goes though this throughout the story. It helps that his Aura and Semblance are considered OP in the worlds he gets sent to.
    • Ruby Ironwood, to a lesser degree. Compare her first appearance at the start of Fallout 3 arc, where she could barely run from a few drugged-up raiders, to the Second Battle of Hoover Dam during the Fallout: New Vegas arc, where she's more than capable of tearing through the Fiends (drugged-up raiders with energy weapons) in melee combat.
  • Trapped in Another World: The premise of the story is that Jaune gets sent to another world, after he seemingly dies.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Remnant!Team CFVY was featured in one chapter, fought Alduin when he was brought to Remnant and even discovered Jaune was still alive. They never showed up again in the story after that.
    • There is no mention of what happened to Illyasviel von Einzbern after she was rescued from Kirei Kotomine and Angra Mainyu in the Fuyuki arc.
