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Famous Last Words / Star Wars

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Works with their own pages:

The Phantom Menace
  • "Captain, look!" Lt. Antidar Williams, before a turret in the Trade Federation droid control ship blows up the consular-class cruiser.
  • "Shields up!" Maori Madakor, same as above.
  • "Roger. Roger." Security Battle Droid Corporal.
  • "Uh, oh. Blast them!" Battle Droid Commander.
  • "D'oh!" B1-Battle Droid
  • "Coruscant, uh... that doesn't compute, uh... wait, uh... you're under arrest!" Command Battle Droid
  • "We're losing power. There seems to be a problem with the main reactor." Tey How, who dies when the Trade Federation control ship bridge blows up.
  • "Impossible! Nothing can get through our shields." Neimoidian Ship Captain Daultay Dofine, same as above.
  • "He... is the Chosen One. He... will bring balance. Train him..." Qui-Gon Jinn, dying from the stab wound that he received from Darth Maul.

Attack of the Clones

  • "Senator, we're making our final approach into Coruscant." Naboo Lieutenant Theomet Danlé
  • "I'm sorry, milady... I'm... not sure I... I've failed you, Senator." Cordé, Padmé's decoy, succumbing to wounds inflicted by Zam's bomb.
  • "Murishani... sleemo..."note  Zam Wesell, after being shot by a toxic dart from Jango Fett to prevent her from spilling the beans about him to Obi-Wan and Anakin.
  • "I love... I love—" Shmi Skywalker Lars, dying from the wounds from being tortured by Tuskan Raiders in Anakin's arms.
  • "My legs aren't moving. I must need maintenance." Battle droid whose head was attached to C-3PO's body.

Revenge of the Sith

  • "They're all over me! Get them off my—" A Clone Pilot during the Battle of Coruscant
  • "There they are! Get 'em!" One of the Battle Droids in the hangar of Grievous's command ship, the Invisible Hand.
  • "Drop your weapons. I said drop them." A Battle Droid in elevator
  • "You stupid little Astro droid." A Super Battle Droid.
  • "Uh-oh!" A Security Battle Droid, before he and his buddy get hit by the elevator.
  • "My eyes! My eyes!" A Super Battle Droid.
  • "I'm sorry, Master Kenobi. I failed." Shaak Ti in a non-canon deleted scene, before being killed by General Grievous.
  • "I sense great fear in you, Skywalker. You have hate, you have anger... but you don't use them." Count Dooku, a.k.a. Darth Tyranus, before losing to Anakin, who cuts his hands off, then, at Palpatine's command, finishes him by beheading him with both his and Dooku's lightsabers.
  • "Army or not, you must realize, you are doomed..." General Grievous, who dies later after being chased by Obi-Wan via getting shot in the chest with his own blaster.
  • "He has control of the Senate and the courts! He's too dangerous to be kept alive!" Mace Windu, before Anakin cuts his hand off when he tries to kill Palpatine (aka Darth Sidious). Palpatine then finishes him off by shooting Force lightning at the unarmed and defenseless Mace and throws him out the window to his doom.
  • "What is it, Skywalker?" Shaak Ti in another deleted scene (this scene was confirmed as part of Disney's canon by The Clone Wars, where she died unlike her Legends counterpart, who survived only to die to Galen Marek).
  • "Come on!" Ki-Adi-Mundi, before being shot to death by Commander Bacara and his Clone Troopers when they are brainwashed and forced to execute Order 66.
    • "Come on! We must take the bridge!" Ki-Adi-Mundi's full sentence, according to Canon, right before Bacara and his men point their guns at him.
  • "It will be done, my lord." Clone Commander Gree, referring to Palpatine's command to kill Yoda, before Yoda decapitates him and a Clone Scout Trooper before they could pull the trigger.
  • "Master Skywalker, there are too many of them. What are we going to do?" One of the younglings, who is killed by Anakin Skywalker, who was recently christened Darth Vader by Darth Sidious.
  • "There's been a rebellion, sir. Don't worry, the situation is under control. I'm sorry, sir; it's time for you to leave." Clone Commander Appo to Senator Bail Organa, before being struck by Padawan Zett Jukassa, possibly killing him.
  • "Stop! No!" Rune Haako, killed during Anakin/Vader's killing spree on the CIS leadership.
  • "Th-The war is over! Lord Sidious promised us peace. We only want— AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" Viceroy Nute Gunray, right before being killed by Anakin/Vader, who was sent by Sidious to exterminate the CIS leadership.
  • "There is good in him. I know there is... still—" Senator Padmé Naberrie Amidala, dying from despair after giving birth to Luke and Leia.


  • "It's no good dying alone, kid. Val was right." Rio Durant, as he's bleeding out from a Cloud Rider-inflicted blaster wound to the shoulder while Han flies the ship.
  • "We've had a good ride, babe... I wouldn't trade it for anything." Val, before blowing up the bridge while she's still on it to destroy the Viper probe droids.
  • "Lando! What's happening... to me...?" L3-37, shutting down in Lando's arms after her body was shot down by blaster fire on Kessel.
  • "Once you're part of Crimson Dawn, you can't leave." Dryden Vos, before Qi'ra turns on him and runs him through with a sword.
  • "I was never gonna learn to play the valachord." Tobias Beckett, succumbing to a fatal blaster wound from Han in their final standoff.

Rogue One

  • "You will never win." Lyra Erso, before one of Krennic's Death Troopers shoots her.
  • "Are you crazy? I'll never climb out of here. My arm..." Tivik, before being killed by Cassian.
  • "Save the Rebellion! Save the dream!" Saw Gerrera, as he sends Jyn off to survive. The wave of destruction from the Death Star's superlaser kills him shortly after.
  • "Jyn. Look at you. I have so much to tell you..." Galen Walton Erso, as he succumbs to his wounds from the Rebel attack
  • "That would be helpful." Imperial Officer Colin Hakelia, before being killed offscreen by Rebels in the stolen Rogue One shuttle, leading to Cassian and Jyn taking his and the accompanying crew member's uniforms as disguises.
  • "Yeah, the T-15s have been marked obsolete." An Imperial Stormtrooper
  • "Oh boy, it's about time for that." Another Stormtrooper
  • "What the...?" A third Stormtrooper
  • "Can I help you?" Vault Guard Milton Putna, before being bonked on the head by K-2SO, who answers, "That won't be necessary.
  • "Come on, come on, come on, come on!" Rebel pilot Vangos Grek (Blue Six) of Blue Squadron, who unfortunately dies as he crashes into the shield as the shield gate closes.
  • "Fire on my command!" AT-ACT Pilot
  • "U-Wings, reinforce those troops on the beach. All fighters, on me; we have to shield them from air attack." General Antoc Merrick (Blue Leader). Later in the battle, his X-Wing gets shot down and crashes, with his last sound being him screaming as he loses his engine.
  • "They're all over me! I'm trying to lose them... this is Red Five. I need help!" Pedrin Gaul (Red Five)
  • "Locking the vault door now. Goodbye." K-2SO, insuring that incoming waves of Imperials won't get to Jyn and Cassian by smashing the controls to their room's door before he's shot down.
  • "We're going down!" U-wing pilot Laren Joma (Blue Eleven) as the U-wing gunship crashes.
  • "I'm going!" Rebel Soldier Taifu Sefia, who tries to run for the console switch, but is gunned down by a bunch of Imperial troops cornering them.
  • "Hang on. The master switch, it's over at that console!" Sergeant Ruescott Melshi
  • "It's okay. It's okay. Look for the Force, and you will always find me." Chirrut ÃŽmwe, who dies in Baze's arms after being caught in an explosion.
  • "This is for you, Galen." Bodhi Rook, when he finally manages to establish contact with the fleet, but a grenade is thrown into the Rogue One shuttle with him still inside.
  • "I am one with the Force, the Force is with me." Baze Malbus, before he's killed by a Death Trooper's grenade during his last stand.
  • "Sublight engines, full throttle!" Kado Oquoné, the captain of the Lightmaker that rams into a Star Destroyer to destroy the shield gate.
  • "Reverse engines, full power!" Imperial Officer Admiral Gorin, who is commanding said Star Destroyer that gets demolished on top of the shield gate.
  • "The shield is up, your signal will never reach the rebel base. All the ships in here will be destroyed. I lose nothing but time. You, on the other hand, die with the Rebellion." Director Orson Callan Krennic, going through his Villainous Breakdown and confronting Jyn before Cassian guns him down. He dies from a blast from the Death Star as the beam hits the building he happens to be on.
  • "I do. Someone's out there." Jyn Erso, before she and Cassian Andor die together when they are engulfed by an incoming explosion caused by the Death Star.
  • "Your father would be so proud of you, Jyn." Cassian Jeron Andor exchanging his last words to Jyn Erso, before they die together as they are engulfed by an incoming explosion caused by the Death Star.
  • "Rogue One, may the Force be with you. All ships, prepare for jump to hyperspace." Admiral Raddus watching the Death Star fire Scarif from aboard the Profundity, which is shortly boarded by the Empire after. He's confirmed to have died afterwards.
  • "Open fire!" A Rebel Red Shirt, as he and a few other Rebels try to take on Darth Vader. Unfortunately, he dies.
  • "Here, here! TAKE IT! Take it!" A second Rebel Red Shirt handing the Death Star plans in a data card to another Rebel soldier on the other side of a malfunctioning door through a small crack. Right after handing over the plans, Vader kills him by stabbing the poor guy, while the rebel with the plan card makes it onto the Tantive IV to make an escape.

A New Hope

  • "We intercepted no transmissions...! This is a consular ship...! We're on a diplomatic mission...!" Captain Raymus Antilles, as he's choked to death by a furious Darth Vader.
  • "There's one. Set for stun." TK-9091, before being shot by Princess Leia.
  • (In Huttese) "That's the idea. I've been looking forward to this for a long time." Greedo, before being shot by Han Solo, who responds "Yeah, I'll bet you have."
    • "They'd hardly notice. Get up! I've been looking forward to this for a long time." Greedo, in the original version thereof, before technical difficulties resulted in Jabba's scene being removed in the final cut.
    • "Ma klounkee!" Roughly translating to "I'll end you!" in Huttese. Greedo, immediately before Han Solo shoots in the Disney+ edition.
  • "Take over, we've got a bad transmitter. I'll see what I can do." Lt. Pol Treidum, who apparently dies when Chewie throws him after opening the door.
  • "I wasn't notified. I'll have to clear it." Prison Officer Shann Childsen, in reference to a "prisoner transfer", who dies in the ensuing firefight in the detention block.
  • "It's them! Blast them!" An Imperial Stormtrooper who encounters Luke, Leia, Han and Chewie in the Death Star corridors and is shot by Han.
  • "You can't win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi, prior to becoming one with the Force after letting himself be struck down by Darth Vader.
  • "No, I'm all right— AAAAAUGH!!" Jek Tono Porkins (Red Six), before his ship explodes from turret fire.
  • "I'm hit!" John D. Branon (Red Four), shot down by a mook's TIE fighter.
  • "Computer's locked, getting a signal. The guns... they've stopped." Dex Tiree (Gold Two), who's shot down by Darth Vader shortly afterwards.
  • "Loosen up!" Jon "Dutch" Vander (Gold Leader), before being shot down by Darth Vader.
  • "They came from behind!" Davish "Pops" Krail (Gold Five) right as he's being shot down by Darth Vader.
  • "We've analyzed their attack, sir, and there is a danger. Should I have your ship standing by? Chief Moradmin Bast to Tarkin, who rebukes at him, "Evacuate, in our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances." He, along with Tarkin, dies when the Death Star is blown up.
  • "I can't hold them! (Beat) AAAAAGH!!!" Theron Nett (Red Ten), before being shot down by Darth Vader before Garven shoots proton torpedoes at the shaft, which ended up missing and only impacting the surface.
  • "It's a hit!" Nozzo Naytaan (Red Nine)... presumably. He's confirmed to be dead, but it's unknown if those were his last words.
  • "Stay there, I've just lost my starboard engine! Get set up for your attack run!" Garven Dreis (Red Leader), before being shot down by Darth Vader
  • "Hurry up, Luke! ...wait! Wait--!" Biggs Darklighter (Red Three), before being shot down by Darth Vader.
  • "You may fire when ready." Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, before Luke Skywalker fires his proton torpedoes into the Death Star's exhaust port and destroys it, killing Tarkin and everyone aboard the station.
  • "Look out!" Vader's wingman "Mauler" Mithel, before bumping into Vader's TIE fighter, and crashing.
  • "Stand by... Stand by..." The Death Star Gunner, named Tenn Graneet in the Legends Canon.

The Empire Strikes Back

  • "Lord Vader, the fleet has moved out of lightspeed and we're preparing to—*urk!*" Admiral Kendal Ozzel, who is strangled to death via Darth Vader using Force Choke on him for alerting the Rebels to the Empire's presence by coming out of lightspeed too close to the Hoth System.
  • "Luke, we've got a malfunction in fire control. I'll have to cut in the auxiliary." Dak Ralter, who dies when the malfunction blows up in his face.
  • "Set for position three. Steady..." Zev Senesca (Rogue Two), before he and his gunner Kit Valent are shot down.
  • "Get a shuttle ready. I shall assume full responsibility for losing them, and apologize to Lord Vader. Meanwhile, continue to scan the area." Captain Lorth Needa's last on-screen words, as the next time we see him, Vader "accepts his apology" by strangling him to death with the Force.

Return of the Jedi

  • (in Huttese) "Put him in." Jabba Desilijic Tiure the Hutt, who is strangled to death by Leia during the ensuing fight. He later says some more things in Huttese, but they're untranslated.
  • "Face Vader, you must... and 'sorry' will not help. Remember, a Jedi's strength flows from the Force. But beware: Anger, fear, aggression... the dark side, are they. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Luke... Luke, do not... do not underestimate the powers of the Emperor, or suffer your father's fate, you will. Luke, when gone am I, the last of the Jedi, will you be. Luke... the Force runs strong in your family. Pass on what you have learned. Luke, there... is... another... Skywalker." Yoda, who's the only Star Wars character to die from old age/natural causes. The first sentence of this line is exclusive to a deleted part of the scene that reveals Yoda himself had instructed Obi-Wan to hide the truth about what happened to Luke's father.
  • "Halt!" An Imperial Scout Trooper.
  • "Yes, sir." Another Imperial Scout Trooper, in response to his bud telling him to report back to base. He is killed when Leia shoots his speeder bike and explodes.
  • "What the—?" A third Imperial Scout Trooper, named Oberk in the Legends Canon, before being killed by Wicket the Ewok and Leia.
  • "Fire." Moff Tiaan Jerjerrod's last on-screen words in the actual movie, as he fires the Second Death Star's super laser at a Mon Calamari ship. He dies when the Second Death Star is eventually destroyed.
    • "Commence firing." Moff Tiaan Jerjerrod in a deleted scene, where the Death Star attempts to destroy Endor before it blows up.
  • "She's gonna blow!" X-Wing Pilot Grizz Frix (Red Five)
  • "I'm hit!" Y-Wing Pilot Ekelarc Yong (Gray Three)
  • "Hands up! Stand up!" An Imperial Stormtrooper on Endor, before being shot by a recently injured Leia.
  • "Give yourself to the Dark Side. It is the only way you can save your friends. Yes... your thoughts betray you. Your feelings for them are strong. Especially for... sister! So... you have a twin sister. Your feelings have now betrayed her too. Obi-Wan was wise to hide her from me, but now his failure is complete. If you will not turn to the Dark Side... then perhaps she will." Darth Vader's last words before his redemption and when he becomes Anakin Skywalker again.
  • "Now, young Skywalker... you will die." Emperor Sheev Palpatine (a.k.a. Darth Sidious), before Darth Vader throws him down the reactor shaft to his doom.
    • "Vader, I am your master!" What he says in the radio adaptation as Vader is about to throw him down the reactor shaft. Vader's response is to say, "Darth Vader's master, but not Anakin Skywalker's!"
  • "Sir, we lost our bridge deflector shields!" An Imperial Staff Officer on the bridge of the Executor, who dies when the Executor is destroyed after the below two lines.
  • "Intensify the forward batteries. I don't want anything to get through. Intensify forward firepower!" Admiral Firmus Piett, who dies when the out of control A-Wing fighter of Arvel Crynyd (Green Leader) that was hit kamikazes its way into the Executor's bridge.
  • "TOO LATE!!!!" Executive Officer Commander Gherant, same as above.
  • "You already have, Luke. You were right. You were right about me. Tell your sister... you were right." Anakin Skywalker, after his redemption and unmasking, in reference to Luke saving him.

The Force Awakens

The Last Jedi

  • "Nix!" Paige Tico, referring to her bombardier Nix Jerd, who was killed, before being caught in an explosion from bombing a Dreadnought at close range.
  • "All craft, full engines! Concentrate rear shields!" Admiral Gial Ackbar, before the Raddus's bridge gets blown to kingdom come.
  • "The rest of our crew has been evacuated and heading your way. It's been an honor Admiral. Godspeed, rebels—!" Anodyne pilot
  • "You think you can turn him? Pathetic child. I cannot be betrayed, I cannot be beaten. I see his mind, I see his every intent. Yes. I see him turning the lightsaber to strike true. And now, foolish child, he ignites it... and KILLS his true enemy!" Supreme Leader Snoke, before being bisected with Rey's lightsaber by Kylo Ren.
  • "No, you're too far out. Full speed to planet fall. Full speed!" Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo, before ramming the Raddus through the Supremecy and the First Order fleet at lightspeed.
  • "You were always scum." Captain Phasma to Finn, prior to falling to her death. Finn's reply? "Rebel scum."
  • "See you around, kid." Luke Skywalker, ending his Force-projection on Crait to become one with the Force on Ahch-To.

The Rise of Skywalker

  • "Win the war." Boolio, responding to Finn how they can thank him for the information he gave them. His decapitated head is later presented to the First Order Supreme Council.
  • "That's not even a language." Stormtrooper
  • "It was a coordinated incursion, Allegiant General. They overpowered the guards and forced me to take them to their ship." General Armitage Hux, before Pryde identifies him as a mole and shoots him dead.
  • "Ben..." General Leia Organa, reaching out to her son using the last of her strength. Later, she becomes one with the Force.
  • "Yeah, I see it!" Temmin "Snap" Wexley, before his X-Wing is shot down by a TIE Fighter at Exegol.
  • "YOU ARE NOTHING! A scavenger girl is no match for the power in me! I am all the Sith!" Emperor Sheev Palpatine (a.k.a. Darth Sidious), before being killed by Rey, who deflects his own lightning back into him and incinerates him.
  • "And I... am all the Jedi." Rey, who perishes after sending Palpatine's lightning back to him. She is later revived by Ben Solo.
  • "Where did they get all these fighter craft? They have no navy." Allegiant General Enric Pryde, who goes down with his Star Destroyer in the Battle of Exegol.
  • "It's not a navy, sir, it's just... people." Admiral Frantis Griss, same as above.
  • "Ow." Ben Solo, a.k.a. Kylo Ren, who becomes one with the Force after sacrificing his life force to revive Rey.
