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Characters / YogLabs

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In general

Doctor Testificate, M.D.

Formerly a character belonging to the Eden project map, he was later promoted to the Yoglabs team.
  • Ascended Extra: Initially just another character created by somebody who made an adventure map, he has since become a part of Yoglabs.
  • Badass Bookworm: Confirmed when he survives the zombie onslaught at Yoglabs.
  • Badass Longcoat: Part of his skin.
  • Butt-Monkey: Bad things often happen to him. In the adventure map that Lewis and Simon took his character from he was blown up "accidentally" by Simon, then in Yoglabs he got locked in the medbay with the Little Maids, was cut up partially and shot, then had his blood taken for cloning at which point his clone was murdered.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: He ends up being shot nonfatally by Lewis for not renewing his combat license.
  • Mission Control: "Acts" as this for Simon and Lewis during their taking back of Yoglabs.
  • Morally Ambiguous Doctorate: Not so much in the adventure map that he first appears in, but in Yoglabs this trope is in full effect, given how the setting basically has him working with the bad guys. We don't see him doing anything bad, however.
  • They Killed Kenny: He keeps coming back despite being maimed constantly and wounded fatally more than once. It's implied that the versions of him that die are clones.
  • You Have Failed Me: Lewis and Dr. Srivaramen cut him up and turn some of his body parts into zombies, then Lewis shoots him for not renewing his combat record. He gets better.

Dr. Srivaramen

Part of the Yoglabs team, and notably much more off the rails than Doctor Testificate M.D.
  • Admiring the Abomination: He loves the mutants he creates, even though they're dangerous and rather weird.
  • Affably Evil: Lewis describes him as a nice man, and he indeed comes across as a polite guy, but he's also a nutty mad scientist. After chopping up Doctor Testificate, he immediately does his best to see that he's nursed back to health.
  • Ambiguously Brown: Discussed. While his name sounds Indian and Simon voices him with an Indian accent, Lewis isn't sure as to whether or not he comes from India or if he's a Native American.
  • And Call Him "George": Gives names to the mutants he creates.
  • Axe-Crazy: The guy is absolutely crazy. He helped Lewis chop up poor Doctor Testificate M.D and turn some of his body into zombies.
  • Badass Bookworm: Survives a mutant enderman onslaught.
  • Badass Longcoat: A labcoat covered in blood, which is part of his skin.
  • Deadly Doctor: Given how he's in charge of genetic engineering and his labcoat is covered in blood, and that most of his experiments are extremely dangerous, he qualifies. See Axe-Crazy for further details.
    • He also offhandedly mentions that he lost his medical license, implying he was really bad at healing people.
  • Intentional Engrish for Funny: "Hello sirs, it's very please to meet you!", which is also the first line he ever says.
  • Mad Scientist: The guy makes Lewis' Yoglabs persona look sane.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He feeds his pet zombie mutant testificate children.

Prof. Brightmeer

A medical assistant at Yoglabs, who helps Simon during the "Bad Trip" episode.

  • Cyborg: He appears to be one, having part of his face covered by metal plating.
  • Everyone Has Standards: He's appalled by the effect the drugs have on Simon and what they make him do, muttering sympathetically about the Testificates that died.
  • The Medic: His supposed position at Yoglabs.
  • Shoot the Dog: Briefly proposed when Simon is tripping out, and Brightmeer suggests a Mercy Kill... by incineration. Mercifully, Lewis delays him for a while and Simon recovers.

Professor Bixby

A member of Yoglabs staff, on their science team.

  • Accidental Truth: He claims that Girlfriend Island is "a dangerous place to be" when it appears to be an island paradise, and it's quite clearly meant to be a lie to cover up where he's going. Then the basilisks attack...
  • Affably Evil: A nice and grandfatherly scientist, who happens to be a literal grandfather... who happens to be working for Yoglabs (and is also a bit of a Covert Pervert).
  • Bald of Evil: He's not that evil, but the trope still applies as he has no hair on his Minecraft skin.
  • Blatant Lies: When found at Girlfriend Island, he claims he's doing "important science". Sure. That's totally not what Simon and Lewis were there to do.
  • Cool Old Guy: He's quite a nice and funny guy.
  • Covert Pervert: Simon and Lewis find him in "Girlfriend Island" being followed by dozens of girlfriends, under the excuse of doing dangerous research.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Bixby evidently has a large, extended family, and is very proud of his grandson for passing his GCSE exams.
  • Evil Old Folks: Sort of. He's working for Yoglabs, a morally deficient place, although he isn't that evil himself.
  • Improbable Weapon User: When the basilisks arrive, he pulls out a fishing rod. Lewis and Simon mock him for it.
  • Naked People Are Funny: When Simon and Lewis find him during Girlfriend Island, they find he's almost completely nude.

Sergeant Herp

A soldier in Yoglabs employ.

  • Bolivian Army Ending: Subverted. He gets dragged away by a horde of giant bugs, but manages to break free and escape.
  • Butt-Monkey: All his friends die from the bug attack, he gets hit with a stray grenade when Simon presses the wrong button, then he gets dragged off by a swarm of bugs.
  • Cowardly Lion: He fights reasonably well, given what happened.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Loveble Coward traits aside, he does okay as a fighter.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: It's confirmed after his appearance that he's getting treated, both physically and mentally.
  • Sole Survivor: On the attack on the Yoglabs Firebase, owing to several giant bugs swarming it. He almost gets killed again, but narrowly manages to escape.


A scientist in charge of drugs and medicines.


A mutant zombie and formerly one of the main projects of Yoglabs, he now works part-time as a bouncer and doorman.

  • Arc Villain: For a non-canon animated adventure.
  • Death Is Cheap: He's died at least once before, but now seems to be alive again.
  • The Dragon: Technically to Dr_Srivaramen, although he's done little fighting for him. Later, Gozencrantz and Rildernstern hire him as their chief muscle and bouncer, although he stays out of the action.
  • Dumb Muscle: His intelligence has obviously taken a hit.
    • Dumbass No More: That said, he was once even stupider and incapable of speech. He's obviously gotten brighter.
  • Hulk Speak: Downplayed. He doesn't speak entirely like this, but he's not exactly eloquent.
  • Mighty Glacier: Once he becomes a bouncer, he keeps his strength but appears to have slowed down a bit.
  • Too Dumb to Fool: The reason that Gozencrantz and Rildernstern hire him as a bouncer to keep out intruders, since he won't be talked out of it.

Gozencrantz and Rildenstern

The joint heads of the cloning division.

  • Big Bad: For the series as a whole, given their efforts to take over Yoglabs and kill off everyone for real. With that said, they seem to be followed by something worse.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate They work as a pair.
  • Kick the Dog: Rildenstern murders Simon's master clone and then tries doing the same to the others.
  • Killed Off for Real: Both of them get taken down by Simon and Lewis, and given that their plans involved killing everyone's Master Clones, they probably had their own ones taken offline.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Downplayed. Compared to Strawfingers, Skylord_Vitali or Israphel, these guys are downright hilarious, but their actions cause a rare dramatic and tragic ending to an episode and the stakes are raised significantly, even with the government's constant interference. To top that off, something even worse is implied to succeed them, if the twist ending is any clue.
  • Large Ham: Gozencrantz's dialogue is read out this way.
  • Mad Scientist: They're Yoglabs personnel, so it's practically a requirement.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Gozencrantz is far too hammy for his own good. Rildenstern, on the other hand, is a little smarter and more sane.
  • Shout-Out to Shakespeare: To Rozencrantz and Gildenstern from Hamlet.
  • The Starscream: They both seek to take over Yoglabs, although Rildenstern accepts that immediate control is unlikely.
  • Take Over the World: Their ultimate goal, although Rildenstern accepts that it's not going to be so easy as Gozencrantz hopes.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Yes, Gozencratz. You'd better go to that completely exposed toilet, after having just told the room your plans, rather than go with your partner in crime and get the plan done.
  • Walking Spoiler: You can probably guess a lot about them from the sheer amount of spoilered text.

Lalnibal Hector

A clone of Duncan being stored at Yoglabs. He did something to get locked up.

  • Affably Evil/Faux Affably Evil: In his log detailing his cloning of Kim, he pauses to compliment the weather.
    "Field testing will commence at once. What a lovely day!"
  • Axe-Crazy: According to Lewis, this is why he's been locked up. Although, considering the things he's been up to, his mannerisms from what we have witnessed and what they found in his lab in season 2 of Flux Buddies, he might have a point there.
    • Pretty much confirmed in Flux Buddies episode 107, where he attacks Duncan's and Kim's base with a flamethrower while he's Laughing Mad and hamming it up.
  • Big Bad: Shares the position with Hat Films in Flux Buddies.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: He and Hat Films seem to operate independently of each other.
  • Evil Counterpart: Supposedly to Duncan / Lalna, as he apparently takes some of his traits further.
  • Pyromaniac: In Flux Buddies no.107, when he attacks the main base, he's having the time of his life while assaulting their buildings with a Nether Bellows

The Government

The government of an unspecified nation (supposedly Minecraftia) that generally serve as the Hero Antagonist organisation to the Villain Protagonist Yoglabs company.

  • Big Good They're the only organisation trying to take Yoglabs down.
  • Hero Antagonist: Given the nature of Yoglabs and the fact that they are explicitly stated to be evil, they come across as this.
