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Characters / Shinobi of the High Seas

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Natural Disaster

    In General 
  • Ascended Extra: Most of the crew were extras in canon who only interacted with the Straw Hats for an arc or two.
  • Badass Crew: They can cause as much destruction as the Straw Hats, sometimes even moreso. There even seems to be an unspoken game between the two crews over which one can wreak the most havoc.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: They're all rather quirky, but they are a terrifying force to be reckoned with.
  • Cool and Unusual Punishment: If a Devil Fruit user intrudes, their favorite method of punishment after subduing them is to tie the poor fool to the bow and let them get soaked with sea water until they give up. Except Miss Valentine, who was spared this fate because of her looks.
  • Similar Squad:
    • Nojiko, besides being Nami's sister, shares her skills at navigation and her position as the de facto voice of reason in most circumstances. In her combat style, she's closer to Usopp with her marksmanship and variety of weapons.
    • Soren, like Zoro, started as a pirate hunter, although not for the bounties, remains the undisputed second strongest on the crew, gains an incredibly high bounty placing him among the Supernovas, desires to defeat a specific member of the Shichibukai who defeated him in the past, and even shares his alcoholic and layabout tendencies.
    • Positionally, Miss Valentine, like Sanji, is both the crew chef and the third strongest by a good margin. Story-wise, she has more in common with Robin, both having served as Baroque Works officers, and both possessing a good knowledge of the underworld politics of the Grand Line, as well as sharing a fairly pragmatic, even ruthless, view of the world.
    • Vivi and Robin are both are fugitives from the world government, hunted by great powers due to circumstances beyond their control. Both tend towards calm reserve and level-headedness, with occasional displays of child-like humor and wonder contrasted with a strong sense of dignity, all overshadowed by an unshakable trust in the captain that rescued them.
    • Paulie, like Franky, is a shipwright from Water 7, with an ambition to build a ship that can sail the length of the Grand Line, and a strong perverted streak, though Paulie tries to mask it by complaining about shameless women.
    • Byron, as with Brook, is a musician and former captain rescued from enslavement to one of the Shichibukai, and the last member to join the crew before the New World. Both also have Unfinished Business relating to their former crew.
  • Took a Level in Badass: The extras among the crew are way more powerful than their canon counterparts.
  • Training from Hell: Unlike the more carefree atmosphere aboard the Going Merry, life on board the Natural Disaster is harsh and Spartan. Crew members alternate between doing their specific tasks and undergoing intense combat training most of the time, and the captain will unleash hell on anyone who slacks off.
  • True Companions: They lock horns with one another over various issues, but they will stick their necks out for one another when the situation calls for it.
    "Seed of War"/"God Sage of Anarchy" Naruto Uzumaki 
A wandering ninja whom, after saving his nation from a great calamity, became immortal and decided to travel the globe so as not to be used as a weapon by anybody. Eventually, he gets bored of just sticking to his home continent and decides to explore beyond that. Upon learning of the World Government's existence and plans for the Elemental Nations, he becomes determined to cause as much trouble as possible to ensure they don't dare try to invade it. He is the crew's captain, and the protagonist of the story. His current bounty is 395,000,000 Berries.
  • Animal Motif: The fox, largely thanks to the whisker marks on his cheeks. He's very annoyed at being compared to a fox again.
  • Ass Shove: He subjects Luffy to "One Thousand Years of Death".
  • Chick Magnet: He's good at attracting women, to Sanji's envy.
  • Combat Pragmatist: He explicitly says that there is no such thing as cheating in combat.
  • Cool Sword: He wields Samehada, which can hurt Logia users.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: He dishes these out like candy early on. Later opponents prove tougher than expected, necessitating his becoming a Jinchuuriki again.
  • Department of Redundancy Department: When accused of kidnapping Vivi by the Straw Hats, he labels such accusations as "slanderously slanderous lies of slanderous nature!"
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: He makes a habit of doing this.
    • He forces the Buster Call to retreat.
    • As of Chapter 49, he has defeated each of the three Admirals in single combat, though admittedly his method of besting Kizaru involved sending him far away rather than overpowering him.
  • Drill Sergeant Nasty: He is an asshole when it comes to combat training. His methods include imbuing Samehada with enough chakra to chase Yosaku and Johnny around, and sending a Shadow Clone to beat up Vivi until she used Soren as a shield and kicked it in the crotch while it got distracted. Notably, when Vivi says she wants Naruto to train her, everyone else turns to her and say "No, you don't" in unison.
  • Dumb Blonde: Downplayed, as he isn't a complete idiot, but he can be stupid at times.
  • Has a Type: He seems to have a thing for big boobs.
  • Large Ham: He tears the scenery to shreds at every opportunity.
  • Older Than They Look: He appears to be in his 20s, but he's actually in his 80s.
  • Really Gets Around: He's quite libidinous.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Ramen. In his own words, he would kill someone with a plastic spoon in front of their own mother for a cup of it. To his dismay, nobody seems capable of making it. The one time he finds someone who can, that person offends him so much that he tries to murder the guy.
    "Armory Mistress" Nojiko 
Nami's adoptive older sister, who decides to join Naruto on his quest after he saves her hometown from Arlong. She serves as the ship's navigator, and her preferred method of combat is utilizing firearms. Her greatest strength, however, is her ability to maintain her sanity in the face of relentless attempts by the rest of the crew, including her captain (and lover), to destroy it. Her current bounty is 15,000,000 Berries.
  • Always Someone Better: Inverted. She comes off as a Diet Coke version of Nami, a nod to the fact that they aren't blood-related: she gets drunk rather easily whereas Nami can swallow tons of beer and stay sober; and she's not as talented at navigation as Nami, though she's not bad at it.
    • Played straight in that she got to sleep with Naruto before Nami did, which the latter complains about while she's doing it.
  • Fanservice with a Smile: After she loses her virginity to Naruto, she doesn't seem to care if he touches her in public.
  • Friendly Sniper: She's good with guns, and is pretty friendly as long as you don't piss her off.
  • Only Sane Man: It's her greatest strength, and she maintains it at all times in spite of it getting heavily assaulted non-stop.
  • Pistol-Whipping: She will not hesitate to whack Naruto on the head with her pistol if he says or does something stupid.
  • Team Mom: Since she's the voice of reason amongst a crew of weirdos, she tends to make the big calls in Naruto's stead.
  • Their First Time: She is the first woman in the story to have sex with Naruto.
  • Tsundere: One minute, she's whacking Naruto on the head or even trying to shoot him; the next, they're making out or having sex.
    "Lord of Iajutsu" Johnny 
A former bounty hunter and friend of Zoro. He joins the crew at roughly the same time as Nojiko, and is, together with Yosaku, responsible for coming up with the crew's name. Despite his sunglasses and attempt to come off as a stoic badass, he's actually kind of a dork. His current bounty is 40,000,000 Berries.
    "Cleaver" Yosaku 
Johnny's partner, who joins the crew alongside him and is, together with Johnny, responsible for the crew's name. Every bit as buffoonish as his partner, albeit he doesn't even try to hide how goofy he is. His current bounty is 65,000,000 Berries.
  • BFS: He wields Kubikiribouchou, which is utterly massive.
  • Butt-Monkey: He's no less of a klutz than Johnny.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: He makes a habit of conducting weight training by having Miss Valentine increase the weight of whatever he is carrying. This includes his sword.
  • Dumb Muscle: He's not too smart, but can hit hard.
  • Healing Factor: Not him, but his sword can repair itself if it comes into contact with blood.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Johnny.
  • Mighty Glacier: Being the polar opposite of Johnny's Fragile Speedster, Yosaku can tank and dish out a lot of punishment, but he's not as nimble.
    "The Plague" Soren
Commissioned by nightmaremaster000, Drawn by Peter Gandia.
An Original Character and the crew's first mate, Soren initially became a bounty hunter before a foolish attempt to take Naruto's head resulted in him eventually joining the crew. He bears an intense grudge against Donquixote Doflamingo, who tortured him with a knife when he was a child after killing a pair of Marines who were in the middle of doing it (he wanted to see why they found it amusing). This loathing is matched by his contempt for the Marines, whom he regards as sanctimonious hypocrites—except Tashigi, whom he regards as a "bright spot". He ate the Rot-Rot Fruit, which allows him to produce highly corrosive acid, even mixing it into his fluids. To keep the acid potent, he needs a near-constant supply of lemon juice. His current bounty is 251,000,000 Berries.
  • Acid Attack: His Devil Fruit allows him to create acid, and drinking lemon juice before a fight makes it more potent.
  • Arch-Enemy: He loathes Doflamingo with a burning passion, and will go nuts if the man is nearby.
  • At Least I Admit It: He freely acknowledges that he's no saint, and he despises people who act like they're more moral than they really are.
  • Berserk Button: He has two.
    • Being Doflamingo will send him into a rage.
    • Marines, particularly the "Absolute Justice" ones, receive nothing but murderous contempt from him.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: He has several scars, all inflicted by Doflamingo.
  • Everyone Has Standards:
    • He will usually show restraint towards Marines who clearly aren't corrupt, such as Hina, Tashigi, and X. Drake.
    • When a corrupt Marine tries to destroy a village he was supposedly hiding within, Soren reveals himself quickly so as to keep the populace from being slaughtered and declares that they weren't aiding him. When the Marine tries to destroy the village anyway, Soren butchers him.
  • Kill It Through Its Stomach: He can enter other people's bodies via their sweat glands, then liquify their innards from the inside out. Capone Bege was subjected to this after trying to absorb him.
  • The Lancer: He is the undisputed second-strongest member of the crew.
  • No-Sell:
    • Poison has no effect on him, something Vice-Admiral Onigumo learns the hard way.
    • Captain Hina's Cage-Cage Fruit is useless against him.
  • Trademark Favorite Drink: Downplayed, as he enjoys alcohol more, but he drinks a lot of lemon juice. Justified, as he needs to drink lemon juice in order to strengthen his Devil Fruit's power.
  • Walking Wasteland: At his most corrosive, touching him can be dangerous.
    "Human Albatross" Miss Valentine 
The ship's cook and a former Baroque Works agent who was taken aboard the ship after Naruto killed her partner (who tried to kill her). Initially aloof, she grows fond of the crew over time and becomes a full-time member. Her Devil Fruit, the Kilo-Kilo Fruit, allows her to manipulate her body weight at will. Her current bounty is 83,000,000 Berries.
  • Adaptational Name Change: In canon, her epithet was "Courier". Here, it's "Human Albatross".
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: She's usually all smiles and can laugh at almost anything, but she's also the most brutal combatant of the crew besides possibly Soren—all while still retaining that cheerful smile.
  • Flash Step: She develops a technique called Haneho ("Feather Step"), which increases her speed drastically.
  • Gravity Master: Her Devil Fruit lets her control her own weight. She later develops the ability to increase (or decrease) the weight of anything she touches, including her parasol.
  • Ground-Shattering Landing: How she introduces herself, with her target being Naruto. She fails to score a hit on him.
  • Have a Nice Death: She enjoys killing people by sitting on the victim's back and slowly increasing her weight until they are crushed under her. Since she's a sexy blonde, this is certainly arousing.
  • Heel–Face Turn: She starts out as an enemy of the crew, then decides to stick with them.
  • The Hyena: She laughs a lot.
  • Megaton Punch: A literal example, as she can increase the force of her physical attacks to multi-ton levels.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: She prefers to be called by her codename, even laughing off Naruto's attempts to learn her real name*.
  • Parasol of Prettiness: She carries an umbrella, which emphasizes her beauty, though she also uses it to glide and can even increase its weight to use it as a bludgeon.
  • Sadist: She is the most sadistic member of the crew, a fact she tries to conceal from the rest of the crew for fear of being judged by them.
  • Supreme Chef: She's an excellent cook, and Naruto has promised her sexual favors if she can figure out how to make ramen.

     Nefetari Vivi 
The princess of Alabasta who snuck onto Naruto's ship after being disgusted with the World Government. Her current bounty 150,000,000 Berries, and has been specified to be bought in only alive.
  • Combat Pragmatist: During her first training session with a Naruto clone, she uses Soren as a Human Shield, then kicks the clone in the groin while it's distracted.
  • Once Done, Never Forgotten: Naruto will never let her live down how he first thought she was a stripper. In fact, when Naruto got an official ship, he had a metal pole built into Vivi's room and she promptly attacked him for it.
  • Puppet King: What the World Government wants to turn her into. Her father didn't like that idea, so he had Naruto "kidnap" her to prevent it.



