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Characters / Mirai SMP

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This is the character sheet for Mirai SMP.

Note that everything on this page applies solely to the fictional characters in the fic, and not whoever they may be based on.

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Diary Holders

The 15 players of the game, who all hold diaries.

    1: Technoblade 
Diary format: Victim statistics
Ability: ?
Codephrase: "Blood for the blood god."

A seventeen-year-old who works as the assistant to a hitman. Noted as "one of the only people here with an actual shot at winning". He is prone to befriending just about anyone he meets who is less powerful than him, and making them his Protectorate, which usually ends painfully for him. Despite his job and combat ability, he doesn't want to harm anyone.

  • Animal Motifs: Techno's animal motif is pigs, which is typically used to visually represent him in accompanying imagery and is also used to refer to him by several characters. It is ambiguous in the story if he is just a human with this motif, a Half-Human Hybrid, or an actual Pig Man.
  • Anti-Villain: Much less so at the beginning, but near the end starts to spiral into this as he becomes Brainwashed and Crazy and struggles between not wanting to harm anyone and the part of his brain that now craves violence.
  • Ax-Crazy: Techno spirals into ax-crazy behavior towards the end of the story, as after a meeting with God there is now a part of him that desperately craves violence and death. This causes him to go on the offense and actively begin hunting players, and even turn against his own friends.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Techno can't seem to bring himself to leave a vulnerable person to fend for themselves — which usually ends with him getting attached and then them dying brutally. This can be seen with Cooper and Travis, Connor and Schlatt, and then Carson.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Mostly mentally. Techno frequently makes sarcastic remarks to himself.
  • The Dreaded: At first, this is due to his occupation as the assistant to a hitman (despite this job only involving paperwork), his perfect stats of 5 across the board, and being the cause of the first death in the game. Despite this, he tries to remain friendly and welcoming. Near the end this becomes more justified due to his new Ax-Crazy nature.
  • Foil: To Travis, which is lampshaded in the story. While Techno is highly capable and incredibly strong, he doesn't want to hurt anyone, and is horrified when he accidentally does. On the other hand, the weak and outright-labeled "useless" Travis feels that he's pathetic for not wanting to kill, and being too scared to, which Techno insists isn't pathetic, and says that meeting Travis makes him feel like he's finally met someone like him.
  • Hitman with a Heart: Technically a hitman's assistant... Despite not actually doing any hitman work himself, his occupation earns him the role of The Dreaded among the other players. This leads to problems for him, as he doesn't actually want to hurt anyone and is very uncomfortable with how scared everyone is of him.
  • I Let Gwen Stacy Die: Techno believes that it's his fault that Cooper is dead, which is something that affects him for the rest of the story.
  • I Will Find You: After learning Travis is alive, Techno becomes dedicated to finding him.
  • Loner-Turned-Friend: Techno has a 1 in Teamwork, and is initially prepared to work alone — that is, until he stumbles upon the scared weaklings Cooper and Travis and feels bad for them, and decides to team up with them, offering his protection.
  • My Greatest Failure: His failure to save Cooper from the trap back in the garage haunts him for a good portion of the fic, and drives him to try to protect others.
  • Nervous Wreck: Techno especially exhibits this near the beginning, constantly worrying about everyone being out to get him and deaths he has caused (directly or indirectly).
  • Personality Powers: Being the assistant to an assassin, it's only fitting that Techno's diary gives him tracking information and motives of his "victims".
  • The Protagonist: While the point of view changes at times, most of the time it's on Techno, and the story centers around him pretty heavily.
  • Protectorate: Heavily deconstructed with Cooper and Travis, who Techno discovers hiding and takes pity on due to how frightened and non-threatening they look. He quickly forms an alliance with the two, with the hopes of protecting them, but he fails to protect Cooper from his death, and while Travis lives, he's now isolated with a Manipulative Bastard who appears to want to take advantage of his trusting nature. These two weigh heavily on Techno for the rest of the story.

    2: Carson 
Diary format: Jokes
Ability: N/A
Codephrase: N/A
A seventeen-year-old stand-up comedian who has performed at various popular locations. He wants to find Ryan, who helped him realize things would be okay after losing his friend a few weeks before the start of the game.
  • Personality Powers: Carson's diary tells him anout anything that may harm him or affect his wellbeing in the form of a joke or riddle, which reflects his occupation as a stand-up comedian.

    3: Ted 
Diary format: ?
Ability: N/A
Codephrase: N/A
A seventeen-year-old who commentates on games and events. Noted as having used to live on a farm.
  • Sacrificial Lamb: While not the first character to die, his death is still used for the same purpose — specifically to demonstrate how much of a threat Joko is.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Unlike Poke, who we at least got to see for a good moment and got to see the backstory for, Ted dies without the reader getting to know much of anything about him.

    4: Wilbur 
Diary format: Song lyrics
Ability: ?
Codephrase: ?
An eighteen-year-old singer-songwriter and guitarist. Initially seems to distance himself from the game and just play music. In actuality, he has been carefully collecting statistics on the other players.
  • Personality Powers: His diary tells his future in the form of song lyrics, which reflects him being a songwriter. His diary can't give him any information unless he has an instrument on hand.

    5: Sneeg 
Diary format: ?
Ability: ?
Codephrase: ?
A seventeen-year-old who gambles for a living, and has become somewhat known for it.

    6: Poke 
Diary format: Tracking information
Ability: N/A
Codephrase: N/A
A seventeen-year-old who works as a "pirate", according to himself. Has a younger sister, Onky, who traveled on the ship with him. After Onky's death, he began to drink to try to cope with the grief, and met Sneeg along the way. Loves his sister and Sneeg dearly, and will stop at nothing to make sure nothing happens to someone he loves again.
  • Drowning My Sorrows: Said to have devolved into drinking after the death of his sister.
  • I Call It "Vera": Poke owns 7 axes named "asspenis".
  • Morality Chain: His sister, Onky, was his, as stated:
  • Protectorate: Poke is dedicated to making sure nothing bad happens to someone he loves again, after the death of his sister Onky.
  • Necromantic: Platonic variant. He wants to become God so he can bring his sister back.
  • Sacrificial Lamb: Poke is first true character to die — his backstory is laid out in detail, and it looks as if he and Techno can come to a conclusion... Only for Techno to get frightened and stab Poke reflexively.
  • Scarily Competent Tracker: Justified as his diary tells him the exact location of his targets.

    9: Ryan 
Diary format: ?
Ability: ?
Codephrase: "Have a Krinios day!"
A seventeen-year-old who works with his father as an architect. Has a missing eye, which was self-inflicted as an attempt to control something in his life for once. Ryan is largely demotivated and apathetic, feeling like there's an emptiness in his life that can't be filled. He has no motivation to become God, and instead simply tags along with Altrive, a friend he's made.
  • Badass and Child Duo: Ryan forms one half of this with Ty after crashing into his room, as the badass. Ty quickly makes sure that Ryan gets medical attention and them insists that he lets him help him, which Ryan is apprehensive about, but unable to convince him to change his mind.
  • Dismotivation: Unlike the others, Ryan has little interest in becoming God and no motivation to fight.
  • Eyepatch of Power: He wears one over his eye due to stabbing it out at the age of 16, and he's the strong and brooding member of his duo with Altrive, and one of the last players to die.
  • Eye Scream: Ryan stabbed his own eye out.
  • Self-Harm: Stabbing out his eye was intentional, as he felt it gave him some control over his life for a brief moment.

    10: Altrive 
Diary format: Medical information
Ability: N/A
Codephrase: N/A
A seventeen-year-old who is in medical studies to become a doctor, though not of his own desire. Wants to one day do something that will "blow away the world's mind".
  • Legacy Seeker: Altrive's main goal in life is to leave his mark on the world.
  • Personality Powers: Fittingly to how Altrive is studying to become a doctor, his diary tells him when players will be injured, how badly, and their chance of survival.

    11: Cooper 
Diary format: ?
Ability: N/A
Codephrase: N/A
A seventeen-year-old who does skateboard stunts both as a job and a hobby. Cooper tries to act tough in order to protect both him and his best friend Travis, but is actually very scared under the surface.
  • Afraid of Blood: When exploring the abandoned hospital, Cooper freaks out when the group come across the large amounts of blood.
    "There's fucking blood everywhere!!" Cooper screams, and without thinking he bolts down the hallway, "Fucking blood!! What the fuck?!"
  • Badass Adorable: While Cooper is written to be the stronger half of his team with Travis, and highly capable, the fic also portrays him in a scared and curious way, even describing his eyes as going wide like a puppy's when Techno tosses a pocket knife to him.
  • Foil: To Travis. While Cooper is initially presented as stronger and more capable, over time it becomes obvious that he's compensating for his fear in order to protect himself and Travis. Travis is easily frightened and skittish, but will resort to violence when someone he loves is in danger.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: Shows shades of this while in the abandoned hospital:
    Cooper: I'm supposed to be the brave one. I'm supposed to be the one who knows what they're doing. I'm not supposed to be such a wimp. I'm so pathetic.
  • Not So Stoic: Cooper tries to be the stoic strong one when compared to Travis, but it's obvious from the start that this is a front. It especially comes crashing down when the group is stuck in the bloody hospital they found, and Cooper slips and falls before breaking out into loud sobs.
  • Quaking with Fear: When Techno comes across him and Travis, Cooper is trying to act brave, standing in front of Travis holding a tiny dagger, but Techno notices that his arms are shaking, giving away how scared he is.

    12: Travis 
Diary format: ?
Ability: Resurrection
Codephrase: N/A
A sixteen-year-old former Boy Scout who signed up to sell cookies, not knowing that wasn't what the Boy Scouts do. Initially described as "useless, but interesting". While Travis lacks in physical strength and common sense, he is extremely emotionally intelligent and knows how to read people well.
  • Animal Motifs: Travis has physical dog features, and dogs are also used as a metaphor for him and his relationships several times, such as him thinking that he "doesn't want to be [Joko]'s dog". Dogs are typically portrayed in media as loving and friendly companion animals, but they can also lash out if scared and do notable damage — which reflects Travis in the fic quite well.
  • Badass Adorable: While he has his shades from the beginning, he begins to fully grow into this role as the story progresses, and by the end it's fully on display, as scenes of him cheerfully interacting with Joko are juxtaposed by him stabbing Techno in the shoulder and even excitedly asking if they're gonna go kill him at one point.
  • Broken Bird: A male example. After Cooper's death in the explosion and his own near death, Travis becomes cynical and quiet, although this is partially a result of Joko's influence.
  • Character Development: After Cooper's death, and by Joko's side, Travis slowly develops from frightened and skittish to calm and controlled in the face of danger, and even somewhat enjoying watching Joko's violence.
  • Conditioned to Accept Horror: Over time, things that would terrify Travis in the past no longer effect him due to him being desensitized.
  • Corrupt the Cutie: Over the course of his time spent with Joko, the once sweet and naïve Travis becomes jaded and gains a thirst for vengeance.
  • Cowardly Lion: Travis accomplishes some truly badass feats, but it's always noted that he's shaking or visibly afraid in some other manner when doing so.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Despite Travis's Nervous Wreck personality and general naïvité, he has plenty of badass moments, such as when he manages to fire a shot at Taylor in panic in the parking garage.
  • Ditzy Genius: Despite being viewed as naïve and immature, Travis has an Intelligence stat of 4. This is shown later on in how perceptive he is to small details, and how he can easily see through people.
  • Dogs Are Dumb: Subverted. Travis has dog ears and dogs are his Animal Motif in general, and other characters tend to treat him like this as he has moments of making stupid mistakes and is a Shrinking Violet, especially in the face of danger. However, he has an Intelligence stat of 4, something which other players question. His quick thinking and later social deduction skills show that this stat is warranted, and that he's more of a Ditzy Genius than anything.
  • Dramatic Stutter: Travis constantly stutters in fear.
    Travis: Mr- uh- Mr God, sir. W-What's the... Meaning— of this..? Why are we k... K—k—... killing each other?!
  • Foil:
    • To Techno, which is lampshaded in the story. While Techno is highly capable and incredibly strong, he doesn't want to hurt anyone, and is horrified when he accidentally does. On the other hand, the weak and outright-labeled "useless" Travis feels that he's pathetic for not wanting to kill, and being too scared to, which Techno insists isn't pathetic, and says that meeting Travis makes him feel like he's finally met someone like him.
    • To Cooper. While Cooper is initially presented as stronger and more capable, over time it becomes obvious that he's compensating for his fear in order to protect himself and Travis. Travis is easily frightened and skittish, but will resort to violence when someone he loves is in danger.
    • To Joko. Travis is viewed as easily to manipulate due to how open he is and the vulnerable state he's in, which Joko uses to his advantage. Joko himself is guarded and distant, but unbeknownst to him, Travis is incredibly observant and remembers small details about Joko. Over time Travis becomes more confident and Joko becomes less cold, and in the end, Travis is able to use his observational skills to accurately call out Yetz for pretending to be Joko.
  • Grotesque Cute: The scene where he starts to gain a thirst for blood is both oddly adorable and deeply disturbing.
    And suddenly, he finds himself clenching his fists tightly, watching eagerly and in anticipation.
    Die. Die. Die. Die.
  • I Can Change My Beloved: It's revealed near the end of the fic that after seeing Joko crying in their motel room the night he saved him, he decided he wanted to stay with Joko to try to help fix him.
  • I Owe You My Life: To Joko, who saved him from the explosion in the garage.
  • Little Bit Beastly: Unlike most of the characters who are just regular humans, Travis is specifically described as having dog ears.
  • Nervous Wreck: Travis is extremely anxious and easily frightened.
  • Prone to Tears: Out of the entire cast, Travis is the character that cries the easiest and most often.
  • Quaking with Fear: Right at the beginning, setting up his cowardly character early on:
    He's shaking violently, looking worlds beyond terrified.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: When he sees Joko crying in their motel room, despite the man's reputation, he feels bad for him and wants to help him. However, he is too paralyzed by fear to actually say anything.
  • Took a Level in Badass: We can start to see Travis developing past his scared, helpless state in the beginning, but this especially shows after Cooper's death with Joko — where Travis once would shy away from any violence, in his confrontation with Techno, he steels himself and stabs Techno in the shoulder.
  • Took a Level in Cynic: Techno's thoughts lampshade this:
    But Travis looks to be calm; His posture is tall and upright, and his face is stern with an unusual level of intimacy. He doesn't look scared, nor crazed. But rather, he looks calm, and collected.

    13: Joko 
Diary format: Suggested form of punishment
Ability: Goobers
Codephrase: "Goblin check!"
An eighteen-year-old federal agent who is initially presented very mysteriously, with much of his backstory not being explained. Has a girlfriend outside of the game that he cares very deeply about. Joko is a manipulative chessmaster who will do anything it takes to become God, though as the fic goes on it becomes clearer that this is a mask that hides his true emotions.
  • Beneath the Mask:
    • With added bonus for a literal mask. Joko presents himself as cold and calculating, but both in his POV chapters and when Travis sees him without his mask, it becomes clear that he's not nearly as in control as he appears to be, and is carrying some emotional baggage he's trying not to show.
    • This is also reflected in his treatment of Travis — he initially just wants to use him, and his internal thoughts towards him are cruel. However, near the end of the fic, his thoughts become less and less harsh, and he's insistent that Travis kill Techno so he can escape the game alive, clearly not wanting his newfound friend to perish in this game.
  • The Corrupter: To Travis. He aims to condition him into a killer — or at the very least desensitize him to violence, which he does succeed at.
  • Establishing Character Moment: His first introduction to the reader after the initial introductions is him watching Ted and Carson from afar before chasing after them. His cold ruthlessness is laid out carefully in this scene, and it culminates in him tossing a grenade in their direction and killing Ted, to show the reader just how deadly he is.
  • Foil: To Travis. Travis is viewed as easily to manipulate due to how open he is and the vulnerable state he's in, which Joko uses to his advantage. Joko himself is guarded and distant, but unbeknownst to him, Travis is incredibly observant and remembers small details about Joko. Over time Travis becomes more confident and Joko becomes less cold, and in the end, Travis is able to use his observational skills to accurately call out Yetz for pretending to be Joko.
  • Godhood Seeker: Out of the diary holders, Joko is the one who most strongly wishes to attain the title of God.
  • Grand Theft Me: In the later parts of the story, Yetz the demon takes control of Joko.
  • Humanizing Tears: Back at their motel, Travis sees Joko crying in the reflection of the bathroom mirror, and is hit with a wave of sympathy.
  • Malevolent Masked Man: Wears a green mask and is the closest thing the fic has to a true antagonist within the diary holders.
  • Manipulative Bastard: After saving Travis, Joko carefully manipulates him into believing Travis depends on him to survive and that Techno abandoned him and left him to die.
  • Morality Pet: There are many scenes that suggest that Joko cares more about Travis than he lets on, beyond his usefulness:
    • His dialogue towards Travis is generally very patient and understanding, even when his thoughts are not.
      Joko: Travis, it's okay. Remember what I said earlier? I'll be the one to kill them. You can stay behind me and watch. I promise I'll protect you, okay?
    • Joko is insistent that Travis kill Techno so he can take the bounty and escape, while he has no interest in doing this for himself.
      It strikes him as odd, how Joko doesn't seem to be willing on being set free.
      Why is he giving away his freedom for Travis?
  • Not So Stoic: The reader learns that Joko might not be the cold, calculative master manipulator he sets himself up to be when he breaks down crying in the bathroom of the motel room.
  • Personality Powers: His diary reflects his occupation, as it ends all of its messages regarding the locations of other players with a "suggested form of punishment".
  • Protectorate: A villainous example that's Played for Horror. Joko saves Travis from dying and begins to drill the idea into his head that only he can protect him.
    Joko: I knew you were going to die that night. And that's why I needed to save you. Something in my gut told me that you needed me. And you still do. You need me, Travis. If I'm not by your side, you're in danger.

    14: Connor 
Diary format: Reads emotions
Ability: N/A
Codephrase: N/A
An eighteen-year-old who co-owns a company known as Schlatt & Co. with Schlatt. Described initially as being less cunning than Schlatt but having intelligence. Connor is somewhat weak and easily frightened, and is infinitely grateful when he's saved by Techno. While not hypothetically against backstabbing or betrayal, in practice, he can't bring himself to do it.
  • Badass Adorable: Connor is somewhat nervous and unsure of himself, and his gratitude towards Techno for saving him is adorable. Later down the line, he returns the favor, saving Techno's life, and even remarking:
    Connor: I never actually did anything like this before, but I feel really cool.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Techno saves Connor's life, who is incredibly grateful and becomes loyal to him near-instantly. This is later subverted when we learn that Connor and Schlatt have injected Techno with anesthesia and Connor is supposed to kill him due to the bounty set on him on God... Only to become a Double Subversion as Connor just can't bring himself to do it.
  • The Empath: Technically it's his diary, but Connor's future is predicted for him in emotions.
  • Grappling-Hook Pistol: Connor uses a grappling hook, which comes in handy to save Techno later.
  • Personality Powers: Reflecting how Connor is more emotionally intelligent than his business partner, his diary tells his future only in emotions. This is how he knows about Travis being alive, as he can sense that Techno is grieving.

    15: Schlatt 
Diary format: Deals of equal exchange
Ability: ?
Codephrase: ?
A seventeen-year-old self-proclaimed businessman, works as the CEO of a sketchy aisle company known as Schlatt & Co. with a reputation of scamming people with cryptocurrency. Initially presented as manipulative and untrustworthy. Schlatt has his moments where he almost slips into the traitorous manipulator role, but over the course of the fic, he develops into a true ally to Techno who would gladly die for him if necessary.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Schlatt gives up his leg in exchange for a hang-glider.
  • Equivalent Exchange: To get information from his diary, Schlatt has to give up something of equal value.
  • Horned Humanoid: Despite most of the other characters just being human, Schlatt is noted as having ram ears and horns.
  • I Have Many Names: Played for Laughs in his introduction, where God lists off his many silly aliases.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Heavily played with. He's initially introduced as such, and has his moments of lapsing into it, but overall, at least with Connor and Techno, tries to be honest and genuinely cares for them.
  • Personality Powers: As a businessman and master of deals, Schlatt's diary can tell him anything he needs to know... for a fair price.

God and assistants

The God of the world, and his demon assistants.
The god that runs the Mirai SMP game. Takes an odd interest in Techno.
  • Big Bad: God is the one who is puppeteering this whole game from behind the scenes, having a bunch of teenagers fight to the death for his amusement. It also turns out that he's repeated this game many, many times because he is insistent that Techno must win.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Knows he's evil, and is proud of it.
    God: Wow, I AM evil! I should have been the devil instead!
  • It Amused Me: When asked why he would set up the Deadly Game, God just responds:
    God: Because I'm bored.
  • White Mask of Doom: Introduced as wearing one with an ominous smile on the front.

Other characters

Other characters that exist outside of the game.

Poke's younger sister who lived on the pirate ship with him. She died 3 years prior to the events of the fic, and very little is known about her.
  • Mythology Gag: Her name comes from the name of Pokay's bow in SMPLive, Onkers.
  • Posthumous Character: She died before the events of the story, but is important to Poke's motivations.

A young boy who gets entangled with the game when Ryan crashes injured into his room.
  • Badass and Child Duo: Ty forms one half of this with Ryan after he crashes into Ty's room, as the child. Ty quickly makes sure that Ryan gets medical attention and them insists that he lets him help him, which Ryan is apprehensive about, but unable to convince him to change his mind.
