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Characters / Medieval Cop The True Monster Characters

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Major Characters

    Liol Wordsworth 
A professor at Rightia university. He was supposedly killed by a dragon.
  • A Lighter Shade of Black: He wasn't as much of a scumbag as the person who killed him.
  • Asshole Victim: While he's not the worst person, he was a corrupt teacher who died because of his unscrupulous actions.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: He's sliced many times by a wine bottle, so much so that everyone thinks a dragon did it.
  • Died on Their Birthday: He was killed on his birthday by one of his students who set up his birthday party in the first place.
  • Evil Teacher: He was deeply corrupt, randomly failing students to force them to retake classes. This is why he was killed.
  • Karmic Death: He was killed by Crowal Sheperd, one of the students he was trying to screw over by failing them for no reason.
  • Posthumous Character: He's killed before the events of the game.

    Tride Evergreen
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A stoner who was in Liol Wordsworth's class.
  • Born in the Wrong Century: He's in the middle ages, but would fit right into an 80s stoner comedy.
  • Chekhov's Gun: How he smells ends up being vital to solving the case.
  • Comically Missing the Point: When asked how high he is, he likes to correct people by claiming they should be saying "hi, how are you?" This only serves to prove exactly how stoned he is.
  • The Ditz: It's uncertain if he's actually as dumb as he seems or if the drugs he's on are just imparing his senses that much.
  • Drugs Are Bad: The drugs he's on have apparently made him incredibly stupid.
  • Dual Boss: With his two other classmates.
  • Epic Fail: He passed out on his slice of cake that was made to celebrate Wordsworth's birthday. Amazingly, this helps solve the case.
    • He also mistook what way the dragon left the bathroom, because he forgot that the direction would look different when he was lying on his back. Because of this, he claims the dragon came from the men's bathroom when he really came from the woman's bathroom.
  • Forgetful Jones: His memory is so bad that he sometimes forgets his own gender. This may be a side effect of all the weed he smokes.
  • The Klutz: While fleeing the crime scene, he tripped and fell on his cake piece.
  • Like Is, Like, a Comma: Not as bad as Mila, but he still does this a lot.
  • Nice Mean And In Between: The in between. He's rather neutral and a bit unhelpful, though he's well meaning.
  • The Pig-Pen: Due to passing out on top of his cake slice, he smells awful. This helps solve the case.
  • Punny Name: Evergreen is sometimes used as a slang term for marijuana, so he tried evergreen.
  • Refuge in Audacity: Somehow, he was allowed to taste some of Dregg's medicine. Why he was allowed to do this is anyone's guess.
  • Spanner in the Works: Him passing out on top of the cake reveals the actual flavor, as the taste changed after the murder weapon was hidden in it. Dregg is able to point out that the cake on him is the true flavor, something able to corner the culprit once and for all.
  • The Stoner: He's apparently high out of his mind when interacting with Dregg.
  • Two Guys and a Girl: One of the two guys.

    Mila Kraven
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A Valley Girl who was in Liol Wordsworth's class.
  • Affectionate Nickname: She is called "Mil" by her friends. Dregg proceeds to call her Nil instead.
  • Born in the Wrong Century: She seems like she'd be much more comfortable in a 1990's teen movie.
  • The Cameo: She appears in one of the medieval shorts, selling hotdogs.
  • Character Development: Her experiences in the second game helped her grow and become a better person, leading to her being much more driven and determined when she's encountered later on in the series.
  • The Ditz: She's a bit slow, though she gets better over time.
  • Dual Boss: with her other two classmates.
  • Forgetful Jones: She left her handbag at the resturant and had to return to get it.
  • Heroic BSoD: She breaks down when she realises that Crowal is the killer.
  • Like Is, Like, a Comma: She, like says like like all the, like, time. It's kind of annoying.
  • Nice Girl: Irritating speech patterns aside, she is kind, helpful, and supportive.
  • Punny Name: Kraven, as in craven. While understandable, she still runs away from the crime scene due to there being a dead body in the bathroom.
  • Nice Mean And In Between: The nice one. She's a Nice Girl who stands by her friends until the bitter end.
  • The Smurfette Principle: She's the sole woman out of the three suspects in the second game.
  • Two Guys and a Girl: The girl.
  • Valley Girl: Her personality reeks of this.

    Crowal Sheperd
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A student of Liol Wordsworth who helped throw a party for him.
  • Affably Evil: He's a nice and cheerful young man and a murderer.
  • Anti-Villain: He loved his friends dearly and was pushed over the edge when he realised why they were being given failing marks at university. He snapped, killed his professor, and immediately regretted it, lamenting that he couldn't find a less violent way to expose the corruption.
  • Arc Villain: He is the killer in the second game.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: While he still is Affably Evil, he's far from the innocent man he presents himself as.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: He apologises for what he has done, saying that he doesn't need to be pitied for his motivation.
  • Dual Boss: With his two classmates.
  • Epic Fail: He saw the dragon leaving his room and thought he was going to go on a rampage. He killed the professor during the chaos, thinking that it'd be one of many bodies. Unfortunately, the dragon was nice and didn't murder anyone, making the body stick out like a sore thumb.
  • Even Evil Can Be Loved: Despite what he has done, his friends still care for him deeply and lament they couldn't have stopped him before he carried out his crime. While he's likely to be in jail for the rest of his life, it's implied they won't give up on him, as Mila still remembers and cares about him long after the events took place.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Tride and Mila are his best friends, and he cares deeply for both of them.
  • Eviler than Thou: His professor was a corrupt bastard, but not a murderer.
  • Foreshadowing: He was in charge of getting all the snacks but the cake. That's why he didn't know the flavor the cake was, mistaking it for being tomato flavored due to the professor's love of tomatoes. This is the main reason why he was caught in the end.
    • He also is more aggressive in accusing the dragon, being far more adamant that they're responsible for the murder. This is because the dragon was his intended scapegoat.
  • Graceful Loser: Once cornered, he merely apologises to his friends and allows himself to be arrested, knowing there's no way of getting out of this.
  • Heel Realisation: He's big enough to admit that he was wrong for killing Wordsworth, giving his reasons for doing so and allowing himself to be arrested without putting up an unnecessary fight.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: His murder weapon ruined his alibi, due to it changing the flavor of the cake.
  • Humans Are the Real Monsters: He killed a man and tried to blame a dragon for the crime. This almost got an innocent dragon executed for a murder he himself was responsible for.
  • Improbable Weapon User: He uses a tomato juice bottle to stab his professor to death.
  • I Never Said It Was Poison: He exposes himself as the killer by stating a different cake flavor than his other classmates. He claims the cake was tomato flavored when it was really cherry flavored. This is something he would have only known if he'd carried out the killing, due to the tomato sauce bottle changing the flavor of the cake after being placed in it post-murder.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: He regrets killing the professor and laments his decision in court before he is arrested.
  • Nice Mean And In Between: The mean one. He killed his professor and tried to pin the blame on a dragon.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Due to Mila leaving early, he helped carry Tride out of the restaurant when he passed out. This places him at the scene of the crime at the time of murder.
  • Stepford Smiler: Under his happy facade is a disillusioned man who was failed by a corrupt system, turning him into a murderer.
  • Sympathetic Murderer: He confronted Wordsworth about his failing grades and found out that he was being thrown under the bus due to the universities draconian policies regarding passing rates. He snapped and killed the professor in the heat of the moment.
  • Two Guys and a Girl: One of the two guys.
  • Walking Spoiler: Goes with being the murderer.

Minor Characters

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The soldiers trying to capture the dragon in the restaurant. Some of them are guarding the crime scene on the orders of Polly.
  • The Alcoholic: One of the soldiers emptied an entire bottle before coming to the crime scene.
  • Beleaguered Assistant: None of them can stand Polly, only being slightly concerned when they believe he's been killed. At least one of them thinks dismissive and snarky thoughts about him.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: Heavily implied.
    Narrator The soldier says something inappropiate which is not suitable for the audience. So please, make up your own bad words for this sentance.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Dregg asks one of the soldiers to recount the case from the beginning. They attempt to tell their life story before being quickly shut up by Dregg.
  • The Ditz: Several of them apparently brought their child to bring your child to work day during a war. They also decided to have a bring your child to work day during the war in the first place.
  • Double Standard: Abuse, Female on Male: One of the commanding officers is stuck at home because he got beaten up for accidentaly stepping in his wife's mess. He's now having to clean the mess up.
  • Drowning My Sorrows: At least one of them got drunk to cope with their work.
  • Flat Character: Exists more as an extra than anything else.
  • Jerkass to One: They're this to Polly. When Polly berates them, they go off on a vulgar tirade that is omitted from the game due to apparently being so obscene.
  • Mr. Exposition: They serve to give information to Dregg about events that happened in the restaurant.
  • No Name Given: They're all simply named soldier.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Some soldiers apprehended a dragon who could have easily killed them all. This awesomeness is mitigated seeing as the dragon was docile, and wouldn't have tried to fight them off due to not knowing how to hurt anyone.
  • Oh, Crap!: A restrained one, but they feel rather worried when they think Dregg and Tira accidentaly killed Polly.
  • Reused Character Design: They all have the same face and only there's only two different body sprites between all of them.
  • Rouge Angles of Satin: Some of the soldiers can say this particualry memorable line during the game.
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