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Characters / It Takes Two (2021)

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Main Characters


The stay-at-home dad who loves to create and be in tune with nature. It's because of his heavily strained relationship with his wife May that the story centers around their rather strange journey around the house as living toys. At the start of the game, he becomes a clay doll.

  • Earthy Barefoot Character: His doll form is a clay doll and he's a Nature Hero whose powers are also connected to nature.
  • House Husband: He is a stay-at-home dad who takes great care in keeping both the house and the garden in top shape, while May is out earning money in her job.
  • An Ice Person: He gains ice-based magic powers during the Magic Castle level.
  • Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: In the music chapter, Cody uses his cymbal like a shield to protect himself and May from various hazards.
  • Nature Hero: It comparison to May, Cody loves talking about animals, plants and the beauty of nature. His contributions to the story and game tend to revolve around his knowledge of the natural world.
  • Plant Hair: His doll form sports this, which later becomes very useful during the Garden chapter.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: He's a stay-at-home dad who has aspirations of becoming a gardener.
  • Throwing Your Shield Always Works: Cody can throw his cymbal-shield at enemies or destructible objects, and it will return to his hand like a boomerang. Captain America would be proud.
  • Time Master: In the Cuckoo Clock level, Cody is given a stopwatch which lets him control the flow of time for specific objects.


The working mom who prefers to think logically and has the mind of an engineer. It's because of her heavily strained relationship with her husband Cody that the story centers around their rather strange journey around the house as living toys. At the start of the game, she becomes a wooden doll.

  • Carry a Big Stick: May uses a sentient hammer head as her tool to smash anything she comes across in the Shed level.
  • Flaming Sword: May gets one of these during the Magic Castle level.
  • Science Hero: In comparison to Cody, May prefers to act rationally and question everything while maintaining a scientific eye for things. Her contributions to the story and game tend to revolve around her knowledge of engineering.
  • When You Coming Home, Dad?: She's a working mother and the breadwinner of the family, which is why she's often absent in her family's life.


Cody and May's Daughter. Seemingly the source of how her parents turned into little dolls, she's dealing with the all-too real sadness of watching her parents fall out of love with each other and talk of divorce.

  • Break the Cutie: She's clearly suffering from her parents' deteriorating marriage, and bursts into tears once she sees the newly-damaged Cutie.
  • Invisible to Normals: As far as Rose sees, all the giant worlds and places her parents have an adventure through is just different parts of the house or the various play areas of her room.
  • It's All My Fault: She believes that her parents hating each other is completely her fault and decides to run away from home. Ironically it's her bringing in that self-help book that actually helps bring her parents together
  • The Runaway: Rose attempts to do this in a final bid to make her parents get along. Thankfully her parents pick her up before this comes into fruition.
  • Spanner in the Works: Rose bringing in the self-help book that would ultimately help mend her parents' relationship.

    Dr. Hakim

The writer of a Self-Help Relationship best-seller who has magically taken on the form of his own book. He claims to have been asked by Rose to help fix Cody and May's relationship and that's exactly what he'll do... even if he utilizes some rather crazy methods.

  • Ambiguously Brown: His surname is of Arabic origin, but he (or at least the book) is given an inconsistent Spanish accent.
  • Grail in the Garbage: At the end of the game, Rose reveals that she found the book at school in a trashcan. Cody stated that it's amazing what people can find in the trash.
  • Large Ham: You can bet your bottom dollar Dr. Hakim fits the bill.
  • Latin Lover: He's a sentient book about romance with a heavy Hispanic accent (sometimes).
  • Repetitive Name: In addition to being a regular Arabic surname, "Hakim" is also a term for physician, making his name essentially "Dr. Doctor".
  • Tough Love: The entire game is Dr. Hakim forcing Cody and May to confront and fix their relationship as well as their deficiencies as individuals by having them literally fight the messes they've created through their negligence and bickering.
  • Troll: Much of Dr. Hakim's interactions with Cody and May is either making their journey more difficult or ratting them out to other characters and getting them in trouble. It becomes clear that he does this because it's to either stop the two of them from constantly taking the easy way out, or from manipulating and lying to others just to get their way.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Dr. Hakim stretches out Cody and May's attempts to reach Rose and then tears apart her letter that supposedly could fix them, only giving it back if the two of them pass his tests. Yet he says it's all in the name of getting Cody and May to work together and in the process, fix their relationship.
  • What the Hell Is That Accent?: Dr. Hakim's accent seems to constantly fluctuate between French and Spanish. Somewhat justified as he was magically brought to life by Rose, a child who'd likely associate both accents with love while not exactly knowing the differences between them.

Side Characters

A vacuum cleaner that once belonged to May and Cody but was broken by Cody's improper use of it and left to rust in storage when May chose to buy a replacement despite claiming she'd fix it.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: He's defeated by using a seperate vacuum cleaning apparatus to suck up and launch his own explosive projectiles against him. Once he's been quelled, May and Cody grab his vacuum arms and force them against his eyes, sucking them out and apparently causing him to explode.
  • Starter Villain: The first antagonist May and Cody encounter after becoming Rose's toys, seeking vengeance for being misused and abandoned by his owners.
  • Throw Down the Bomblet: Throws out mines, which May and Cody must fire back at him to damage him.

A sentient, disembodied hammer head who agreed to help May and Cody reach Rose on the condition that they help reunite him with his body. He serves as May’s weapon for part of the Shed chapter.
  • And I Must Scream: Spends an unknown amount of time before the game as a disembodied head lying helplessly in a pile of sawdust, slowly rusting.
    Hammer: Do you know how painful it is to die from rust? It’s like burning alive… slowly.
  • Animate Inanimate Object: A sentient hammer (head).
  • Equippable Ally: Serves as May’s chapter weapon. In addition to hitting things, he also lets her swing off nails stuck in walls.
  • Losing Your Head: Was reduced to a disembodied head prior to the events of the game. His body is restored after the Toolbox is defeated.
  • No Name Given: Doesn’t seem to have an actual name. Either that or his name is just “Hammer”.

May’s old toolbox, which has taken on a monstrous life of its own.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Loses its right arm (due to May hammering off the locks keeping it attached to him) during his boss fight.
  • Animate Inanimate Object: A living toolbox.
  • Crosshair Aware: When it fires nails, shadows appear on the ground where they’re going to land.
  • "Get Back Here!" Boss: A downplayed example; the fight itself is normal, but May and Cody must chase after it (platforming over various machines while it sends volleys of nails at them) in order to initiate the fight.
  • Left Stuck After Attack: In the first phase, Cody can use a nail to pin its arm to a short wall on the left side of the arena, and in the second its shovel-hand will be stunned in place for a few seconds after every few attacks, allowing May to use it to flip Cody into the air.
  • One-Hit Kill: Its drill-blade and shovel slam attacks will instantly kill any player who gets hit by it. Fortunately, they’re both easy to dodge, and May or Cody can respawn without penalty as long as the other one is still alive.
  • Rain of Arrows: Fires salvos of nails into the air in imitation of this trope.
  • Saw Blades of Death: At the beginning of its second phase, circular saw blades appear to lop pieces off the boss arena, Puzzle Plank Galaxy-style.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: Is defeated by detonating an Aerosol Flamethrower on top of its “head”.
  • This Is a Drill: Drills holes in its boss arena as one of its attacks. And then, for some reason, blades will extend out from the drill bit and rotate across the boss arena a few times.

    Hammer’s Friends 
A group of living tools who are imprisoned inside a monstrous toolbox.
  • Alliterative Name: Sebastian the saw.
  • Animate Inanimate Object: They’re all living tools.
  • The Blank: None of them have any facial features, despite practically every other animated object in the game having at least a pair of eyes.
  • Caged Inside a Monster: They’re all trapped within Toolbox until May and Cody defeat it.
  • Equippable Ally: The Drill is used by the Toolbox for one of the latter’s attacks, though the fact that the Drill is seen celebrating after the Toolbox is defeated implies this was against its will. Equippable Victim?
  • Made of Iron: Being literally made of metal aside, the Toolbox dying via explosion doesn’t seem to harm them at all.
  • No Name Given: None of the tools are named except for Sebastian the saw.

A sentient pair of binoculars with a robotic affect. She meets May and Cody at the end of the Shed chapter, and gives them crucial (read: Red Herring, though it’s not her fault) information about the spell they’re under.
  • All There in the Manual: Her name is only revealed in the ending credits.
  • Animate Inanimate Object: A talking pair of binoculars.
  • Gentle Giant: She’s absolutely titanic compared to May and Cody’s doll forms, but acts completely nice and helpful towards them.
  • Meaningful Name: She’s a tool sometimes used for stargazing. Also, her view in Rose’s window, judging by how Rose’s room appears to be laid out, gives her a clear look at Moon Baboon’s Station.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: By telling May and Cody that Rose’s tears fell on the dolls before they came to life, she makes them believe that Rose’s tears can restore them to their human bodies, setting them on the path to the infamous Kill the Cutie moment.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Quite a few Lets’ Players didn’t realize she’s female.

    Squirrel Chief 
The leader of the Squirrel tribe living within the tree outside of May and Cody's house.

    "Wasp Queen" 
The supposed Queen of the Wasps living within the hive inside a tree outside of May and Cody's house. She's actually a large robot built by the Squirrels and piloted by a spy they had originally sent to infiltrate and help wipe out the wasps. However the spy was seduced by the power she had once she convinced the wasps that she was their queen choosing to side with the wasps and betray the squirrels.
  • The Man Behind the Curtain: She's actually a bumblebee instead of a mighty wasp queen or even a squirrel.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: When Cody hears her cry over how pathetic and meek she is after being exposed and narrowly escaping the wasps with her life, Cody assures her that bumblebees are a very important part of the ecosystem as pollinators and that she should have more confidence.

Queen Cutie III or Cutie the Loving Elephant is Rose's beloved childhood toy, and ruler of the Magic Castle.
  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: As Cody and May prevent her from fleeing and drag her to her death off the side of the table — accidentally mutilating her all the while — she sobs and begs for them not to go through with it.
    Cutie: You don't have to do this! I love Rose!
  • An Arm and a Leg: Loses her leg when it gets caught on the nearby giant crane game's door and Cody and May pull her loose. When her desperate attempts to survive accidentally causes her ear to get pinned down by the point of a screwdriver, that too gets ripped off when May and Cody insist on ignoring her screams and continue dragging her to the nearby table edge.
  • Back from the Dead: During the credits, it's shown that she's been pieced back together, meaning that her "death" was undone.
  • Black Bead Eyes: Being a plush toy elephant, Cutie literally has these.
  • Bloodless Carnage: Even though there's no actual blood involved in Cutie's death — her cotton stuffing notwithstanding — she still has several body parts torn off, and her expressions of fear, pain and confusion all the while make her trauma absolutely harrowing.
  • Cartoon Creature: Although she's mostly an adorable plush elephant, her body appears to resemble a toy walkie-talkie or cell phone, complete with three buttons, a speaker, and a big heart-shaped light on her chest.
  • Cheerful Child: By nature, Cutie is an adorable, whimsical toy with a kind and innocent disposition, a voice not unlike that of a young girl, and whose best friend is Rose; hinting at her being very young at heart.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Cutie suffers a painful, terrifying and drawn-out demise at the hands of Cody and May, with the intention being to cause Rose to cry so they can change back to normal. She's relentlessly chased by them, painfully grabbed by the head in a crane game after falling into it when her "Escape Pod" crashes, gets her leg caught in the door of said game and then slowly torn off, then gets her ear stabbed by a screwdriver and also slowly torn off, then ultimately thrown to her death off the side of a tall table; sobbing and begging for her life all the while. Worst of all, her fate accomplishes absolutely nothing positive.
  • Cruelty Is the Only Option: Much as they clearly don't want to do so, Cutie must die by Cody and May's hands for the game to progress, making it a literal example of Kill the Cutie.
  • Cuddle Bug: When she meets Cody and May, Cutie quickly figures out that they're not happy in themselves (partially out of guilt at their next mission being to kill her), and offers them a hug and being able to talk to her about what's wrong. Cody gratefully accepts, while May is less than impressed at him being side-tracked.
    Cutie: (notices Cody looking despondent) You sound unhappy. You can tell me what's wrong, that's what friends are for!
    Cody: No, no... nothing's wrong. Heh, it's-it's great. Everything's, like, super great...
    Cutie: Well, I can see you're not happy. You need a hug! (warmly embraces him)
    Cody: (hugs her back) ...I kinda do, huh?
  • Disney Death: She's only a living stuffed toy, so it's not clear whether her injuries and the fall from her toy castle to the floor of Rose's room actually killed her; since from that point onwards, she's treated as an inanimate toy back in the real world. The end shows that she's been repaired with her leg and eared sewed back on, with what are probably decorative band-aids to show her "healing".
  • Ear Ache: When trying to flee from Cody and May and already losing her leg, Cutie gets one of her ears pinned underneath the end of a screwdriver. Despite trying to let them know that she's stuck and to remove the needle, they simply pull hard on her instead, slowly tearing her ear off.
  • Furry Reminder: This is played to horrifying effect when she has her ear torn off. When that happens, Cutie lets out a loud, realistic trumpet, bringing to mind a real baby elephant caught in a poacher's trap.
  • Gentle Giant: By toy standards, at least. As expected for an elephant, Cutie is at least twice the height of Cody and May in their doll forms. She's also as friendly and sweet-natured as can be.
  • Good Cannot Comprehend Evil: She never gets mad at Cody and May for trying to kill her, but all the while, Cutie genuinely cannot fathom why they'd want to do it and begs them to consider a different choice.
    Cutie: (scared) Kill me? Why do you want to kill me?
    Cody: (backtracking) Oh, no no no no... we, we don't want to kill you! We just... kind of have to. Just a little bit.
    Cutie: But I'm Cutie, the Loving Elephant. I love Rose, and Rose loves me! I don't want to die!
    May: I know, but we have no choice. (regretfully) I'm sorry.
  • The High Queen: She's the Queen Of the Magic Castle, and a kind ruler who's very fondly thought of by her subjects. When Cody and May actually meet Cutie, it's not hard to see why.
  • Honorable Elephant: Being a toy elephant doll who's also a Queen, Cutie has the "regal" and "elephant" aspects down natch, on top of being probably the most innocent and friendly character in the game.
  • Kill the Cutie: Literally in this case. May and Cody think that the best way to get rid of the curse is to do this. It doesn't work, but they put her back together after returning to normal, indicating that she's okay.
  • Modest Royalty: Downplayed. Although Cutie still wears a cape and crown befitting her status as a Queen, her modesty is very evident in her nature; when she meets Cody and May, Cutie immediately greets them like old friends, and then promptly reassures them that they don't need to bow.
  • Nice Girl: A cheerful, child-like stuffed toy elephant who happily welcomes May and Cody to her throne room and can tell that Cody's in a bad mood and needs a hug. May and Cody definitely aren't happy about having to kill her. She never even gets mad at or blames them for doing so, and just tries to flee, pleading for her life and (futilely) for them to to do something else.
  • Shoot the Shaggy Dog: The most painful part about Cutie's Cruel and Unusual Death is that ultimately, it achieves nothing except make Cody and May's situation even worse. On top of taking an innocent life, they don't change back like they thought causing Rose to cry would let them do, and it only makes Rose feel even worse about everything; to the point where she starts blaming herself for their divorce.
  • Shout-Out: As an elephant who's also a ruling monarch and never seen without her small crown, Cutie bears a noticeable resemblance to a young Babar.
  • Sweet Baker: She mentions during her introduction that she likes to bake cookies and share them with her friends, and she has a very innocent and lovely personality.
  • Symbolic Blood: When she's mutilated by Cody and May in their attempts to kill her, Cutie's cotton stuffing is seen protruding from and falling out of where her leg and ear were torn off, basically acting as the toy equivalent of blood. Cutie even cries out that "everything feels fuzzy", not unlike real-life trauma victims after major amputations and/or blood loss.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: She's really fond of homemade cookies, and offers to share some with Cody and May when they first introduce themselves.
  • Walking Spoiler: Cutie's death by the hands of May and Cody is not something the players were expecting.

The first plant Cody ever planted in the garden. Cody's neglect of the garden has caused her to deteriorate and become hostile.
  • Beat the Curse Out of Him: Cody's neglect of the garden has caused her and the rest of the abandoned plants within the green house to become infected. To cure her, Cody has to use his plant-based powers to take control of Joy's plant body and expose the infected parts, holding Joy still for May to hack at and slice off. She's cured after doing this three times and regains her sanity and gentle personality in the process.
  • Climax Boss: Technically she's the last boss fight in the game but that's more of a result of the actual last level after her defeat not having any conventional boss fights.
  • Sanity Slippage: Her infection has apparently taken its toll on her mind as she's incredibly hostile and only roars, growls, or laughs sadistically until she's finally cured.
