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Characters / Eclipsed Hearts

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Original Characters



A young Shadow Mage. Friendly yet introverted, she nonetheless stands with her friends against the darkness that threatens the worlds.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Generally, Luna is a sweet, polite, and approachable person. However, should anyone do something that she doesn't like, her wrath is something to behold. Even Sora, Donald, Goofy, and previously Ventus gets nervous whenever she becomes angry or merciless towards the enemy.
  • Break the Cutie: Hoo boy, she goes through this BADLY in Broken Hearts. She gets better, though.
  • Calling Parents by Their Name: Adopted parents actually, but the trope is still in effect, since Luna still remembers her mother and Family of Choice and doesn't want to forget them. Nevertheless, her guardians are still understanding enough to accept it, even if they wanted Luna to call them mom and dad like Kairi does.
  • Casting a Shadow: Luna can summon numerous Shadow Hands to attack her enemies at any range.
  • Children Are Innocent: Deconstructed. In Broken Hearts, she starts out this way due to having been sheltered for two years. It has disastrous consequences the moment she was tricked into leaving the Land of Departure by Vanitas.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Luna actively tries a bit too hard to help and protect people, even when it got her hurt afterwards. She does get some criticism about it from her friends, even Riku.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Despite being able to control the shadows, Luna is undoubtedly one of the sweetest and most noble people on the side of good.
  • Defiant Captive: Luna has her fair share of opportunities to defy her captors, even with just words.
  • Friend to All Children: As a teenager, Luna is shown to be very friendly towards children. She goes out of her way to help Alexander when he's attacked by the Heartless, and she's the most patient when it comes to Pinocchio.
  • Everyone's Baby Sister: She's been treated as one by Terra, Ventus and Aqua.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Downplayed. While Luna is undoubtedly a good-natured and caring person, she doesn't shy away from expressing her fears and concerns.
  • Happily Adopted: With Kairi
  • Hiding Your Heritage: As a child, Luna had been told to keep exposure of her Shadow Mage heritage to a minimum courtesy of Eraqus. It doesn't stick.
  • In-Series Nickname:
    • Hades calls her "Moon Child".
  • Last of Their Kind: Luna and her mother are the only remaining Shadow Mages in existence.
  • Lolita Fashion: The type of wardrobe Luna wears in Tainted Hearts onward, albeit with a simpler style.
  • Meaningful Name: Luna's name is Latin for "moon", which fits the lunar themes surrounding her.
  • Morality Pet: She funtions as this. Even when he sides with Maleficent and turns against Sora, Riku still has moments of kindness towards Luna as he tries to convince her to come to his side. And when Sora's obsession with finding Naminé starts to get the better of him, he still cares enough about Luna to show guilt when he realizes he's pushing her too hard.
  • Mundane Object Amazement: Luna had these moments when she was a child in Broken Hearts and Scattered Hearts. Considering how sheltered she was and had little experience with the world outside, this makes sense.
  • Nice Girl: Despite her shyness, Luna is nevertheless a sweet, polite, and kind-hearted person who always looks out for everyone else, especially with the people closest to her. She won't hesitate to jump into the fray when someone innocent is in danger.
  • Regal Ringlets: She sports these, befitting her personality.
  • Shadow Walker: Luna uses this technique to make emergency escapes or move stealthily.
  • Ship Tease: With Riku.
  • Shipper on Deck:
    • Luna doesn't shy away from playing matchmaker with Terra and Aqua. She even stops Zack from flirting with Aqua by telling him she already has Terra.
    • Luna also seems to ship Sora and Kairi, having seen Sora drawing himself giving a Papou Fruit to Kairi and asking why he doesn't confess his feelings for her directly.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: Luna is sweet and polite but introverted, while Kairi is more perky and adventurous with a hint of mischief.
  • Signature Headgear: She wears veiled mini hats.
  • Shrinking Violet: Luna is very shy around people she doesn't know too well.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: The "Girly Girl" to Medea's "Tomboy" in personality and fighting method.
  • Trauma-Induced Amnesia: She lost part of her memories as a child due to her traumatizing experiences.



Luna's shadow Guardian. From the moment she was summoned, she has fought to ensure the safety of her master with no regards for any danger she could get into.
  • Absurdly Sharp Claws: She sports these when engaged in combat.
  • Combat Pragmatist: As brutal as she can be on the front lines, she's also not shy about using underhanded means to shift conflicts to her allies' favor.
  • The Cynic
  • Deadpan Snarker: She has her moments.
  • Demonic Possession: Subverted. She has taken control of Luna's body in Monstro, but it isn't done against her master's will.
  • Enraged by Idiocy: She hates it when someone does or says something stupid.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: Medea initially expresses intense distrust towards Donald in Tainted Hearts to the point of bashing his screwups and calling him 'duck' at every chance, finally boiling over in Hollow Bastion when she lashes out at him for his Skewed Priorities. Fortunately, after reuniting, they reconcile and bury the hatchet for a better cause.
  • Fiery Redhead: Fits this to a T.
  • Guardian Entity: She serves as Luna's Shadow Guardian
  • In-Series Nickname: Medea is often called "Harpy" by Hades.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Medea wears a purple outfit, and she's one of the powerful frontline fighters.
  • Rebellious Spirit: She has little to no respect for any form of authority whatsoever and answers to nobody except for Luna.
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: Prone to using crude language, usually 'damn', 'hell', and 'jackass'. Xion comments on this in Fractured Hearts.
    Xion (to Axel): You never mentioned one of them having no language filter.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: The "Tomboy" to Luna's "Girly Girl", in terms of personality and approaches to combat.
  • Undying Loyalty: Despite their differences in personality and ideals, Medea will always be there to protect and guide Luna.
  • What the Hell, Hero?:
    • A more tamed example in Broken Hearts compared to those below, but Medea lectures Luna when she tells Aqua she hates her for her choice of words towards Terra, which makes Luna regret it.
    • Throughout Tainted Hearts, Medea calls out Donald for his behavior, which escalates to her calling out Donald for leaving Sora to follow Riku just because of the King's orders. She comes to regret this though, and once Donald apologizes, she reciprocates and reconciles with him.
    • When Sora's obsession with finding Naminé leads him to abandon Donald and Goofy the moment they question the legitimacy of his memories and ask him to think things through, Medea rightly calls out Sora on this and asks him if he would abandon her and Luna if they expressed disagreements. This shuts down Sora's arguments, especially when Luna sadly questions if he had forgotten his promise to her long ago.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: She expresses these feelings under various circumstances.



Luna's mother, and another Shadow Mage. When the darkness spreads too far across the worlds, she sets out to uncover what happened.



Noir's Shadow Guardian.



A strange young man who Luna and company meet in Castle Oblivion. He claims to be Luna's lost brother, but there's more going on with him than they think...
  • The Atoner: After his lies have been exposed, he is motivated at Naminé's encouragement to better himself for Luna and her friends.
  • The Dog Bites Back: The moment Larxene attacked Naminé for her defiance, Nero has had enough and turns on her and, at Naminé's persuasion, on Marluxia as well.
  • Imposter Forgot One Detail: When confronted, Luna completely destroys any arguments he may have about being her brother by pointing out that if he ever was related to her, he would've known who her mother is.
  • Long-Lost Relative: When he first meets Luna and Sora, he claimed to be Luna's brother. However...
  • Punch-Clock Villain: Nero was sent by Marluxia to insert himself into Sora's party and ensure Luna's memories are easier to rearrange for Naminé.
  • Wrecked Weapon: Nero's broadsword gets broken during an attack against the Mimic Heartless in Nottingham.
  • Younger Than He Looks: He looks like he should be around Terra's age, but he's chronologically younger.



A mysterious woman who holds a deep loathing for her captors, with the exception of Roxas. Though she's purported to be a prisoner, she has dark truths hiding beneath the surface...

Guest Characters

Final Fantasy Characters

    Hollow Bastion residents 


A magic professor from Radiant Garden. Though a haughty magician, her knowledge and magic are undisputed.
  • Noblewoman's Laugh: She still has it, much like she did in the MMO game she came from.
  • Rhymes on a Dime: Her modus operandi when talking to anyone, even her acquaintances.

Vayne Solidor

A resident of Radiant Garden. He has gone missing since the Heartless invasion.
  • Self-Made Orphan: Implied to be what Vayne did to his father, according to Ienzo's journal entry.

Larsa Solidor

Vayne's younger brother. He joins the fight against the Heartless to find clues to his brother's fate.


An orphan turned mage taken in by Shantotto. He also aids in resisting the Heartless.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: In Final Fantasy X, he was the main antagonist of the game with a nihilistic philosophy and no care for other people's lives. In the Eclipsed Hearts series, he is one of the driving forces to repel the Heartless.


A man recruited to serve as Larsa's protector. Despite his pessimistic viewpoint, he does his duties with fervor.
  • Knight in Sour Armor: He is charged with the duty of protecting Larsa and would be involved with repelling the Heartless. However, he expressed cynical skepticism over the usefulness of the keyblade against the darkness and disdain over relying on children from other worlds for aid.


An orphan of unknown origins. He lives with Aerith, and teams up to push back against the Heartless.

    Twilight Town residents 

Nyx Ulric

A member of Twilight Town's security team.


Nyx's friend and a member of Twilight Town security.


Captain of the Twilight Town security team.

    Guest Party members 



A young warrior dedicated to the protection of Princess Eilonwy.
  • Walking Armory: After breaking out of the cell, he is seen collecting his assortment of weapons.

    Final Fantasy original characters 


Nyx's wife, and member of Twilight Town security.


Libertus's fiancée and member of Twilight Town security.


Firion's friend.
  • Amnesiac Hero: Telma has no memories of herself, except for her name.

Disney characters

    Guest party members 


