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Analysis / Karma Houdini

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It seems like not everyone gets what they deserve. So how does a Karma Houdini happen? How does such a black-hearted scoundrel, or hero who has gone a little too close to the edge, get away with it all? There could be a number of reasons.


  • The Bad Guy Wins: They’ve achieved their goals and struck down all who could oppose them. It would feel cheap to resolve the situation with a random heart attack after that.
  • Easily Forgiven: It's all well and good for a villain to see the light and change sides, but once that switch is flipped it's all too easy to forget about all the mayhem they caused before that moment, especially if the victims weren't named characters.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: The Sorting Algorithm of Evil, and the story, has left the villain behind, and a much larger threat has taken over. Once the heroes have dealt with Entropus the Destroyer of Worlds, sometimes the story forgets that there's still an Evil Emperor ruling his kingdom with an iron fist, or that the random muggers who killed the hero's parents are still on the loose.
  • Based on a True Story: The story is based on a true story, where the antagonists were never brought to justice. If the writers care at all about historical accuracy, the villain will be a Karma Houdini by default.
    • Author Tract: Sometimes, the author is intentionally making some kind of social or political point and wants to direct some of that anger at a related problem in the real world. The idea is to sublimate the anger at the story's Karma Houdini towards people in the real world perceived to be Karma Houdinis.
  • Executive Meddling: In some very rare cases, the author/filmmaker does write an appropriately grim death scene for the villainous character, but Executive Meddling determines that it's too gruesome, hurts the flow of the narrative, makes the movie run on too long, and so forth.
  • Slipped the Sequel Hook: The writer may have left the villain alone so that they could return to cause more mayhem in a future sequel (and hopefully receive their just deserts then). But sometimes the sequel never gets made, for any number of reasons: a lead actor could have Died During Production, the series could die off and not receive the conclusion the authors wanted, the network could cancel the show, and so on...
  • Villain-Based Franchise: ...Or the villain paid the piper in the previous outing. However, now they’re back for the sequel, or another author or franchise has decided to bring them back for more.
  • Doomed by Canon: Even if the villain was defeated in the first outing, the creation of a prequel means that the villain must survive the events of the prequel. And many times, the situation at the start of the original implies that the antagonist will win...
  • Invincible Villain: The villain is simply too powerful for the heroes to handle. This tends to be the case in stories where the heroes are simply ordinary people thrown into a bad situation beyond their control; the best they can do is survive the story.
  • The Punishment Is the Crime: In rare cases, the villain is so petty and completely impervious to reason that the writer (and sometimes the other characters) determine that merely being the villain and as such suffering from a terminal lack of self-awareness is a punishment enough for their deeds that giving them a further punishment would just be redundant, since it wouldn’t convince them to change their ways. And if the villain had abused the hero, then the hero just not being afraid of them anymore and demonstrating by their actions that they are the better person is sufficient for a moral victory, even without the villain actually suffering.

