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Working Title: Sequel Displacement: From YKTTW

Tanto: ...Was Ogre Battle ever even in popular consciousness? My experience is that everyone who knows about one knows about them all.

Anyway, I'll contest The Legend Of Zelda series — it's always been famous for having roots stretching back to the NES days. It was tied (with Super Mario Bros. 3) for the number one ranked NES game when Nintendo Power discontinued its popularity charts in 1992. Ocarina is definitely the most acclaimed Zelda game, rightfully or not, but... Maybe my Retro Gaming roots are showing, but I can't feature anyone not knowing about the series before 1998.

Rebochan: Prince Of Persia? Are you guys nuts? There's a world of difference between a sequel that's better known than the others, and a sequel that completely replaces knowledge of the original games. The Prince of Persia series was hugely successful before the Sands of Time series, and they all have the same gameplay at the heart of them.

Edit: I pulled that and Star Fox. Come on, Star Fox? Really? Just because Star Fox 64 remakes and replaces a lot of Star Fox does not change the fact that the original game was hugely popular and not the least bit obscure.

Rebochan: Right, this page was littered with examples like that. Here they are.

  • Terminator 2: Judgment Day, to the point where people here often DisContinue the sequel for doing to T2 exactly what it did to the first movie.

Terminator was incredibly popular and well known - it still is. The issue here is that many people mix the two movies up in their heads.

  • Star Trek films follow this trope, but how far depends on the type of fan. Everyone knows Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home is worth watching; anyone with any serious interest in Star Trek knows that Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is worth watching, and not just because Kirk shouts "KHAAAN!!!!". Star Trek: The Motion Picture, however, tends to be ignored because it has the dramatic value of a screensaver.
    • It also happens with Next Generation movies. Everybody knows First Contact (even the ones who haven't watched it yet), but not everyone counts Generations because it wasn't originally marketed as a NextGen film. People watched that one to see Kirk die, not to see Picard save the universe.

This one goes against the introduction's point of a non-iconic but well-known first installment not counting. Later sequels are the same way - everyone knows there's a series of Star Trek films, there are simply some films that are better known than others. None of them actually cause people to forget the others or define them only by the popular films.

Those are two of the more popular entries, but they do not displace the other films in the series. Dr. No is a very different type of film from later entries, but it is still well-known and was incredibly popular at the time.

  • Hellsing: some fans know only the anime and the OVA, but not the manga that's their common source. This leads to them thinking the OVA has more Adaptation Decay than it really has.

Most people are aware of the manga's existence even if they haven't read it. Being willfully ignorant of the manga plot is not an example of this trope. If people weren't aware of the manga at all, though, this would be Adaptation Displacement, not Sequel Displacement.

Newspaper Comics

Since it happened within the same strip and not because of a sequel, this definitely doesn't count. The main issue here is the BrotherChucking of Violet.

Is the Dune II entry valid? It's not really a sequel after all..

Rebochan: Took the World Of Warcraft example and ported it to More Popular Spin-Off. It's not really a sequel displacement if it's a best-selling PC franchise that Blizzard still advertises the crap out of. There's a difference between an influx of noobs and the originals actually being forgotten by the majority of gamers.
Rebochan: Took out Final Fantasy VII - it's certainly the most well known entry, but it didn't displace the existence of the previous six, which had been running for years and sold well when brought to the U.S. before. As the intro says, it's an aversion of First Installment Wins, but not an actual sequel displacement. The continued popularity of the older games only highlights this.

Cliché: Do game series that originated in the arcade but became famous through their console iterations such as Punch Out and Super Monkey Ball count as this trope? 04/14/2009

Ishntknew (school computer): I contest Donkey Kong Country. Mario Bros I'll grant you, but Donkey Kong itself is as famous as it gets, especially among older people who still think games are about Scoring Points. In fact, I think the general public knows more about Donkey Kong than Donkey Kong Country, even if the latter has had more of an impact on the character's current usage in games like Super Smash Bros and Donkey Konga.

Ishntknew: I've just heavily altered the Donkey Kong entry and pulled the reference to DKC from the description, given my above reasoning. If anyone objects (and if you do, please voice your objection), here is the relevant entry.

  • Donkey Kong Country. Hell, the Mario series itself would count. The adventures of "Jumpman", not to mention the original Mario Bros. (no "Super"), are nothing but a piece of gamer nerd culture at this point.

Rebochan: Indeed, the big ape has always been popular. Mario Bros. is the one that's more obscure.

Tsunde Ray: In an inversion of this trope, I only know of Rayman as a 2D platformer. I never got around to playing its sequels.
Rebochan: Hooray, more people that can't read!

  • Resident Evil 4. While the RE series has always been considered pretty good, cumbersome controls aside, the seventh installment to the series proper (counting Code: Veronica, the remake, and Zero) brought in a whole new generation of fans. Many of whom do not wish to even consider going back and playing the older games due to the lack of the overhauled game engine that RE4 uses.

Read again - this is NOT a trope to bitch that people who play a later entry in the series don't go back and play earlier ones. Resident Evil has always been extremely popular and a definitive gaming franchise.

  • Unfortunately, most people don't even seem to know that WarCraft was a (very popular, I might add) Real-Time Strategy series before World of WarCraft was released.
    • It especially irks me that when news came out that Sam Raimi was directing the film adaptation of Warcraft, many news outlets referred to the project as a World of Warcraft film, even though Blizzard only said that it would be based off of Warcraft in general.

Warcraft is one of the best selling RTS franchises of all time. It has never been obscure in the slightest. World of Warcraft having more success outside of RTS's doesn't make the old games obscure, there, it has not replaced the original.

Wow, really? You're seriously going to try and claim that The Legend Of Zelda has ever been obscure? I mean, I'm pretty sure calling Majora's Mask "Zelda 2" would get you Gannon-Banned. Having several different age groups with different points of reference for the series is not this trope, especially when the series has been around for more than twenty years.

Been there, done that. Having one entry be more popular doesn't erase the knowledge of what was still considered the definitive franchise in role-playing games through the 80s and 90s.

Removed this:

  • The zombies-in-the-mall setting from Dawn of the Dead is more popular than the zombies-around-a-house setting from Night of the Living Dead.

This is just wrong. Ask anyone to name a zombie movie and Night of the Living Dead will almost certainly be the most common answer.
