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Reviews Film / The Banana Splits Movie

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PhantomHeartless5 Since: Sep, 2012
10/13/2019 12:32:25 •••

So Five Nights at Freddy's and The Banana Splits walk into a bar...

"What. The. Fuck?!" Those three words summed up my initial reaction to the news that this was gonna be a thing. Seriously, what demented nutjob thought, "Hey, let's turn an old Hanna-Barbera show into a bloody horror movie, that's sure to be a hit!" So when this aired on Syfy last night, I had to see this shit for myself. Now that I've seen it... it's not as bad as I was expecting.

The plot is rather simplistic. The Banana Splits, a quartet of animatronics, find out that their show is going to be canceled and they're going to be turned into scrap, so they retaliate the only way killer robots know how: killing their human masters. It's basically "The Banana Splits meet Five Nights At Freddy's".


  • The actors did a pretty good job for the most part, particularly the four main characters.
  • The Banana Splits could be legitimately terrifying at times.
  • Snorky turning good was actually a pretty good plot twist and one that actually surprised me.


  • The film is a giant Cliché Storm. It plays every horror movie trope painfully straight to the point that I could practically predict everything that was going to happen.
  • The other characters are forgettable at best and annoying at worst. Mitch in particular is a pretty pointless character. Seriously, you could cut him completely out of the film and almost nothing would change. (Snorky doesn't kill him and he doesn't die until the very end, so it would make Snorky's Heel–Face Turn more believable.)
  • If the film was trying to make me sympathize with the Splits, it failed. Getting your show canceled and being mistreated is a good reason to go berserk, but forcing a girl to watch her fiancĂ© get dismembered and killing adults to hold their children prisoner forever kinda kills any sympathy I'll feel for you.

Conclusion: It's a dumb, but passable, B-Movie gorefest that offers nothing new to the table save for the premise, and most of what it does has been done better by other films. But if you're morbidly curious like I was or just want to shut your brain off for two hours, have fun.

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