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Reviews Film / Deadpool 2

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jakobitis Doctor of Doctorates Since: Jan, 2015
Doctor of Doctorates
06/27/2018 04:15:26 •••

The same, but more

The first Deadpool movie was to a certain extent lightning in a bottle. There has been R-rated superhero movies before but none so deliberately and gleefully rude, crude and explicitly violent (or at least, none successfully so.)

There being no reason be mess with a winning formula, the sequel takes everything popular with the first film and turns it up to eleven (literally, in one particular sight gag.) More swearing, more bloody violence, more fourth wall defying meta jokes. Popular characters like Colossus and Dopinder get more to do - the former is notably more funny than his straight man shtick from the first movie. If you enjoyed the first film then you will enjoy the second.

However, the approach is not ENTIRELY successful. There are so many meta jokes and violations of the fourth wall it veers dangerously close to irreparably damaging any immersion. Some of the attempts to shock genre savvy viewers come across as twists for twists sake, and rather mean spirited ones at that. Overall a perfectly decent and enjoyable sequel but not anything that will change anyone's opinion on the franchise, or the character.

Kajin Since: Feb, 2012
05/18/2018 00:00:00

This is Deadpool. Immersion breaking fourth wall jokes are par for the course. Deadpool knows he's in a movie. Why should we suspend disbelief when the main character refuses to do so?

This movie probably isn't for you if being made aware you're watching a movie is a point against it. Suspend your disbelief by not suspending your disbelief.

And I'm not really sure what you mean by twists? I came into the movie getting just about everything I expected.

SpectralTime Since: Apr, 2009
05/18/2018 00:00:00

I admit, I did like the first movie, but I’m really burnt out on movies putting in bad twists for twist’s sake, especially in a mean spirited and shallow attempt to get one over on the audience. So I’m nervous. I will probably put out a review with my own if I see it, but thank you for being honest.

ReiKusanagi Since: Mar, 2012
05/18/2018 00:00:00

while I enjoyed the gags, I do admit some of them went a bit far (one shouldn\'t include cult fave characters just to...)

TheRealYuma Since: Feb, 2014
05/18/2018 00:00:00

\"Of course I’ll see this movie. You will, too. What else are you going to do?\" - Sean Fennessey

But in all seriousness Spectral Time, it\'s worth seeing. If for one thing and one thing only, if Ryan Reynolds at it again must be excluded, the mid-credits scene.

jakobitis Since: Jan, 2015
05/18/2018 00:00:00

@Kajin - yes, breaking the fourth wall is part of Deadpool\'s shtick and a factor in what makes the character so popular but for me this time it wore a little bit. And having avoided spoilers myself, certain deaths were pretty twisty and definitely a bit mean.

"These 'no-nonsense' solutions of yours just don't hold water in a complex world of jet-powered apes and time travel."
TheRealYuma Since: Feb, 2014
05/25/2018 00:00:00

jakobitis Did you bother looking into how the actors felt about them?

jakobitis Since: Jan, 2015
05/26/2018 00:00:00

No, because the review is specifically how I felt about them, not what the actors thought/felt. They may have loved it or loathed it, that doesn\'t alter my own opinion .

"These 'no-nonsense' solutions of yours just don't hold water in a complex world of jet-powered apes and time travel."
Robotnik Since: Aug, 2011
06/27/2018 00:00:00

In some ways, DP 2 went in the direction I was afraid it would; it forgot that much, if not most, of the first film\'s metahumor was delivered through detached, after-the-fact voiceovers and not constant barrages of banter or snark, and wasn\'t consistently used to undermine its own moments of genuine pathos. It knew how to create tension without always deflating it right afterwards.

As a side-note, why is it that the only permanent member of the X-Force is the most unskilled and annoying? The whole \"female character whose defined in large part by her ability to sneer at how stuuuuupid her male colleagues are\" schtick wasn\'t funny in Spider-Man: Homecoming, or Black Panther, or Guardians of the Galaxy, and it isn\'t funny here.

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