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QuaintGoldfinch Since: Feb, 2018
09/24/2022 23:10:41 •••

Good potential but it got wasted.

The premise of the show was very interesting but combo of slow pacing and too much talking more so in the earlier parts of the show for 3/4 of the episode killed it. We didn't see the distortions at all that were threat to planet unless it was coming at once and there were plot points that were dropped. In the last half of the shoe we had few new characters that were poorly developed thus had little impact on show.

Another main issue was Altair the main villain, She was too OP and any flaw she had was eventually worked around. It became ridiculous during the last part to see canon characters long established struggle to gain acceptance that she a OC had and how her fandom was so accepting of her stomping the cast and pulling out broken powers one after the other. In the end they were forced to give her a happy ending and let her get away with planetary destruction attempt with no downsides. Magane another villain got away with everything she did.

Which made the entire fights pointless the show might have been better if they made the audience lose acceptance of Altair thus allowing her to be beaten.

In all I give it 6-7/10

Codafett Since: Dec, 2013
10/19/2019 00:00:00

I\'d go lower than that. Definitely a fantastic premise that the writing utterly failed to do justice too. The whole \"Acceptance\" plot mechanic and the frankly embarrassingly long dialogue scenes were torture to sit through.

Find the Light in the Dark
Maljen Since: Jan, 2015
04/15/2020 00:00:00

Altair really dragged down the series. She was a ridiculous Mary Sue villain who wasn\'t even funny about it. The plot obviously wants us to sympathize with her when she\'s rather unpleasant. I don\'t even mind her getting what she wants, except the plot treats her getting her way like it\'s something to celebrate.

animefan217 Since: Aug, 2019
09/24/2022 00:00:00

And this post is mine but forgot it\'s password. 6-7 was me bneing kind and from it\'s wasted potential.

She\'s what we call a Villain sue, if you want her to be sympathetic have her shown more earning of it and be likable spending 99% of show a smug and untouchable isn\'t helping and I agree above 90% of flaws min. I have with the show is from her from being to obnoxious to bad ending too being to OP more so when other OP villains in other shows are often bashed for being OP ex. Aizen or Madara. In all were left with a ending that wasted weeks and left with a ending that made me think what was the point? They failed to kill either villains and shark teeth is still on the loose just depowered but dangerous.

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