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Reviews ComicBook / Superman Secret Origin

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StarformDCX Starform Since: Jul, 2013
07/13/2013 15:03:03 •••

As of 2013, the best origin for Superman

Geoff Johns provides a better version of this story than John Byrne, Mark Waid, J. Michael Straczinski, or Grant Morrison, and, like Green Lantern: Secret Origin, the references to other Johns arcs only enhance the book. This is an attempt to tell a "complete" Superman origin by cherry-picking the best elements from Byrne, Waid, the Christopher Reeve movies, the animated series from the 90s, and Smallville. I like how Clark starts out angsting but quickly has it cured by the Legion of Superheroes, making him confident. (If only that could have happened in Man of Steel!) Gary Frank's art is a pleasure to see, and the villains, while plentiful, don't feel like they were unfairly crammed in at once. Johns exercises restraint in making Clark and Lex acquaintances but not friends in Smallville. The Daily Planet staff get to be both funny and competent. And the Lex Corp Lottery is a clever Call Forward to series like 52. This story Needs More Love.

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