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The TVTropes Trope Finder is where you can come to ask questions like "Do we have this one?" and "What's the trope about...?" Trying to rediscover a long lost show or other medium but need a little help? Head to Media Finder and try your luck there. Want to propose a new trope? You should be over at You Know, That Thing Where.

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Scorpion451 (Edited uphill both ways)
18th Feb, 2019 01:51:45 PM

Can be a type of Meet Cute and/or Samaritan Relationship Starter if this is their first real interaction or some equivalent icebreaker (say, one of them has been trying to work up the courage to do more than say "hi" to the other or something)

(Bonus points if the shorter one fell off the shelf or a ladder trying to climb up and get the book, and the taller one helps them up in the process of getting the book.)

Edited by Scorpion451
eroock Since: Sep, 2012
18th Feb, 2019 04:56:01 PM

If not used for first encounters, this could go as a variant of Real Men Open Jars.

Miss_Desperado Since: Sep, 2016
19th Feb, 2019 05:51:27 PM

^ That draft has been rendered obsolete by Impossible Pickle Jar. Sadly, that trope is not what the OP is looking for.

If not for this anchor I'd be dancing between the stars. At least I can try to write better vampire stories than Twilight.