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Trope Related Question:

Make Private (For security bugs or stuff only for moderators)

Zakura (Edited uphill both ways)
24th May, 2022 11:30:06 PM

This looks like an unpublished work / private RP as the search results on google show the tvtropes page only (also, the character images are from various different anime/games). Cut/send to darth?

RandomTroper123 (Not-So-Newbie)
24th May, 2022 11:46:20 PM

Cutting it seems like the right choice to me.

RobertTYL Since: Oct, 2019
24th May, 2022 11:47:17 PM

The guy who made the page seems to be somewhat active, but his (?) last trace of activity was from two months ago

Heck, checking the history, the user was absent for 5 years before coming back briefly in 2021 to make 1 edit in the entirety of said year. And then in 2022. What's even going on?

Edited by RobertTYL
WarJay77 (Troper Knight)
26th May, 2022 06:23:48 PM

^^ I wouldn't say anything is "going on", a lot of people are just readers, and some people only edit if they see a need to do so and just stay dormant otherwise.

Current Project: Incorruptible Pure Pureness
Amonimus (Sergeant)
26th May, 2022 06:32:41 PM

I'm not really interested in yumny. If there are no objections I'll cut it later for not being an actual work page and PM the troper to contact the mods if they need the page for anything.

TroperWall / WikiMagic Cleanup