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ITT: We are all Pokémon Trainers

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Daydre That's just how it is on this bitch of an earth from the trash Since: Jun, 2014 Relationship Status: Gone fishin'
That's just how it is on this bitch of an earth
#584201: Sep 20th 2023 at 11:23:05 AM

Artazon Outskirts - South Province, Area Three

Aislinn wouldn't admit she came into this a little overconfident. But she did. Something about being relied on, having someone tell her she's needed... It was small, but it did something.

Having a purpose. It's nice, isn't it?

Some small part of her... Well, maybe not empathizes with Whitt. But it's projecting. She's not totally up on everything to do with the School, but part of her understands the fear of being discarded. Of being useless. Of having expectations- maybe thrust on her by others, or maybe the assumption of such- and not meeting them.

She takes a brief look at Megan, knowing that if she'd been the target of those jabs that she'd have stumbled.

Aislinn: "I think... we can win this."

... This hopeful thought comes a millisecond before Whitt's second wind.

Her breath catches in her throat.

Being in close quarters, a few things happen instantly.

Gayrcus' horn- and a lot of her front half, for that matter- are Frozen.

The shattering ice blasts Rapidash and rider back, stunning both for a moment.

Aislinn takes a large piece of ice to the face, blood freezing instantly into red streamers that trail across her cheeks.

Aislinn: "..."

Her vision blurs. She clumsily dismounts Gaycrus, landing roughly on the frozen ground, and sends out Blair.

Aislinn: "... You... heal Gaycrus..."

Blair almost flinches. Aislinn is suddenly emanating an emotion... not especially common for her.

Aislinn: "This bastard... Is not winning..."

Spite? Determination? Whatever it is, it's distracting. But Blair decides not to point this out. She goes to try and unFreeze Gaycrus.

Aislinn sends out another mon- Harry, again.

Aislinn: "Get... Get those Ghosts out of the way."

Harry looks concerned, but follows through on this incredibly nonspecific order as best he can. Anything that gets close to Aislinn is slapped away to the best of his ability.

Aislinn herself approaches Whitt. Slow and unsteady, but approaching nonetheless.

Snowpoint, Outskirts

Dima: "I think Slugma are a little too hot for that-"

Eira: "I dunno, I'd let you melt me-"

They blush in unison at Logan's comment.

Dima: "Well I don't know if you'd want to be me I'm kind of a disaster-"

"I think they were referring to us as a couple?"

Dima: "Yeah but I need my daily allowance of self deprecation! :c"


Eira: -cough- "Oh, right, I don't think I ever properly asked what you've been doing these past few years? Like you mentioned, I don't trust that show to give me an accurate impression."

Eira: "I mean, I know the whole skybreak fiasco introduced a lot of interuniversal crap but getting stuck in a space van with some of your buddies for a multiversal road trip full of shounen bullshit beggars belief, right?"

Eira:-worried- ".. Right?"

off the shits
rmctagg09 The Wanderer from Brooklyn, NY (USA) (Time Abyss) Relationship Status: I won't say I'm in love
The Wanderer
#584202: Sep 20th 2023 at 4:05:40 PM

Konikoni City, September 14

Chiyo: -Entering Olivia's shop- Olivia said to come here after the party was over, but for what? My body still aches a little from all the celebrating last night.

Shopkeeper: Chiyo?

Chiyo: Yes?

Shopkeeper: -Wheeling out a tray containing various fossils- Olivia told me that you could have a pick of any of the fossils here for free as an extra prize for winning. You can get it revived at the Forr So which one do you want?

Chiyo: -Looking over the fossils- I think I'll go with...

Alola Route 8, today

Chloe: -To Chiyo as they head towards a certain clearing- This is the last thing we'll be doing before heading over to Paldea it seems.

Chiyo: -Holding a Sail Fossil in her hands- I would've taken care of it sooner, but it was better to lay low after the party was over so that the School would think we'd moved on already.

Chloe: -Arms behind her back- So you've become a local celebrity on Akala overnight, how do you think they'd react if they knew about your other gig? Statistically there's an nonzero chance of any one of the people there being one of your fans, seemed like most of Konikoni was there.

Chiyo: Well Chloe, that's yet another reason why I wear the mask while doing it.

Chloe: -Snorts- "Doing it."

Chiyo: -Laughs- Well I kinda walked into that one, didn't I?

Alola Route 8, a few minutes later

Chiyo: -Walking out of the clearing with an Amaura in tow-

Chloe: You gonna name the little guy?

Amaura♀️: -Taking in the new environment- <Girl.>

-She seems to not be taking to the weather well-

Chloe: Oops, sorry.

Chiyo: -Thinking- A name, hmm...

Amaura: -Tilts head-

Chiyo: How about... Stellamaris? Do you like that one?

Amaura Stellamaris: <Yeah!>

Chiyo: Then Stellamaris you are. Now let's get you somewhere cooler, Alola's climate's generally not going to work out for you.

Edited by rmctagg09 on Sep 20th 2023 at 12:02:00 PM

Eating a Vanilluxe will give you frostbite.
rmctagg09 The Wanderer from Brooklyn, NY (USA) (Time Abyss) Relationship Status: I won't say I'm in love
The Wanderer
#584203: Sep 20th 2023 at 9:00:02 PM

Edited by rmctagg09 on Sep 20th 2023 at 12:00:18 PM

Eating a Vanilluxe will give you frostbite.
Asterisk395 No voice to cry suffering from Hallownest Since: Dec, 2017 Relationship Status: With my statistically significant other
No voice to cry suffering
#584204: Sep 21st 2023 at 6:48:03 AM

Artazon Outskirts - South Province, Area Three

-Megan sees the next step so clearly—encase him in water, and let him crush himself in a tomb of ice: an end to hubris-

- —and then Vee smells a wave of killing intent so intense it whites out thought-


-a wave of crystal overtakes freezing death-

-it looks for a moment as if she were entombed instead—greasy red all that remains of her within a solid shell-

Type Change: Dark!

-but Vee nullifies what would have directly frozen their blood in their veins, ablating sheer cold seeping in by blowing off layers of self-

Vee toughed out to because fuck this guy!

-liquid night in humanoid shape pours out, crowned by aurora-

Vee: More 'n...two of us.

-she glances forward to Aislinn and back—Pippy's frozen mid-scream, despite his nature-

Vee: <<Be healed—!>>

Vee used Heal Bell...?

Vee: ?!

But it failed!

Vee: -through gritted teeth- <<Be healed...!>>

Vee used Wish...?!

-hope dies before it passes her lips-

-she reaches out and finds-

-no water-

-Max Potions down—everything but Ice Heals' antifreeze frozen into useless medicinal lumps-

-nothing fluid within a hundred meters-

Gelid Terrain prevented healing!


Vee was battered by Legacy Hail!

Vee: ...I carry my peace with me.

-except for that she's sheltered-

Vee: I carry it in my heart.

-she scoops up shattered vials' contents—liquid crystal and infused power, the culmination of love and care and months of effort—and funnels them into a directed blast-

Vee used Hyper Voice!

-she strikes at the resonant frequency of ice-

Snowpoint, Outskirts

Logan: -smiling- ...

-they give Addie the go-ahead-

Addie: -to Dima, sharp- <Hey! No self-deprecating in this house.>

-she crosses her little squirrel arms-

Addie: -warmly- <That's self-reinforcing behavior, and you deserve better habits than that.>

-and they ask the question-

Logan: Hahaha! Hahahaha! Hahahahaha!

-they grin-


Logan: they're such disasters please help me

-after a beat of insensate quivering, they rally their exposition-

Logan: First, let me explain the J-Team's recruitment process.

Logan: 1. You walk onto the ship.

-they shut their mouth-


-they can't shut their mouth-

Logan: You would not believe the number of times I've seen Trainers walk aboard, wait around, grab some snacks, and just leave.

Eric: ~Wait, what? You never mentioned this.~

Logan: -dry, and heated, and desperate, as a person lost in the desert- It wasn't relevant to the Stormchaser's journey.

-they gesticulate-

Logan: And speaking of which! Remember when the J-Team first crashed that thing through a forest? And we were cleaning up for ages?

-they do, vividly-

Logan: We're lucky it didn't rupture. It's so big in there, Ei. I'm pretty sure i can name people who go months without seeing the sun. There's a department store. There's a food court.

-they press their face into their hands-

Logan: There are people living in the vents. Multiple people. I don't know why.

-and twirl a finger in the air-

Logan: Everyone scatters to the winds, which is normal, until the thing roves on to another Region, or someone finds an enemy big enough and the whole mess of Trainers alpha strikes them off the map. Judgement connotations intentional.

-they quiver-

Logan: I'm just waiting for someone to put in a bad call, and for us not to realize it until we're halfway through some facility or other.

-they press their scarf to their mouth and wheeze-

Logan: but honestly the living culture isn't that bad, people are friendly, broadly neurodiverse and stupendously gay. six-ways-from-sunday romantic drama mostly chilled-out. bizarrely, a good chunk of the ship is in the J-Show's fandom, and has written RPF of their RL Fs. Don't ask me for their pen names, I need my alibi at the devil's sacrament.

-they giggle, on the verge of manic-

Logan: I've gotten in the habit of warning Leagues whenever they're en route, so they can get Pokémarts pumped for a few dozen grocery runs all at once. We've started asking Pokémon to start colonies in the walls so people get less stir-crazy!

Eric: ~Is that why we're doing it??~

Logan: -kicking back- Multiple reasons!

Addie: -tugging on their sleeve- <Lo. Lo. Logan.>

Logan: Yeah?

Addie: <I think they were asking about the actual adventures.>

Logan: Oh, right.

-they start gathering their thoughts-

Addie: -nudge- <...I think they were asking about our actual adventures.>

Logan: ...oh. Right.


-without a word, they get up and launch through their Ranger Pose-

-but this time, when they do, sparks dance across most of their body-

-their utilitarian uniform melts into something richer—flowier—nearly alight from within with potential-

-or maybe just sheer drama-

-their handheld Styler flattens and elongates, a seed crystal in their hands-

-it forms frets, body and neck—an electric guitar, strung by their Styler's empathic wire-

-a Power Styler, like those Go-Rock Quads-

Logan: ...!

-and their actual godsdamn magical girl transformation and slapdash grin almost conceal how—unlike their gleeful, faux-distressed diatribe—they're still not saying anything-

Edited by Asterisk395 on Sep 21st 2023 at 9:01:30 AM

No mind to think. No will to break.
EchoingSilence Since: Jun, 2013
#584205: Sep 21st 2023 at 7:28:57 AM

Dendemille Town

Silas stared at Wyatt and quirked a brow, before gesturing. "Go ahead, you got the first shot."

"Right!" Wyatt said. "Ice beam!"

"Ice-what now?" Silas responded, only to watch as Khan barely dodged the attack... well... that changed things.

"An ice type Runegrigas... tch, gonna be an interesting match," he said, tapping Khan on the side of his head.

Khan leaned his head over a bit, as out popped his memory reader, Silas pulled out a case of discs and loaded it in. Khan's eyes flashed and a burst of flame erupted from his body. <Oh... that feels good.>

Amber poked her head out. <Fellow incarnation of flame!>

Something wasn't right, where did the kid get a Delta Type?

Gabriel's Fortress

The process of creating life, Gabriel always enjoyed how the ancient machines worked so wonderfully. Getting his hands on the genetic material of P-Class Mercury was easy enough, he had bled quite a bit during their first proper showing... when he stole the burst heart.

He didn't have access to another one, that made things difficult. Still, there were other concerns.

Isaac stepped in, watching over. "Yes?" Gabriel asked.

"No word yet, keeping my eyes open on things, figured I'd see what you were up to," Isaac answered.

"Creation," Gabriel answered. "You can never have too many soldiers."

"Isn't this a Phantom class build?" Isaac asked. "Isn't that dangerous?"

"Hm, perhaps," Gabriel said with a smile. "But there are ways to correct that."

Isaac recalled some of the files. "What about Nitrogen?"


"There is already a Phantom Class in line, why do we need another?"

"Oh Nitrogen's power set is far different from Mercury's. She's useful, and unlike this potential, obedient without needing something akin to a bomb in her neck," Gabriel said with a wave. "But the power that Mercury has, channeling illusions into effects, and causing actual results from that... he needs medium tools true but that is easily solved. That can be very useful in the right hands... ours."

Isaac said nothing, but the way Gabriel spoke didn't sit well with him.

"Maybe I'll invite Nitrogen over, I'm rather gracious after all, she could possibly make good use of some of my supplies, or perhaps she'd like to meet Mercury corrected once he is finished... so many options."

A pit formed in Isaac's stomach, and he stepped out.

theoncominghoop Since: Sep, 2018
#584206: Sep 21st 2023 at 3:36:27 PM

Artazon Outskirts - South Province, Area Three

Aislinn struggling forwards, fighting against the encroaching cold. Vee shattering the ice as fast as it can grow and making a path for her. And that the end of that path, Whitt.

He puts his hands together, and carefully separates them. A blizzard grows between his palms, growing in intensity while still being held in place.

Whitt locks eyes with his opponents. He only took a limited amount of Ferocaine, after learning from last time what would happen if he did too much in one go. But he's sure it will be enough. "Absolute Zero..."

Everything stops. The ice, the wind, the storm, all of it seeming to pause, leaving an eery silence into which a single word is spoken.

"... Snowball."

The blizzard, which had grown in size and strength while still never leaving a space the size of an apple, is allowed to expand all at once. Like a cannon of cold, it screams through the air and tears the cliffs apart. Whitt laughs like a maniac as the storm plays with his hair, watching the destructive power tear everything apart.

Jules-Firenze Druid Dude from somewhere in between Since: Apr, 2023 Relationship Status: watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
Druid Dude
#584207: Sep 21st 2023 at 5:21:32 PM

Great Marsh

Mimir finds himself in the foggy marsh, lifting himself up, away from the bogs. From time to time, aquatic Pokemon would try and snap at him, only for him to simply yeet them away. He begins trying to find Atrin...

Meanwhile, The duo continues north, both looking for any signs of the missing Marshgoers. Desmond, despite knowing he could protect himself, can't help but jump at the stray sounds that echo through the area.

Desmond: Gah... Where are those people? They can't have gone too far...

he mutters, grabbing a branch around Morgan's size. Suddenly the fog seems to thicken, and Desmond swipes at the front to clear some of the mist. When he felt like he hit something, he yelped and stumbled back.

You piss off the Venom T-Rex. Roll initiative.
etran12 Curious Mind Since: Jul, 2013 Relationship Status: YOU'RE TEARING ME APART LISA
Curious Mind
#584208: Sep 21st 2023 at 5:27:14 PM

Great Marsh

A yelp is heard as Desmond hits something.

Davey: Yeeeowch! Watch where you're doin' that, buckaro- wait...ain't you them punks we ran into back in Veilstone.

Atrin just facepalms.

Atrin: Them again?

Davey: Jonesy! We got them dadgum punks again!

Atrin: I'd advise against a battle here. I don't think any of us have our teams. All we know is that two guys went in and stayed longer than they should.

Jonesy: Is that what that beeping was?

Atrin: We should probably all get out of here. This place gives me the creeps.

Edited by etran12 on Sep 21st 2023 at 5:27:22 AM

Jules-Firenze Druid Dude from somewhere in between Since: Apr, 2023 Relationship Status: watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
Druid Dude
#584209: Sep 21st 2023 at 5:38:51 PM

Great Marsh

When Desmond realized who he hit, he facepalms alongside Atrin.

Desmond: Oh for Arceus' sake. Not you guys again. Come on, let's get to the cable car and get out. I don't want to catch anything here anymore.

he whispers as he begins leading them away. Suddenly, amidst the soft splashing of Pokemon that live in the water and the light wind, whispers begin to form. As it gets louder and louder, Desmond recognized this particular noise. Out of the bogs, little bugs with orange shells and mushrooms on their backs stared at the quartet with large, beady eyes. Desmond scrambles backward, but still keeps himself in front of Atrin and the cowboys.

Desmond: S-stay back, guys! They're dangerous! There's so many!

he yelps, quickly turning from side to side as Paras began climbing out from the water in groups of ten, soon covering the marshlands in front. Atrin could see it too, and he instinctively reaches for his side, where his Pokeballs were. He didn't know why they were there, but he didn't question it. The cowboys yelp and stagger back a bit, not just from the Paras, but from the man that walked among them. A stereotypical cowboy attire, the skeleton barely had a face, but still stared at them angrily. "Why din't ya boys get a REAL JOB?!" it roars.

Meanwhile, Mimir gets a twinge of fear from up ahead...

You piss off the Venom T-Rex. Roll initiative.
etran12 Curious Mind Since: Jul, 2013 Relationship Status: YOU'RE TEARING ME APART LISA
Curious Mind
#584210: Sep 21st 2023 at 5:45:36 PM

Great Marsh

Atrin pulls his Pokeballs, throwing them to send out his whole team! However, when he sends them out, he sees a sight that scares him. His whole team knocked out, on the ground.

Atrin: How did-?

As this all happens, Mimir moves closer and closer to them, sensing something very hostile and very angry in the trees. Not even taking a moment to think, Mimir hits the trees with a blast of psychic energy!

Jules-Firenze Druid Dude from somewhere in between Since: Apr, 2023 Relationship Status: watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
Druid Dude
#584211: Sep 21st 2023 at 5:49:18 PM

Great Marsh

Desmond: D-damnit! I can't protect all of them! Get away, bugs! Atrin! Get them back in their balls!

he yells as he begins swinging his stick at them. However, for every one he knocks away, another five take their place. Soon his arms were weighed down by the Paras and they begin swarming all over him. He nearly blacked out from pure panic, and begins swinging faster and faster. The cowboy skeleton menacingly walks forward, and the cowboys whimper, but a stray shot from Desmond strikes it, sending its skull flying into the distance.

This disturbance was caused by Mimir, whose blast of psychic energy sends out a group of angry Noctowl, who begin hooting and chirping angrily. Seems the illusion is still up, but it can be broken.

You piss off the Venom T-Rex. Roll initiative.
etran12 Curious Mind Since: Jul, 2013 Relationship Status: YOU'RE TEARING ME APART LISA
Curious Mind
#584212: Sep 21st 2023 at 5:52:18 PM

Great Marsh

Atrin looks surprised, looking at the downed Mimir at first, before seeing the one standing and attacking the tree.

Atrin: Mimir, is that you?

Atrin takes a few moments, and takes a deep breath.

Atrin: Mimir! Psyshock!

Mimir nods at Atrin, smiling in a reassuring way before turning back to the Noctowl and blasting them with concentrated psychic energy!

Edited by etran12 on Sep 21st 2023 at 5:53:17 AM

memyselfandI2 Dunsparce Cloud from The Biosphere Since: Nov, 2010 Relationship Status: Hooked on a feeling
Dunsparce Cloud
#584213: Sep 21st 2023 at 11:39:43 PM

-it's been a little while. Let's see what we've missed-


We're catching up on this first? Really?

-even psychic supersoldiers need their sleep-

-the safehouse is quiet right now-

-Lutetium and Dysprosium have taken to sleeping in the same room, in the cots reserved for the children. They don't like each other much, they've worked out the dynamic of their parallel education. Officially, Lutetium is Tellurium's to manage, Dysprosium is Adelinde's. Practically, of course, Tellurium is Adelinde's too, and won't gainsay her-

-so each makes sure the other isn't gaining any advantage by skipping bedtime-

-their Pokemon sleep next to their trainers' heads. Lutetium has finally acquired his first Pokemon, a Natu (Clip). To his great dissatisfaction, Dysprosium got one around the same time, a Woobat (Thalamus). Not minders, like Neodymium had, but Pokemon meant to assist-

-Tellurium sleeps on the couch. Eltanin, her Garchomp, remember him? Sleeps on the floor next to her, too large to fit-

-in the room once reserved for Dr. Powell, Adelinde sleeps on the only real bed. The room is empty, but for her-

-Each person has features in common. Dysprosium's skin is in between Adelinde and Tellurium's in shade, all with the same underlying notes. Adelinde and Tellurium have the same tall, athletic build, and they wear their hair the same, long and elegantly styled, but Adelinde's curls up at the end, while Tellurium has the same straight hair as Lutetium. When Adelinde smiles, which is rare, her lip curves the same as Lutetium's. Dysprosium and Lutetium have the same cheekbones and jaw. If you saw the four of them, you might assume they were a family-

-right now, with their eyes closed, you might even mistake them for an ordinary one-


Doctor #1: Emitters aligned, tank conditioned.

Dr. #1: Decanting now.

-they press their buttons simultaneously, and the process is begun in a vat out of sight. They've done this kind of thing before-

Dr. #1: You're sure about the attenuation on this batch?

Doctor #1: Well, it's too fucking late to change my mind now, isn't it? Unless you want to scrap the whole thing and start over.

Dr. #1: Oh, no, it's fine, I'm feels weird, doesn't it?

Doctor #1: It turns out there's a level of efficiency that kind of overcompensates for itself. We wanted to push goal-orientation, that means leaving a few unattainable goals. Otherwise...

-she makes a throat-cutting motion and grimaces-

Doctor #1: Melinoe was a fun trial and all, but we couldn't exactly use her.

-she shrugs-

Doctor #1: It's just a production line with a few tweaks. If we get someone good out of it, we get someone good. Otherwise we can see if attenuating constructs makes for anybody useful.


Doctor #1: Hey, so you know, we can't both be Doctor #1, right?

Dr. #1: Huh?

Doctor #1: I mean...our nametags. I'm the lead on this project. You're not Doctor #1.

Dr. #1: ...What? This is my name.

Doctor #1: ...Excuse me?

Dr. #1: Yeah. What can I say? My folks were weird. Is your name not #1?

Doctor #1: ...Dude, we've worked together for years. My name's Farrier.

Dr. #1: Oh. Ha! I guess the faces blend together, when you see as many as we do.

Dr. Farrier: ...No. That's a you problem. Come on, let's grab lunch, the new tadpoles should be grown when we're back.

Dunsparce didn't stop being a thing or anything.
ThunderKitty86 Since: Jan, 2022 Relationship Status: Yes, I'm alone, but I'm alone and free
#584214: Sep 22nd 2023 at 1:07:07 AM

Route 13

It was now evening, and Poppy and her Pokemon were tired.

Sophia: Time for a roll call! Let's see... we have Poppy, Donut, Shroomy, Sunrise, Crusher, and...

Nessa: Nessa!

Sophia: Nessa! Okay, looks like everyone's here!

Shroomy: That was fun!

Sunrise: Easy for you to say. You're strong against Ground types.

Sophia: Well, looks like you're training is done! Now remember, call me if you need anything, 'k?

Poppy: Okay!

Sophia: Great! Have fun getting even stronger out there!

She then sent out her Noivern, and flew off.

A hotel in Lumiose City, later that night

Poppy: Where to go next... stay in Kalos, perhaps?

Poppy picked up one of the brochures on the table.

Poppy: Might as well read it...

The brochure advertised a region called Paldea, home to many powerful trainers, an entire Academy, and a unique power called Terastallisation.

Poppy: How interesting... sounds like an amazing place... it's settled, then! Next stop: Paldea!

rmctagg09 The Wanderer from Brooklyn, NY (USA) (Time Abyss) Relationship Status: I won't say I'm in love
The Wanderer
#584215: Sep 22nd 2023 at 2:29:17 AM


Marcia: -Drinking tea- So how was your trip to Akala, dear?

Chiyo: It was... enlightening.

Marcia: -Sitting down- I happened to catch an article from the Akala News the other day and decided to save it for your return.

-It's a picture of Chiyo at the very moment she got the Rockium-Z-

It seems you've been bringing hope to more than just your fellow School creations, young Chiyo.

Chiyo: Funny, people don't really call me young, at least amongst ourselves.

-To Marcia-

It's nothing really, I was just right person at the right time.

Marcia: -Leaning a bit more into her chair- Perhaps, but if you and your scientist friend's plans for us achieve fruition, it will certainly help with people seeing us as people and not as weapons.

Chiyo: Hmm...

Marcia: But you didn't just get your Z-Crystal and leave, now did you?

Chiyo: Chloe and I helped out around Konikoni for a bit afterwards, it was the least we could do. We originally planned on just leaving after the grand trial after enough time had passed, but it just didn't feel right.

Edited by rmctagg09 on Sep 30th 2023 at 2:05:55 PM

Eating a Vanilluxe will give you frostbite.
Jules-Firenze Druid Dude from somewhere in between Since: Apr, 2023 Relationship Status: watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
Druid Dude
#584216: Sep 22nd 2023 at 2:43:04 AM

Great Marsh

Desmond screams in terror as the Paras begin overwhelming him, but the swarm backs off with every shot taken by Mimir. Soon, the Noctowls dispel the illusion, and hooting angrily, fly off into the fog, which begins fading as they go. Desmond takes some ragged breaths.

Desmond: Let's... get outta here.

he mumbles listlessly as he staggers towards the cable car.

You piss off the Venom T-Rex. Roll initiative.
EchoingSilence Since: Jun, 2013
#584217: Sep 22nd 2023 at 7:53:15 AM

CW: Dismemberment

Gabriel's Fortress - Lab

Gabriel watched as out stepped the new individual, the new Mercury. He hobbled the first few steps and stumbled over, coughing and hacking a bit. "Easy there," Gabriel said. "You've just awoken."

He had made some adjustments, the face wasn't quite exact, all the better since he didn't want to be reminded of the other Mercury.

"Welcome to the world, the knowledge takes some time, but do not worry, you've been implanted with all you need," Gabriel continued, holding the face of his new creation, observing the features.

The face was a bit more angular, the hair was less the grayish silver Mercury had, and more a faint silvery blonde. Silver and gold... impressive. The build was also different, he needed someone with more strength after all.

"You... you will be Miles," Gabriel said. "Helps to define you against the old Mercury."

'Miles' said nothing, and just continued to look at his creator, so many thoughts in his head... and he noticed the look from the Templar drift down to his left arm. In a quick motion he felt an intense pain and Gabriel stood up, holding something... Miles could feel himself growing weak.

Gabriel looked at the arm in hand, "There we go," he said. "Now... Mr. Strings?"

The giant stepped over. "Yes?"

"If you could please help our mutual friend here, I think it is time we got him outfitted with a medium tool. Make sure he is ready... right?"

"Of course," Strings said, dragging Miles off.

Gabriel smiled, things were falling in place, this Mercury would handily deal with the old one. He turned to walk out, when he saw his Investigator, Isaac. "Came to watch?"

Isaac had a bit of a sneer. "Really? He's just been made and you just tear his arm off?"

"The Mercury I faced had a prosthetic as well, it was quite something, a medium tool that he could swap to channel his power through," Gabriel justified. "I fail to see the issue."

"And the fact that this one is a Phantom Class?" Isaac asked. "How will you handle that?"

"Easily, we'll be implanting a killswitch into him, he fails to perform or tries to rebel, I'll shut him off," Gabriel answered. "It's the only way to keep them under control."

"Just a little bit ago you had said you think the School lost something abandoning the 3 houses," Isaac countered.

"Doesn't mean I think they should be allowed to run unimpeded," Gabriel said, a smile still on his face. He patted Isaac on the cheek. "Don't worry my Investigator, I have no need to implant a kill switch into you, you have no powers with which to harm me and a nervous system to command... and even then my more base skills..."

Gabriel walked off, depositing the torn arm into a biohazard waste disposal, Isaac now left alone in the lab, staring at the bloodstain on the floor.

This... this required further investigation. This was all for the right cause right?

etran12 Curious Mind Since: Jul, 2013 Relationship Status: YOU'RE TEARING ME APART LISA
Curious Mind
#584218: Sep 22nd 2023 at 12:27:34 PM

Great Marsh

Atrin nods and follows to the cable car, but not before giving Mimir a big hug.

Atrin: I owe you one, Mimir. You're the best.

Mimir smiles, and in a rare instance, Atrin swears he can hear him.

Mimir: ))We're partners. I'd never leave you.((

Atrin looks surprised for a moment before smiling back.

Atrin: Let's get out of here, partner.

Atrin and Mimir make their way to the cable car.

memyselfandI2 Dunsparce Cloud from The Biosphere Since: Nov, 2010 Relationship Status: Hooked on a feeling
Dunsparce Cloud
#584219: Sep 22nd 2023 at 2:11:12 PM


Ever: Isn't this supposed to be an Electric city?

Oh, good, back to them.

Wait, sorry.

Hey come on


-three Templars are training-

-Two girls and a boy, each looking like older teenagers or young adults. They could be siblings or twins, not that that's something the School would explain, or their products understand. Family is a dirty word here-

-they spar with psychic blades. One of the girls, with hair kept in a short ponytail, has figured out something interesting. The blade is wielded by the power of the mind, not the power of the muscle— so why stick to something that can be reasonably wielded?-

-with increased reach and power in her swings, she presses the advantage against the other two. They're both quick to compensate, but adjusting psychic constructs on the fly is harder than having a good idea to begin with. The boy is faster to copy Ponytail's massive sword, while the other girl tries something that doesn't work and is forehanded out of the ring-

-the match ends quickly. There are no scientists taking notes here— everything is recorded, and the video will be analyzed for anything of interest-

-nobody here is worried about liquidation, per se. It's all about the mission— if you're not up to snuff, one of your compatriots will make sure you aren't a liability, one way or the other-

-the Templars leave their reserved training room. Ponytail stops to help up the other girl, who keeps her hair in a short bob-

Ponytail: You gotta focus, Adelinde.

Dunsparce didn't stop being a thing or anything.
rmctagg09 The Wanderer from Brooklyn, NY (USA) (Time Abyss) Relationship Status: I won't say I'm in love
The Wanderer
#584220: Sep 22nd 2023 at 2:51:43 PM

Mezagoza, today

Chloe: -Having shown up for J-Con- You know, if Chiyo ended up on that dumb show, what are the chances that we'll end up on there too?

Abe: I think we shouldn't speak such things into reality.

Chloe: They'd have me showing you some real sisterly love.


That came out wrong.

Iridium: -Has also arrived, minus a Lydia, and is staring rather intently at the various stalls-

Edited by rmctagg09 on Sep 22nd 2023 at 7:09:53 AM

Eating a Vanilluxe will give you frostbite.
AnotherMan Person, or Idea? from a solitary place Since: Jul, 2019 Relationship Status: Non-Canon
Person, or Idea?
#584221: Sep 22nd 2023 at 3:57:53 PM

Mesagoza, September 22

A smattering of students descend the famously long staircase from Naranja y Uva Academy, some by foot and some riding Pokemon, and approach the stalls of the J-Con, an convention that was held in Mesagoza for the first time in recent memory.

Deep in the crowd of students was Mitchell, dressed in the autumnal variant of the school uniform, with Esmeralda perched on his right arm and Oliver riding on his back. The trio eventually slip away from the other students and browse the stalls dedicated to J-Con. In particular, they were investigating a certain rumour and undertaking an assignment given to Mitchell specifically by his homeroom teacher, Mr. Jacq.

"You hear anything on the wind, Es?", Mitchell whispers.

Esmeralda fixes a look that only a Staravia like herself could make at Mitchell. <Only the usual,> she says. From her disgusted tone, she means the usual clamour from the Squakabilly flocks.

"Dang," Mitchell responds. He's still nervous about the rumour he heard, alleging that a special crossover between the J-Team Show and Miraculous Ledyba that would have a select preview screening in this very J-Con. What Mitchell dreads, based on what little he's heard from the J-Team in person and clips of the J-Team Show he's seen, is a fictionalized and unflattering version of himself appearing in that crossover.

<Cheer up, Professor!>, Oliver says. <You can worry about that after taking care of your errand!>

"Ah, yeah, that's right," Mitchell says. "There's gotta be a shop or booth somewhere that sells Rotom Phones."

<And protective cases,> Oliver chimes in.

<And screen covers,> Esmeralda adds.

Mitchell cracks a grin at this, and resists the urge to respond to his Pokemons' prodding. Mentally budgeting for what he's required to purchase, he carefully browses the stalls. Someone observant might spot him in his shopping trip.

Herbert40k Not A Lawyer from Widdershins Since: Apr, 2012 Relationship Status: I-It's not like I like you, or anything!
Not A Lawyer
#584222: Sep 22nd 2023 at 5:15:32 PM

Stormchaser, Ever's Room - the exceedingly distant past

-Lucius decides to hold Lace at arm's length.-

Lucius: Well, that explains why she likes me. I can't in good conscience tell you to ignore your worst impulses, because I am worst impulses, and I'm pretty sure that makes me a hypocrite. Or something.

-He sets her down, gets up, and looks over at Ever.-

Lucius: So, uh... the way I see it, it's like this. If you try to do anything stupid again, I'm gonna make it my job to stop you, or constantly irritate you while you do it, or run over and tattle to your stupid cheese-named cousin. If you don't want that, you can always challenge me to a death battle or something. Does that sound fair?

Galar, Wild Area - Blooming Grove, this is also ancient history by now

Elderberry: <You fiend! You shall be destroyifeated!>

-She spins up, readying for another attack...-

-...before being withdrawn by her trainer.-

Alice: Very well. I concede.

-She smiles at Abilene.-

Alice: My apologies for accosting you as suddenly as I did. I must say, though, getting the measure of a fellow trainer such as yourself has been most enjoyable. I may just have to take you up on that offer of yours one day.

Trans rights are human rights. JK Rowling preaches hate. If you sit at a table with five bigots and say nothing, there are now six bigots.
memyselfandI2 Dunsparce Cloud from The Biosphere Since: Nov, 2010 Relationship Status: Hooked on a feeling
Dunsparce Cloud
#584223: Sep 22nd 2023 at 5:39:49 PM

Stormchaser, Ever's Room, the past

Ever: (solemnly) Seems fair. I'll hold you to it.

Zapapico, now

Ever: I mean, it's called Zapapico. That's obviously an Electric name.

Brie: You're thinking of Levincia.

Ever: Wh— then why'd you bring me here?

Brie: Why would I go to an Electric city?

Ever: ...

-it should be noted, Ever looks a bit different than the last time they were onscreen-

-they've gained some weight, for one. Not much, Memitos run gangly in general, but they no longer look like a stiff breeze would part flesh and bone. They've put on a very tiny amount of muscle, even-

-somewhat disconcertingly, their prosthetic arm has grown to match. Slim, flowery vines now wind around the bicep, pulsing with an unsettlingly red fluid-

Brie: Well, see you.

Ever: Have fun dodging Tinkaton.

Brie: Why are you this way?

Ever: When a machine left idle for years starts to move, some creaking is to be expected.

Brie: ...Sure.

-and off she flies-

Ever: Well, here we are in Paldea.

-they look around-

...Now what?

Dunsparce didn't stop being a thing or anything.
Jules-Firenze Druid Dude from somewhere in between Since: Apr, 2023 Relationship Status: watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
Druid Dude
#584224: Sep 22nd 2023 at 7:13:13 PM

Great Marsh

The cable car ride back was... awkward, at least it was for Desmond, who was silent the whole way. The cowboys were more or less fine, joking around and laughing as if they didn't have their fears forced on them.

When they exited, the receptionist gave back their Pokeballs.

Morgan: <Yo, Desmond, welcome back! I've heard people talking about the new J-Con, we should->

she immediately stops as her mind links back with Desmond's, and she immediately flies to him.

Desmond: I'm fine, Morgan. Now what were you saying? Sounds... fun.

You piss off the Venom T-Rex. Roll initiative.
etran12 Curious Mind Since: Jul, 2013 Relationship Status: YOU'RE TEARING ME APART LISA
Curious Mind
#584225: Sep 22nd 2023 at 7:18:40 PM

Great Marsh

Atrin checks something on his phone.

Atrin: J-Con is this week?! Guess I got a bit distracted with everything going on. I certainly want to go. And it's in Mesagoza? I've always wanted to check out Paldea. We can probably get a ship or plane there.

Ecto runs up to Atrin after the petting of a lifetime from the receptionist.

Ecto: <Paldea! I'm from Paldea! Oh, that sounds fun! Maybe I can play with someone I know!>

Atrin looks around.

Atrin: Alright, let's do that!

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