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YMMV / The Man Who Killed Don Quixote

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  • Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: When Toby meets Raul for the first time since his first film project, they start the conversation in Spanish (with English subtitles) before Toby realizes what is happening, swipes the subtitles away and they both start carrying on the conversation in English. While the film likes to take breaks from reality at times, it only breaks the fourth wall like this in this one scene.
    Toby: [In Spanish] Hey! What are we doing? [Wipes the subtitles away, then switches to English.] We don't need these. We understand one another perfectly.
  • Just Here for Godzilla: Gilliam stated after finishing the film that he was well aware most people would only be seeing it because of its legendary Troubled Production.
  • Spiritual Successor: The movie's story of a selfish man teaming up with a delusional "knight" whose situation is largely the former's fault bears a strong resemblance to Gilliam's earlier film, The Fisher King.
