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YMMV / Tentyrian Legacy

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  • Complete Monster: Stavros is the leader of the Dark Coven. Once one of the rulers of the Tentyrians, Stavros looked down upon humanity, viewing them as inferior to Tentyrians and wishing to rule them. Stavros had two of the other rulers assassinated and helped spark a fire which killed dozens, and later threatened to burn down the various covens of the other rulers while threatening to harm their children should they not relinquish control to him—but intending to kill them anyway even if they comply. After the people rebel, Stavros's forces enact a purge which leads to the near-genocide of the Tentyrians. Stavros and the Dark Coven than begin a campaign of terror throughout the world, playing humanity against each other from the shadows and causing conflicts to become far worse and than reaping the profits afterwards. Stavros also uses his blood to transform humans into bloodthirsty monsters that serve him, raising an army in the thousands. Planning on culling humanity, Stavros attempts to corrupt Arianna—one of the last Tentyrians—to his side, and even fatally tortured one of her friends to find information on her whereabouts, intending to rule supreme for all of eternity.
  • Moral Event Horizon: As bad as the Dark Coven is, most fans of the books will agree that Arianna's mother is worse in her own way after she hires a rich executive to marry her even though he has a mistress so that Arianna can "carry on the family name" since she assumed no one would want to marry a headcase like her daughter.
  • The Woobie: Arianna at the start is quite possibly the most pitiable adorable creature in existence.
    • Becomes an Iron Woobie when she takes charge of her life.
