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YMMV / Tales From The Crypt S 7 E 12 The Third Pig

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  • Adorkable: Dudley is smart, cute, dorky and nicer than his two brothers.
  • Bizarro Episode: This is the only animated episode of the show and one based on a fairy take and not based on a EC Horror comic.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Yes, Drinky & Smokey aren't nice guys, but it's easy to feel bad for them because of The Big Bad Wolf blowing their houses down, murdering them and eating them.
  • Spiritual Successor: The entire concept of this episode is a lot like the first MAD issues (mainly the Tales Calculated to Drive You MAD issues from EC Comics) from the over the top images and wild out there story.
  • Squick: There are several parts that gross:
    • The Wolf accidentally puts his body inside out after trying to blow down Dudley's brick house.
    • Drinky constantly vomits due to his addiction to alcohol.
    • And of course, Blood and gore everywhere.
  • The Woobie: Dudley has a lot of sympathetic moments, like getting mistreated by his two brothers, getting arrested by the police wolves mistake, getting attacked by a zombie pig and getting eaten by The Big Bad Wolf.
