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YMMV / Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Umbara Arc

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  • Complete Monster: General Pong Krell first comes across as a heavily abrasive and unpleasant fallen Jedi Master with a particularly burning hatred for Clone Troopers, only to turn out to be far worse than anyone imagined. Infamous for having ridiculously high casualty numbers due to him callously throwing his troops' lives away to secure a victory, Krell takes command of the 501st legion and forces them into following disastrous battle plans that are designed to kill as many of them as possible. When troopers Fives and Jesse disobey his orders so they can secure a victory against the Separatists without too many casualties, he orders the reluctant Captain Rex to have them executed. When it doesn't pan out, Krell instead orchestrates a battle between two Clone battalions and tricks each side into thinking that the other consists of disguised enemy infiltrators, which results in several deaths before the Clones catch on. Exposed as a traitor, Krell slaughters dozens of Clone Troopers while smugly revealing that he was planning to help the Separatists strike a crippling blow to the Republic by leaking sensitive information to them, and then join the Sith Lord Count Dooku due to foreseeing the Jedi losing the Clone Wars and desiring a place on the victorious side. When defeated and questioned, Krell is smug and unapologetic about his crimes and gleefully reveals that he manipulated and murdered the Clones out of nothing more than pure, spiteful bigotry.
