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YMMV / Konjiki no Gash Bell!! Makai no Bookmark

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  • Game-Breaker: Kanchome can get surprisingly strong if you boost his attack with bookmarks and cast Koporuku. As an Incredible Shrinking Man, Kanchome becomes invincible and repeately latches on to enemies to slap them. This can stunlock many threats and Folgore is free to toss CDs on them from a safe distance to stack more damage. The only reason this doesn't fully break the final boss and Zeon is due to Artificial Stupidity often causing Kanchome to needlessly attack the enemy bookkeeper instead of the actual boss.
  • Goddamned Boss: Nero's powered up form can only be hurt if you hit the flashing orb among his Orbiting Particle Shield. The orbs cause Collision Damage, fly in various formations and shoot powerful lasers that are difficult to dodge because of the huge combined size of the player characters' hitboxes.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Zatch Bell! 2 does introduce a canon way for demon spells to be used by people other than the original users, but it's a resource for the villains.
  • That One Attack: Giglio's arm stab randomly goes either straight ahead of him or towards the diagonals, is very difficult to guess and dodge due to its speed and deals a lot of damage.
