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YMMV / Graduation Hall

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  • Arc Fatigue: This applies to the Memory Arc but it is Subverted as it is considered this trope OOC as it took a longer time for it to be finished due to time delays with Dels (Kibara) and Nutkun (Chiaki). This arc is better paced IC.
  • Memetic Mutation: Hajime being the go-to doctor due to being the Ultimate Hope and there not being any one else able to help until later.
    • "This bot" and other similar phrases are used whenever the discord bot level someone up at an appropriate (or inappropriate) time
    • "Everyone's crazy" an image from DR3 of Chiaki saying this has been put to use fairly often, as the graduate hall has a tendency to be chaotic.
    • "YOU FUCKED IT UP" a Discord role given to Ecotro (Hajime) to due him messing up a very important dice roll, it was later given to Ender (Max) as well due to having caused a lot of things to happen..
    • Linked to the bots timing particular attention to given to the lines that make people graduate (lvl 20)
      • Several users got there by "fishing" which is generally a common way to lvl up.
      • Roxas (Makoto) got there by saying despair though originally he had tried to lvl up with hope
      Roxas: HOPE
      Doesn't level up
      Roxas: DESPAIR
      Levels up
    • "Boat Facts" a common phrase used when the RP gets particularly crazy as the roleplay started with Hajime reading boat facts an attempt to bring out Izuru
