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YMMV / DinoZaurs

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  • Badass Decay: The Drago Clones were dangerous in their debut, enough to take out all but three of the main Dino Knights (who were under a bravery drain spell), even if they lost Drago Tyran in the rematch. After Drago Brachio's demise, however, they were treated as little more than Elite Mooks for the remainder of their appearances until Rick and the Cerazaur brothers beat them for good.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The Japanese name for the Dragozaurs? Death Eaters.
  • Tearjerker:
    • Dino Stego remembering his late girlfriend Daisy.
    • The Dino Knights turning back into fossils after the Dragozaurs are defeated.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character:
    • The human cast outside Kaito, Rena, and Rick, who were mostly just used for comic relief. This holds doubly true for Dr. Naomi Abrams, who seemed to be set up for finding out about the Dino Knights in episode 22, but she promptly faints after the fighting concludes and when she comes to, Kaito and Rena tell her the whole ordeal was a dream which returns the status quo to normal.
    • The Drago Clones were treated as a somewhat credible threat in their early appearances, but later suffered from Badass Decay and were shown from then on as nothing more than Elite Mooks. They were never given credible rivalries with their good counterparts i.e. Drago Tyran never fought Dino Tyranno before his death in the group's debut (the latter instead fought against Drago Ceratops). Heck, only the Brachios got a proper battle that resulted in the evil one's destruction, and that only occurred due to coincidence.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot:
    • The dinos' ability to combine was only used in three ways: when the Cerazaur Brothers formed Triblades, when the Dino Weapons equipped themselves to their allies and when Gigano Dragon discovered he could combine with Drago Wing.
    • Tyranno and Tricera are the only ones who became Ultimate Dino Knights.
