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  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Did Behring cheat Ehrlich out of his fair share of recognition and money for his contribution to the diphtheria serum to tend to his fragile ego, or was it the money he wanted, not the fame, to offer the woman he loved the chance to study and build a life for them?
  • Jerkass Woobie: Emil Behring suffers from psychological issues that are not acknowledged in his time and age beyond being called "periodic insanity" and people avoiding him and belittling his work, and he tries hard to deal with it, do a good job anyway, and work out a relationship with Ida. He's also giving the children of rich people precedence over poor proletarian kids when treating their diseases, is constantly rude to everyone around him, and has betrayed his colleague so he'd be the only one who gets famed for the diphtheria serum.
  • Les Yay: Ida/Therese, obviously, but Ida also has a moment with Hedwig, pulling away her face veil and caressing her cheek to wipe away a tear.
  • Ship-to-Ship Combat: Ida/Tischendorf vs Ida/Behring, although the former quickly lost steam when Tischendorf revealed his sexist attitude that Ida's wish to study is merely "a female whim", and that he's quickly becoming a raging anti-Semite. Ida/Therese is even more popular, although it didn't get far in canon.
  • The Woobie: Therese just can't seem to catch a break. First she falls in love with someone she can't realistically have a relationship with as her orientation would only get her in trouble, then it throws her down a spiral of religiously motivated Gayngst, then she gets tuberculosis and already thinks God has sent it to punish her, and when there seems to be a chance of saving, the Tuberculin turns out to be ineffective, and she dies a slow death.
    • Then there's Marie, the young girl impregnated with at best Questionable Consent who attempts to kill herself so as not to bring her starving family another mouth to feed.
    • Also Rajani, the Indian girl from the human zoo who's dying of smallpox.
