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YMMV / Barbarian (Titus)

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  • Anti-Climax Boss: Zaugg himself is one. While he does have some tools, such as a Shockwave Stomp and various fire attacks, to keep opponents from being close to him for any prolonged time, but even then once the player can figure out the timing and distance to get some hits in and evade, he goes down fairly easily.
  • Cliché Storm: KBash in this YouTube video review points out how generic this game is. Notably he uses Power Stone, of which this game is largely modeled after, as a point of comparison (at 9:12 in the video link provided) to demonstrate this observation.
  • Narm: While having the narration of prologues and endings done in a mostly disinterested fashion is already a mild problem, but the fact that "cough" is literally written in the text crawls of some endings is especially facepalm inducing.
