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YMMV / A Divine (Romantic) Comedy

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  • Alternate Character Interpretation: Jesus is shown as being rather weirded out by Lucifer's clingy and desperate attempt to befriend Him, and further confused when the Seraphim frame His encounter with Lucifer as resisting temptation. Did Jesus go along with their version of events because the truth would be too embarrassing, or was He embarrassed for Lucifer and this was His way of trying to make The Devil look cooler and more dignified when he was in a bad place emotionally? The fact that he was genuinely worried about Lucifer once he managed to finally shake him off before he remembered that he'd be fine due to his Fallen Angel constitution implies the latter, but it's unclear.
  • Jerkass Woobie: The Cherubs have become this by the time they appear in the story. Their exile on Earth has left them with a decidedly negative view of the mortal realm, which has only exacerbated their self-righteous personalities. This view, however, is understandable when one considers that an easy life in Heaven likely didn't prepare them for the harsh realities of scraping by on Earth. Not to mention that they've spent a year homeless, dumpster diving for food, being attacked by wild animals, and resorting to theft to keep from starving.
