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WMG / Secret Society of Second-Born Royals

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Elizabeth I, George VI of England, Louis XV and Louis XVI had superpowers.

Apparently, the "superpowered second -born royal" gene dates back from Ancient Egypt according to portraits seen in the secret base of the society. And all those sovereigns were second-born. They acceded to the throne after their eldest siblings died without children, or, in George VI case, Abdicate the Throne. And of course, whatever power Louis XVI had, it was not enough to save his life, unless he refused to use it.

The Society cannot actually take away someone's powers and modify their memory.

Why is Inmate 34 imprisoned and wearing a Power Nullifier, instead of being permanently depowered and having his memory modified/wiped? Because they cannot actually do that, and lied to the kids, either to motivate them... or to hide the fact, that should they fail their training, they'd also be imprisoned for life.
