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WMG / Rapsittie Street Kids: Believe in Santa

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Ricky's grandmother's gibberish was unintentional.
The audio files were corrupted at some point, but the creators decided it was "good enough". Along with the rest of the special.

The entire movie itself is one big Eldritch Abomination.

The grandmother suffers from dementia
Her dementia causes her to speak in gibberish, with only a few understandable words every now and then. Ricky pretends he understands what his grandmother says so he doesn't hurt her feelings.

Ricky's grandmother's comes from the Cookie Clicker universe.
All her dialogs are Black Speech for "Moist Cookies".

The movie is cursed.
Someone on the crew made a witch or a demon or something angry, and were cursed to make the worst Christmas movie ever. Black magic is the only logical explanation for this.

The movie was created by Benrey from Half-Life but the AI is Self-Aware.

This is a human version of Parappa.

  • Parappa = Ricky, lovesick rappers.
  • Sunny = Nicole, love interests who fight with the protagonists.
  • PJ = Smithy, cynical gluttons.

The movie takes place in the same universe as Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning.
Which explains the animation and the weirdness.
