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WMG / PriPara

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After their true identities were revealed, 3 different girls who were Triangle's biggest fans became Triangle themselves.
This explains why they were in the PriPara Collection fashion show episode, and why they performed their song multiple times in the show before NonSugar made their debut. This is possibly hinted at the fact that in the arcade game, you can put Kanon, Pinon and Junon on the same team as Non.
  • Jossed. Non is the only one who can do this, as she can still turn into them if she wishes.

The third Goddess Idol silhouette is actually an evil Goddess idol who wants revenge on people for taking pieces of her most beloved coord, which was made up of a mix of the legendary coords obtained throughout the show. This is why bad events happen whenever an important tournament happens in the PriPara world, as they are her attempts to divert the idols as she attempts to steal parts of the coords.
The idol's coord used not only the Kami Hair Accessory like the other Goddess Idols, whose tournament ended with Triangle disbanding due to a computer glitch, but also contained either the shoes or dress of the Paradise coord, whose tournament ended with Falulu's death, and the shoes or dress of the Dream Parade Princess Coord, whose tournament ended with PriPara's system breaking down.
  • Jossed. We never get to see the pink Kami Idol silhouette.

Reona is a trans girl
The show always says that only girls can get PriTickets and go to Pripara.

Reona never showed discomfort with being referred as a girl, actually she looked very happy with the kids calling her "onee-san" (big sister) in episode 18.

In episode 74, Reona was dressed as a princess and was questioned by Hibiki why she dressed as a girl and she replied "This is who I am".

In the duet of her with her sister have the line "we’ll always be each other’s sister" (it literally says "sister"), and since the episode this song debuted there hasn’t been a single reference to Reona being a "boy". Even in Idol Time, when DanPri (the PriPara for boys) was announced in series, Reona didn't get confused about gender or anything.

Also considering Reona shy personality she wouldn't be correcting people every time they refer to her as a boy.

Hibiki is non-binary
Lots of viewers mistook her for a boy in her first appearances, until she revealed her gender to the audience a few episodes later. Despite this, Word of God says that Hibiki doesn't identify as neither male or female.

The new vocaldoll in Idol Land represents rain.
Every vocaldoll has it's own representation: Falulu represents dreams, Gaaruru represents broken dreams, and Falala and Garara represent day and night. Due to her precence in the Idol Land opening being on a cloudy sky while crying, it's possible that she may represent rain, and if weather becomes a recurring theme this season, then there will be a vocaldoll representing clear skies and a vocaldoll representing thunder too.
