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WMG / Eve: The Awakening

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Chimera females regularly dream their life's story in chronological order over the course of the week, whenever they get their periods.
You got a better explanation?

Eve is an Unreliable Narrator suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder.
Symptoms of BPD often include a warped, black-and-white view of other people, and seeing personal attacks in innocent comments or actions. The disorder is often cased by childhood abuse, neglect or trauma. Now let's look at Eve...
  • She experiences undeniable trauma when her parents are killed, and she herself accidentally kills their drunk-driver killer; later, she is abused by screaming policemen and a cruel, emotionally abusive aunt, and is bullied heinously all through childhood
  • She does suffer at least some amount of genuine bullying and bigotry even in college
  • ...but even so, her bullies are seen in such an over-the-top, flat manner, that Eve's perceptions may be a bit warped. Madison and Heather probably were not being literal when they claimed to have it in for her personally; they were just sarcastically telling her that they weren't her friends anymore. No doubt these women are still selfish and cruel, but Heather was probably not being literal when she claimed that she spread rumors because "people must fear me if I'll be powerful someday." More likely, these girls were sarcastically trying to tell Eve, "Oh yeah, we are just SOOO evil, you poor thing." Again, these girls are still assholes, but in a different way than Eve interpreted
  • Chin Dimple frankly seems like a jolly redneck with a crude sense of humor, who just makes sexist jokes to push Eve's buttons. The later near-rape scene was either a dream, a hallucination, or a VERY cruel prank; but in any case, Chin Dimple did not actually attempt to rape her.
  • JJ, likewise, was not being entirely literal when she told Eve she didn't want to be friends because of the dorm Eve lived in. More likely, JJ was just sarcastically saying "Hrmph, I guess we *can't* be friends," and afterworlds still regarded Eve as a random acquaintance who she threw her careless, sarcastic sense of humor at, not realizing Eve was actually taking every word literally.
  • The classmate in debate class whose argument was just an over-the-top rant about how "inhuman" Eve was, and who later featured "Emma Lynn Kingpin" as an example of an out-of-control chimera, is just a massive Troll. He still deserved JJ's porn revenge, but more for taking his trolling too far than for genuinely trying to spread bigotry.

The real author of the book is Tommy Wiseau in disguise
Let's look at the evidence...
  • Main character is an obvious and gratuitous Author Avatar
  • Story seems to be roughly 2/3 padding, and 1/3 nonsense
  • A younger character who finds the protagonist fascinating, and wants to study them/"I just like to watch you guys."
  • "Chin Dimple DEFINITELY tried to rape Eve."
