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WMG / Dungeon Crawler Carl

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Carl will use the Enchanted Night Wyrm's Ring of Divine Suffering to farm the hunters on the sixth floor for massive stat gains

On the sixth floor, the Marked For Death skill has no delay, no cool-down, and can target non-crawler non-dungeon-generated marks such as the visitors who pay to hunt crawlers. Carl has already issued a challenge to any hunters to Bring It, and he has an ally with an area-of-effect spell that knocks out even high-level targets — and he has a flying house that can be a gunnery platform. The hunters are more numerous than usual, but likely also lower level, partly because they have to compete for grinding opportunities and partly because of the short floor timers. But the factions pretty much have to send hunters, if they want a chance of winning the war. This all adds up to an opportunity for Carl to knock out, mark, and kill large numbers of hunters, and gain tremendous stat boosts.

  • He doesn't use it that often, but he does use it and get some stat boosts out of it. He's pretty careful with it, though, typically using it in scenarios where he knows he's about to one-shot someone.

Mordecai is the author of the 23rd edition of the Cookbook

There are only two authors of the Dungeon Anarchist's Cookbook whose names we don't yet know. One is the original author/creator of the book, who managed to give it to Porthus Hu, the 2nd editor and Carl's Pacifist sponsor. Porthus got a blank journal on the ninth floor of the 15th crawl, who knows how many centuries ago, but we don't know anything about the person who created the cookbook. The other unknown author is the author of the 23rd edition (Carl is 25). Right now, the good money is on Mordecai.
  • Jossing myself. Mordecai's time in the dungeon was way, way before that.

D'Nadia is a wormhead

The reason she was so upset about Manesa's death is because they were kin. And all we know about D'Nadia is that she's from a tiny kingdom but has enormous wealth and power and spends all her time touring the talk shows. Which group is she secretly a part of?

The anonymous sponsor of Hunters is Porthus Hu and the Pacifists

Cascadia announces in Gate of the Feral Gods that an anonymous sponsor has enabled a record number of Hunters to join the sixth floor. My guess is that Hu and the other crawlers are doing everything they can to get Carl and the other unprecedented crawlers to kill an unprecedented number of Hunters in exchange for unprecedented prizes.

Carl will give Dong Quixote his dad's motorcycle

The dude can't use his lance if he's not mounted. Maybe Donut will let him ride Mongo, but I doubt it.
