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Loci's motivation is more suicidal than murderous.
Loci, the titular being in Project Loci, is a sentient AI and terrarium complex that's keeping all living things on planet Cruthiar alive.

Loci has been abandoned and is slowly breaking down. He is dying and in pain, and has been for "untold ages". His choice is to die sooner with less suffering or die later with more suffering, and everyone's going to die with him anyway.

So why revenge? Does malice seem like a believable motivation? Why not just get the dying over and done with?

Maybe Loci's not getting revenge, maybe he's gathering the last of his strength to act out his method of killing himself and ending his misery. Perhaps he wants to get *everyone's* dying over-with quickly to prevent them from suffering from his breaking down, though he might be too preoccupied with his own suffering to care.

When the player learns of Loci's plan to self-destruct, they are lead to believe that Loci simply hates shee so much that he hates all their creations and wants to destroy what they have built as revenge, perhaps he even says so, but it's a post-rationalisation, a round-about way of ending his misery, perhaps he even thinks you might kill him yourself if he makes it seem tempting enough.
