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WMG / At Dead of Night

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Jimmy is possessed by the spirit of his father.
That's why his on stage person's name is Hugo Punch. Also why he clearly doesn't want to hurt anyone while "Hugo" does. It's not a split personality, it's the spirit of Hugo possessing his son.
  • Isn't it basically confirmed that his mum is possessing him?
    • If you mean his dad it's never actually fully confirmed what's going on. Whether or not it's a split personality or Hugo possessing him. Hugo is the only dead person in the hotel not seen as a ghost that can be communicated with. So it's possible.
The name "Hugo Punch" comes from Punch and Judy.
Hugo obviously comes from Jimmy's father, but the surname comes from Mister Punch in the Punch and Judy shows, which are darkly comedic puppet shows about a married couple who hit each other with bats. There are pictures of the Punch and Judy puppets in the halls of the hotel.
The game takes place in The Shining universe
Kind of exactly what it says on the tin. Maya and Jimmy both have "The Shine" which allows them to see past events and interact with ghosts of the hotel, with the scrying Mirror and spirit boxes acting as conduits that focus their powers to speak to/interact with the ghosts better. Jimmy/Hugo may have even realized they both had the same power, leading to his creepy speech claiming he and Maya were destined to be together.
